I just spent an hour and a half on Zig Forums arguing with people. Never visiting that place again. What an absolutely awful board.
I just spent an hour and a half on Zig Forums arguing with people. Never visiting that place again...
Zig Forums is full of delusional autists, and schizos. The worst part is they constantly lurk on other boards, and post about nothing but how they are tired of the trannies despite their repetitive ass posts clogging up other boards, and them being more annoying than trannies.
which group did you argue with?
I argued with them about trans people, actually, saying that mentioning them 25,000 times a day, every single day, is obnoxious. This made me a soiboy far left tranny.
Yeah well Jesus is coming back with an ar-15 to drain the swamp of trannies. Better get used to being wrong kiddo.
>or a jew shill
the other funny thing is how they also seem to appreciate certain femboys but idk, that place is weird.
I go over there whenever I feel like trolling people and deliberately find the schizos and try to rile them up. It's kind of fun when I'm bored.
the people there are insane, I am thankful that they mostly keep to themselves. Annoying, terrible...were you there on election night? all of those "give x power!" threads where they replied with "AAAAAAAAAAAAA" was peak cringe. i felt like kms
>i just went to place where people take pride in disagreeing and being combative
>i had a horrible time, no one agreed with me and they were combative!
Your pills. You need them. TAKE YOUR FUCKING PILLS AND GO BACK TO Zig Forums.
The reason this is out of hand is actual trannies tried to raid the board so the whole place has been stirred up like a nest of hornets someone kicked. They have never been fond of trannies and finding at least one hate thread on the first page was the norm. Now its completely out of control.
>more like Jewsus
>tranny kike
Uhh cringe, trannies are stage 4 cancer. Super curious about that picture though, are there alligators in europe?
There's no reason to hate trans people as much as they do in the first place, so they just come across as a bunch of braindead, hyper-reactionary retards.
There's nothing likeable about trans people, they are fetishists who can't shut up about their fetish and even if you are a progressive you should reprimand trannies for enforcing gender norms.
You're gonna earn that (You). user.
I think half of them truly do not even care. Its just an axe to grind of sorts. anyway dont invade places you dont have the mental fortitude to handle. its like a pack of starving wolves they can smell any weakness.
I mostly agree with Zig Forums but lots of normies post there so it's not really my type of place. But it's a hell of a lot better than Zig Forums. Cool guys there but just way too much porn, always has been. especially late at night be careful.
Don't say you think if you don't think pal. Now can I please get the backstory on the OP image?
I don't think trans people are nearly as incapable of shutting up as 4channers that hate trans people. Most trans people I know keep it on the down low to a large extent, naturally enough since mentioning their trans status frequently would make them feel less like their desired gender. Zig Forums-tards are much more guilty of being unable to shut the fuck up.
Zig Forums poster detected. what evidence is there of a "tranny invasion"? Where did these supposed trannies even come from? plebbit?
Some place called "bunkerchan" invaded. In /poll/s counter raid efforts they found many were trannies. to combat them they decided to go balls deep on anti tranny posting to scare them away. Posts on bunker chan confirmed they were trying to raid and it was working. Mind you some of those posts were probably pol fucking with them. A war was started by politically correct hug box people against the wrong people.
Now that raid has been over for awhile pretty sure those guys more or less gave up but Zig Forums doesnt know when to quite. See all the simping for Trump over turning the election and shit
K cool story retard. You will never be a woman you fucking tranny.
Because tranny haters spam threads? Fuck off tranny nigger.
Cool post, and I'm not trans
those people don't exist on the internet user.
i spent 10 hours straight yesterday on Zig Forums arguing
lmao what a faggot
i bet you needed to take a break to go cry after you were done arguing
You've chosen your lot
I love Zig Forums AND Zig Forums, my two favorite boards. Although I will agree Zig Forums can be a very toxic place, it is the crucible from which the best memes are formed.
that is why I go. Just to watch the hate spread like a wild fire its a beautiful thing. Mind you I am technically a democrat even if I dont believe in the party anymore. Both side are only interested in protecting the oligarchy. The reds throw a bone to hicks in small towns and the blues throw some gibs out every once in awhile. To think people actually think changing from team red to team blue or the opposite will save this dying empire is laughable.
fair enough. these boards are pretty distinct though. Like here you rightly get put down for being a self improoooover but there if you do it with a png of hitler then it's cool I guess and
>just lift bro
>have white babies
>learn MMA n shit
rope and cope trannoid
Zig Forums ruined this board, they ruined this site and they probably ruined the world, at least trannies are here to piss them off.