Ladies of r9k, what would compel you to lick a man's butthole?
Ladies of r9k, what would compel you to lick a man's butthole?
as an asian women only one thing would compel me to lick a man's butthole:
if he's a white dude. Lol.
>as an asian woman
It's a submission/humiliation/retribution ritual.
I've heard of Black's telling a woman that messes them around: effectively the bitch in question has to lick the man's ass hole to get another shot at "dating"
>asian women larp
>"Oh, I only date white guys."
First of all:
Secondly, let's go over the options here..
>A) bored + larping for fun. probably already left the thread.
>B) coping tranny
>C) coping fag
>of Zig Forums
You won't find any girls here who aren't manipulative and looking for an army of simps.
This is true and mostly a nigger thing, BBC posters pretend white women will do it as well.
degrading, he completely owns me, and he is chad enough to do to it without it being weird.
I didn't leave the thread.
I am an asian girl with a white bf and love to slurp him up :P not my fault asian boys are beta loser wimps.
>I didn't leave the thread.
Step one, alright.
>I am an asian girl with a white bf and love to slurp him up
>love to slurp him up
Really, fag?
>muh asian men are beta simps
Ah, I see. This is just an elaborate attempt for you to get some asian anons to seethe, isn't it?
You know the rules.
I would lick a man's butthole if
>His ass and legs were shaved
>He'd lick my butthole too
>The butthole licking would occur before i pegged him
I would not agree to lick butthole in a different scenario
Asian small dick detected.
Would high five your BF and then tag team you.
Are yo asking how to convince one? A good start would be to be very clean OP. I suspect most wouldn't want to do that though
That's nice, I think men should shave there legs more, I do and it makes you look a lot nicer and cleaner. Though licking a girls ass doesn't sound fun, I'd still do it if she would use me and shored first.
You sound too feminine and submissive to ever have a girl lick your butthole.
That is alphamale/chad territory.
ive had it done to me before and its just a bit ticklish but i stoppped her before it got too far. a friend hooked up with someone a few months back who deep tongued him and he said he saw god for a second. i suppose its the same way men like to go down on girls. the taboo, dirty aspect of it can seem really hot in the moment and knowing this person trusts you/finds you attractive enough to bare it all to you can be hot too. also feeling the girl//guy squirming and react to what youre doing is also a great part of sex
Dyel. I eat that ass like I have not had food for a month.
It's probably the drinks but i find these two posts really fucking funny. Good job user.
I said I don't want it though, I just think being hairy is a little gross.
Okay, but why do you like it?
Because if its clean it tastes way better than dirty nickels. Plus most girls dont get it too often so it drives them crazy. Next time a girl is riding you, press your finger against their butthole and move it in circles. I promise you will get a moan out of it.
I'm the girl he responded to and I'd ONLY lick the butthole of a feminine and submissive male. "Alpha Chad" buttholes sound gross. However I wouldn't be down to lick that user's butt either since he wouldn't enjoy licking a girl's ass which makes him useless
I'll probably try it at one point, but I just don't see it.
Correction, I would enjoy a girl making me do it, but the act in of itself has no meaning.
butt sniffing/licking is what dogs do.
You aren't dogs, are you?
Why in the fuck would you want your asshole to be licked OP. Do you have special needs or something? Get your head outta your ass and stop cooming to porn, it bleeds irl.
That's not what my OP says you classic faggot
I want to lick girls buttholes so bad. I'm too shy to do it to my gf in case she thinks I'm weird, I wouldn't want my own ass licked by a girl that's pretty gay.
>my own ass licked by a girl
user... you're hiding something.
>be OP
>make a redundant thread asking a retarded question
>my asshole has never been licked, why do women lick other men's assholes?
>eat pop tarts and be sad because I am a faggot
Then that begs the question, why are you posting and bumping said "redundant thread" then you ginormous autist
Because I am slightly drunk and bumping and posting in your thread provides me with entertainment
Why wouldn't they? Name 5 things that are wrong with it.
*knocks beer can out of your hand*
*turns around and shoves butt in your face*
*Checks to see what your genitals look like*
*In case of penis you die, in case of vagina you merely get smacked in the face and yelled at to procure another beer*
How fun is the butt word though, it just rolls off the tongue so nicely
I usually lick my husbands manpussy before I take him with my strapon. Sort of a ritual for me. I start by licking making sure that I treat it like a lesbians pussy. This helps him feel more feminine before I make him my wife and fuck him.