/skelly/ - Skelly General

Lmao bro what kinda pose is that I'm getting such girly vibes from that stance

I haven't weighed myself in ages but everyone says I'm too skinny. The other day I saw a teacher from elementary and the first thing he said was that I'm skinny

How to fix your weight problem:
From now on you only eat 4 tubes a day. The plate goes down and you get 30 minutes to eat then the plate goes away and you wait until it's time for your next meal before eating again
You get breakfast lunch dinner and you're allowed to eat before bed
If you drink caffeine then learn to never drink the caffeine before eating, always after. Caffeine suppresses appetite
Try to eat balanced meals and look good y foods with high calorie density. Small food with lots of calories instead of big foods with few calories. Nuts are good good for this
Drink milk (if you're lactose intolerant you can try onions)

Exercise in any way at least 30 min per day. You need to to gain appetite