Who else here easily sees through normalfags' bullshit?

Who else here easily sees through normalfags' bullshit?
>bump into a normalfag I knew from high school
>we talk
>he brags to me about his recent success on some dating app
>he brags to me about how he works out and likes keeping himself in shape
>I see right through him
>he is insecure and hollow inside, yet proud of himself
>shrug him off and don't give him the satisfaction of being praised by a fellow man for his prowess
>he instantly shuts up
Why do normalfags always try to make themselves appear popular and desired?

Attached: pancakes house gaear.gif (500x281, 1.2M)

Go to the gym and see if you'll last a week based on 'wanting to be liked and praised'.

You won't last three workouts dude.

It's more of a 'brushing your teeth' and 'taking a shower' type of thing for some people.

You don't go to the gym because you don't understand the reasons you should

lift all you want my dick is still bigger

You sound like a bitter faggot, no wonder you have no friends and nothing to show for.

>Why do normalfags always try to make themselves appear popular and desired?
Because they're hollow and insecure, like you said, and crave personal connections to save them from it. "Society" has taught most of us that you have to have a certain level of "fitness" to be worthy of even being associated with. You need to have "hobbies", you need to work out, you need to be "mentally stable" (protip: no one is), you need to make money. In reality none of this is as important as it's made out to be, attraction, whether sexual or platonic, is a much more organic process than that. So they keep up with the bullshit in a desperate bid for affection until the mask they wear becomes them and they become the next wave of old folks to abuse future generations into repeating the pattern.

It's actually really fucking sad.

>Go to the gym and see if you'll last a week based on 'wanting to be liked and praised'.
>You won't last three workouts dude.
>You don't go to the gym because you don't understand the reasons you should
Wrong. I used to work out before the wu flu, but stopped shortly before the lockdowns for personal reasons, like focusing on college.
I used to work out frequently. 3 times a week. Worked out mainly to keep my back from developing problems, but also to be physically strong enough for daily activities. I started focusing more on cardio to lose weight, but stopped shortly after because of college and the wu flu.
Still didn't really care about being praised or liked. I don't give a damn what normalfags think about me, praising or not.
>It's more of a 'brushing your teeth' and 'taking a shower' type of thing for some people.
Working out doesn't excuse brushing teeth or showering. Hygiene and physical fitness is a health thing, not an attractiveness thing.
Normalfags who work out for people/girls to notice them don't have anything else to offer to people that would spark interests and attraction.

Attached: fargo-gaear-stormare.jpg (1600x887, 106.87K)

>college kid

>ou sound like a bitter faggot
Nah I just don't like to tolerate normalfags and their shit.
>no wonder you have no friends and nothing to show for.
People only keep people around to use, like tools.

You got something against people trying to bump themselves up in this shithole world by going to college?
The normalfag I bumped into was in college too.

>Why do normalfags always try to make themselves appear popular and desired?

because its a benefitial look, if you can successfully convince someone that your succesful and attractive, that can benifit them.

>3 times a week


>i'm such a special student bro trust me, nothing normal about me!

>i'm such a special student bro trust me, nothing normal about me!
You think I fucking like college?
You think I just skip around with people and do normalfag things all day instead of slaving over assignments and paying to do them.
Being a grade slave is worse than a wagies, at least wagies get paid for their work.
I'm doing this shit to get a better job so I don't have to work for peanuts or break my back doing construction or some shit for the rest of my life.
Some don't have the luxury of being neet, you know.
>3 times a week isn't frequent enough to stay in shape and not be a fat fuck
Yeah muscles don't need to rest and rebuild anyway, right?
Besides, it's not like I have other shit to do.

Imagine being so envious that you had to start a cope thread on Zig Forums. You would have been better off telling the big mean happy guy that he hurt your little feelings.

>Imagine being so envious that you had to start a cope thread on Zig Forums.
Why would I be envious of someone who is clearly insecure and so unhappy that he tells me how popular and good-looking and successful he is?
I'm not happy myself, but I don't go compensating for it and showing off.
>You would have been better off telling the big mean happy guy that he hurt your little feelings.
Hurt my feelings by flashing his insecurities at me, thinking I would praise him instead of understanding the guy is insecure and bragging to get his ego up?
I asked him how things were going for him, and he proceeds to tell me all about his tinder dates, his exercise schedule, etc... and nothing else. Not his grades, not his family, not any hobbies he tried out, where he has traveled to, none of that.
I mean, cmon, if that doesn't make it apparent that he has nothing else to show, or care about, then that's sad.

>used to go to college with a guy who bragged about making fuck all at mcdonalds
>don't think much of it because it was his first job he was probably just proud to be making money
>bumped into jim on the streets 3 years later a couple months ago
>he IMMEDIATELY starts bragging about how much he makes
With some people it's like clockwork

Poor guy probably doesn't have anything else he thinks that's meaningful enough to share.
No one should focus exclusively on making money.
Did he get a new job after the mcdonalds one?

Okay this is completely unrelated but your movie taste is kino user

why are all of the cohen brothers movies so lifeless and unfun, i get that they are slice of life movies and they are supposed to seem realistic but its to a point where they just come of as having no style or substance. the only fun thing about fargo is steve b but hes great in everything the rest is just kind of dull

>but its to a point where they just come of as having no style or substance.
Kinda like real life tbqh.
I get what you're saying but I guess that's kind of the aesthetic they went for anyway.

I can appreciate that that's the style they chose, but then you look at something like the biker guy in raising arizona which is very exaggerated and is supposed to be absurd but the rest of the movie is so softspoken and realistic that it dilutes it. it's the tim burton problem the style gets in the way of the story.

>follow up on old best friend I fell out with like 15 years ago
>part of the reason I cut him loose was he was a massive bragger bragging about the most inane shit like his pants when I give zero fucks about fashion
>see all these posts about how has a fiance
>dude acts like he won the lottery and got some super model
>constant bragging still he apparently learned nothing
>finally see a picture of his wife to be
>most acne scarred goblin latina I have ever seen
>face has more craters than the moon and the bitch clearly never bothered with a chemical peel
>literally burst out laughing at the whole thing
>briefly imagine if we were still "friends" and having to listen to him brag about this bitch

phew lads. but seriously I hate braggers I am not going to give you validation for being a fuck boy prick. I especially wont give you validation for purchasing a product. at least getting a fiance even an ugly one is a challenge showing up to best buy and buying product is not.

fags wanting praise for going to the gym while talking to random aquaintances are pathetic beyond belief. people do this to flex and pretend they are responsible and doing well in life. half of them are probably lying about even going to the gym anyway.

BASED. this is what you call doing something for the right reasons. For your own satisfaction. The moment it becomes about fitting in or impressing others I see the person as a poseur and a literal child.

>user is an asshole and acts cold to his friend
>his friend recoils a little and stops talking to him
>dude, normies are so hollow and stupid
this is why u r alone :3

One reply in and you're literally dick-waving. Way to be above it all you dumb cunt

>this is why u r alone :3
>implying I wouldn't prefer to be alone rather than in the company of people I don't like, i.e normalfags.

The point of having targeted workout days is so you can workout every day. You let the targeted muscle group heal while you work out another group. Then by the time you rotate back, the original group is healed again.

>You let the targeted muscle group heal while you work out another group. Then by the time you rotate back, the original group is healed again.
I've tried that out, but it doesn't fit in my schedule.
Besides, I'm planning to work more on cardio once the wu flu will be over. Hopefully if it will be over.
Plus there are some days where you just want to relax, you know?

I understand. I find you can do cardio every day though. Except maybe the day after leg day, it's not much fun,

>I find you can do cardio every day though.
You can, but I don't want to run or jog often because it puts stress on the knee joints.
I'll need my knees in my middle age, and especially in my old age, so I want to preserve them from the impact of things like running as much as possible.