
hows it going bros? keeping it simple and cheap tonight. feeling a little melancholy tonight

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Dude are you retarded? You put way too much water in that. It's not a soup.

chow mein with teriyaki is so good

i put it up to the line. should have remembered to put less but its been ages since i had this
amen brother wish i had some meat but i want to kee it light for tonight

You put it to the line before cooking, after cooking the water is steamed off and absorbed by the noodles. To have it at the line after cooking you must have filled it even higher, or added water after cooking

im not an expert cook but i know enough to pour only to the line. it happens sometimes desu.

it even says that some water left over is desirable get off his fucking case

Yeah some like a little puddle. Not a soup, NO I won't because my mom did this shit with everything she cooked and it ruined my childhood. Spaghetti? More like tomato noodle soup!
But if you like it that way then more power to you

not him but op. i get what you meant. fwiw the noodles are sucking up the water as i eat and theres not much at all left anymore. i was supposed to let it sit in the microwave another min after the 5min cook but i never follow that shit maybe thats why it looked so awful

I somewhat agree, it's better to strain teh water out then add the flavoring but that's something you learn with experience if you follow the directions this result is common, it's not spaghetti and is still scrummy.

yeah you have to let it sit for a min, too much water will dilute the teriyaki I find

This morning I had a bottle of rose wine, ate some macadamia nuts. In the afternoon I drunk some beers and took a nap. In the evening I graduated to vodka tonics and a nice lamb stew. Life could be worse.

i see. should always follow the insturctions i always thought the extra minute was to cool the bowl down thanks bro!
cheers man sounds like youre having a good or rough day. which one is it bro?

Today has been pretty good as far as days go. A fren came over to eat the lamb stew, and he's one of the few people on this planet which I can call an actual fren. We chatted and shared and discussed. Too bad he's going to Portugal to remote work, while I'll be stuck here still remote working but unable to go in another country because my employers are fucking retarded.

It's been a decent day as far as days go, rough days are something else, I wouldn't even post here if that were to be the case. Hope you had a nice day too.

im glad to hear that. how long is your friend going to be in portugal and how far is that from you? best of luck to you during these fucked up times bro

god that shit is disgusting, tastes worse than top ramen

its not great but it has that comforting cheap taste im craving tonight. what instand noodles do you like bro? my fav is kko kko myun and jjappaghetti

Nissin Chow me in is good. Eating red baron 4 cheese pizza drinking bolthouse farm green goodness. I have no beer :/ enjoy your meal (OP)

i love red baron. the pepperoni singles are my shit but alas i dont have an oven anymore so i dont buy frozen foods. been considering a toaster oven to at least bake chicken thighs though for more protein

He's lucky. My fren has been floating around since the lockdowns started here. Probably going to stay in Portugal until 2021, and it's pretty far far from where I'm at right now, although still in the same timezone and continent. I wish I could do the same as he did, although I would not go to a random country to chill and work but merely go back to my home country to be with my ageing parents. Eh, it's aight, best of luck to you as well.

take care eurobro. hope you and your loved ones are all healthy and happy

>Resident poorfag noodle connoisseur

i have a little bit of rum and a can of sweetwater going to have some zaxbys in a minute
Im playing runescape and will watch a movie or two

cheers bro! always heard good shit abot zaxbys but never had it. what movies you got on mind bro?

It's not even been that long but I've already nearly finished my bottle of vodka. I am invisible everywhere. I don't expect a reply, I don't normally get any.

unless i pass out ill always reply to you bro. drink some water too bro. youre going to need it and thank yourself tmrw. why the heaving drinking tonight?

Its a stream with some bros from my wow guild. I dont really know what they are going to pick its either going to be something hipsterish or a scary movie.

why? how can you not exist in this world and not want to drink, lol

in before youve already passed out miraculously.

sounds fun bro! never got into a game enough to be part of a gguild but always heard its some real bro shit. whatre some of your fav movies bro? for me its
>new world
>the thing
>shawshank redemption
>spring summer fall winter..and spring again
youre right its much easier being drunk or drugged out but i know its not healthy is all. still i do it

any drunk idiots over 25? i want to interact with a human for once

im over 25. wish i could go back christ im old

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tell me more anonymous.about you. more, tell me.