Nympho Roommate

Hello, good men of Zig Forums. I have posted about my roommate on here before.

Background TL;DR due to CV19 she has been unable to go out clubbing/being a slut and in her thirst has been attempting to seduce me, over and over again, despite knowing I am celibate and saving myself for marriage. She has even attempted to force herself on me a few times, in fact.

Anyways, despite Christmas festivities / family reunion being cancelled my family has decided to pay for my return to my hometown. Meaning I will be leaving this apartment, this whorish roommate and my virginity will be safe from her relentless hounding for a good month or maybe more until I return. God willing, a cure for this disease will be discovered soon and I will not have to put up with this for very much longer after the clubs and party scene opens back up.

I just need to hold out until my flight back to my hometown, and all will be well. Good god-fearing men of this board, please pray for my safety.

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How did you end up with a female roommate?

I have prayed for you user. If she is attractive you are stronger than most here.

resist the hoes user, don't listen to any of the fags on this board who will tell you what you're doing is wrong, you have more self respect than any of them, keep it up user

Hang in there bro. No matter what society tells you, your virginity is valuable and any decent wife will thank you for waiting.

Saint Hilarion, pray for us!
Taxiarch Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!

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not OP but are you the guy who posts pics of crying lucifer? you are a pretty cool guy even if you're a schizo

>your virginity is valuable

yes it is retard retard, it is valuable not him btw

>I am celibate and saving myself for marriage.
it would be so hot if you compromised and let her peg your bussy to remain chaste

You make friends with them and you don't have any money.


Ayy lmao

Dude just unzip your dick and let her suck it who the fuck cares. ahhh the shit I read in this place.

by larping that's how

Have fun waiting until marriage and then realizing what an autistic arbitrary decision it was. You follow retarded self-imposed rules because you feel like it gives your life meaning. Just fuck the chick and do what makes you happy, don't live life on hard mode for no reason

>You follow retarded self-imposed rules because you feel like it gives your life meaning
Rather, I feel my life has meaning and so I follow rules and standards. You label these as purely self-imposed and retarded, but they are not. I hope that you feel your life has meaning, Anonymous. It is better to live life as a man than as a pig, you will find. You do have a soul, and the way you speak makes it seem like it is in pain. Consider re-evaluating the way you choose to see yourself and live your life.

Not sure why you both are astounded at the fact my roommate is a woman. This isn't college. A lot of people have roommates of the opposite sex.

No, I would rather not.

based if true
I lost my virginity at 17 and regret it. Wasted my first time with someone I ended up never seeing again.
Take my advice, anons, save your first time for someone who you trust and want a future with.

I'm sorry to hear that user, but indeed it is easy to be led astray today. You recognize your mistake, and are encouraging others not to stray from the path like you did. You know what it is to be moral, and you recognize the value your life has. God bless you Anonymous.

you should start being a bit of a tease around the house, user. get her really horny and frustrated, and see whether she starts to implode on herself.
shower with the door slightly open, wear pajama pants without any underwear so the outline of your cock is visible, etc.
do this for a week or so and post results.

I am not going to inspire lust in her, she is already too lustful.

God's speed, user. I hope you find a nice wholesome girl some how on your vacation home.

>I hope you find a nice wholesome girl
I don't think that's what OP is looking for, haha.

Have I been bamboozled by another fagarino? God damn it.

OP is not a fag though, OP is based right?

Are you white? Godspeed. Not white and in a white country? I hope you never have sex.

It is rare to see wise souls like you, especially on cesspools like here, who understand the value of negating our will to pleasure. I know a few family members who seeked to satiate their hunger for pleasure, through alcohol, heroin, sex (including many extramarital affairs) and I see that they never managed to succesfully reach a state of satiation. If I want to be freed from the irrational will and the sorrow it brings when it fails to be succesfully satiated, I must adopt ascetic practices, which is the only means for me to live a life of comfort and of mastery of my own conscience.

You can have casual sex and still have values you must be really young

You know your not guaranteed a boyfriend free girl because your being a stuck up prude right?

Also you can just be friends with your roomate and see if you actually like her if you do than try it who cares

Life is a journey trust that you will have plenty of time to be disappointed

I'm afraid your condescension will not work on me. Perhaps you expected me to be young and naive, and thought you could exploit the insecurities that come with being those things to make me doubt my sense of decency. That is a very devilish thing to do, and you should feel bad for that.

Casual sex is not moral, not only in the action itself but in the way it warps your view on what sex and romance and companionship is. Similar to how a drug addict will have a distorted view of what is good and bad.

I do not expect you to hear reason. For it is very clear from the tone of your post, to anyone who is not naive enough to take it in good faith, that you are but a harlot in denial trying to justify your bad habits. Or are you a tramp? It doesn't matter. The snide remarks comparing me to an internet-infamous autistic man and accusing me of being a "stuck-up prude" help to reveal the seething hatred bubbling up from underneath. You can barely contain yourself, can you? Try harder next time, if you want to be more convincing.

This post is not for you though, but for any naive persons who may stumble upon your post. I do not want them to be swayed by it into making sinful choices in their own lives, like you undoubtedly have in yours.

Fear not, however. If at one day you come to terms with how wrong you are, it is not too late to repent. God's love is infinite. Indeed, he will even forgive your Reddit spacing.

You know even autistic people have sex eventually best of luck to you

You sound like a blast to hangout with

Why dont you just become a pastor than? If you want to preach on your pedestal




I myself am not an ascetic, although I respect those practices. The way I look at it, hedonism is to a faithful life as the hammer is to the sword. Both involve pleasure, both involve happiness. The pleasure one experiences as a hedonist is very blunt, this blunt pleasure leads one to always want more. To increase the extremity of it, forever and ever. But you cannot do that without getting bored, or eventually doing something so absurdly extreme that it results in your death or some form of terrible corruption. Look at Hugh Hefner, he was a straight man but in his latter life had to have his bunnies jerk him off to gay porn just to get off. Normal sex had become too boring for him. Sword fighting on the other hand, is like the faithful life. It is still a kind of fighting, as the faithful life is still full of happiness and pleasure, but it is fighting done in an elegant way, as the faithful life is happiness and pleasure experienced in a more elegant way. You can find enjoyment in it time and time again without increasing it's extremity, and in fact you can scale it's elegance instead if you want to change it, bringing you even closer to God. I am not sure how well this analogy will serve my point, but I hope it gives you an idea of the kind of life I hope to live and the kind of life I am advocating.

Also as an aside, I think that Hefner is a good example of how God punishes sinners in a humorous, witty way. The Devil is the false king of this Earth, and he gave Hefner plenty of fame, fortune, sex and power. He could go "LOOK AT ME! LOOK HOW PROFITABLE IT IS TO BE A SHAMELESS SINNER!" yet that pleasure dried up, so atop his throne of fame and money he sat, a sad clown king who was unable to ejaculate without watching gay porn. Extremity without elegance, I am tired and I am not sure if I have been able to explain just how humorous this is.

Anyways, best of luck to you and may God bless you in all your good endeavors.

And, I wonder, did Hugh Hefner experience a moment of true romance in his life or did he only experience sex? I don't know, he may have, but that's something I forgot to include in this post.

Havent I seen this pasta somewhere before? With that exact image mind you? Hmmmm

Are you a narcissist?
I doubt youll ever even have sex faggot

>why dont you just become a pastor than? If you want to preach on your pedestal
Why don't you just become a prostitute then, if you want to lead the innocent astray into lives of sin?

I mean ill have sex with your slut roomate on your bed

Not sleeping with sluts is a stupid fallacy all incels have created, if your gonna have sex and not a relationship a slut is the way to go. STDs are a boogeymen so dont try that stupid argument either

My only rule is I dont wanna be with coalburners

Yes I want a family and kids but most women are not wife material faggot

Im not religious but a good person would respect your wishes and principles, best of luck to your endeavors friend

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