The great replacement

So the other day i stumbled upon a thread from r9k (this was on the archives but a relatively recent thread) which was claiming that r9k (and Zig Forums as a whole) went to shit because of a shift in demographics from predominantly white to non-white. Not a racist here and don't want to encourage it but I'm genuinely curious because I do remember feeling back in 2008-2014 or so that most of my fellow posters were white (even if we had black bot threads occasionally etc), but was I just wrongly assuming what race most posters are, or was there a shift, and did that shift change or ruin the culture?

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the zoomers are mostly of mixed race, white people are on the way out

Zig Forums is unironically like 40% Hispanic.

it's what i call the lost decade, but now trump is defeated and those arrogant millennials are getting old and we live in corona world now

>the zoomers are mostly of mixed race, white people are on the way out
I'm not racist, but this is kind of sad. Traits like brown/red/blonde hair, blue/green eyes, freckles, light skin, etc are all going to die out. That's just a bit sad to me.

Most Hispanics are white, though.

>Zig Forums is unironically like 40% Hispanic.
This is so true lmao, and I say this as a spic.

Make a post on Zig Forums talking about how much you hate black people and you'll get 300 replies cheering you on and hating on blacks.

Make a post talking about the problem with hispanic people, you'll get 10 billion angry responses from mexicans and latinos, most from US flags, lmao.

My personal theory is that we see ourselves growing up - the smarter ones of us, anyway - and we compare ourselves to white people, and see our OBVIOUS inferiority. It spirals out of control and then we all end up in Zig Forums.

But yeah, when I realized Zig Forums was half latino, I stopped posting there. Didn't wanna end up like the rest

No they are not, Pedro

old internet including Zig Forums was mostly just white males. Social networks were for losers so women avoided for the most part. as it became more inclusive due to smart phones and cultural change it became the politically correct nanny state corporate toilet it currently is.

Facebook was a huge deal too, more important than smart phones. Everyone was getting on facebook, everyone was talking about how the internet was something worth caring about now lmao.

No, what actually happened is this place was brigaded by normies and faggots, what used to be a based place full of blackpilled incels, is now full of faggots, trannies, gays larping as women, and sex havers. fuck this place

>waaaaah us colonizers got colonized
Eat shit incel. R9k hasn't been good since you eradicated it's original content generating inhabitants back in 2009. Nobody cares about your tfwnogf thread #62885673

Non-Whites are a plague. They ought to have been exterminated rather than helped or uplifted. The more of them there are, the worse things become. They are the death of all good things.

Just send sequester them away from us until we get space travel down, they can come fuck up everything by complaining once we aren't doomed as a species

Its white peoples own fault, their men cant stop fucking Asians and their women cant stop fucking niggers lmao

Whites are the most masochistic suicidal race on the planet

Pol is unironically full of jews

Myself included. I remember someone once posted there 23 and me and the whole thread was all jews this was around 2016~

This is true. Whites are losing their women to blacks/ latinos so they're settling for desperate Asians who will marry anything white

Zig Forums originally got deleted because it was full of incels, and then after it got brought back for us it generated pepe and wojak. Quit lying to yourself worthless fag, you are trash.

brown hands most certainly typed these posts.

white women marry out the LEAST out of any ethnic group. i'm not white, for the record.

the kikes will never succeed.

>Pol is unironically full of jews
That became painfully obvious during the trump election..


>generated wojak and pepe
>two of the shittiest memes to get shitted out of Zig Forums
case in point, tfw no gf killed Zig Forums

yeah, it's true. white is right

>tfw no gf killed Zig Forums
no, tfw no gf spawned more school/incel shooters.
These shooters memed inceldom IRL through their shooting sprees, which got blasted all over the mainstream news.
Then SJW redditcucks and bluehairs and trannies decided to brigade Zig Forums to render it irrelevant beacuse muh incels hate women and degeneracy. Even as late as 2016 I have not seen as many tranny/trap threads and porn spammed here. This is done in order to drown out the tfwnogf signal with tranny noise, to fuck the incels over so they don't get a clear message as much, it's like spamming goatse or meatspin back in the day to ruin boards.
This is what killed Zig Forums.

Zig Forums didn't generate Pepe and Wojak. They were adopted.

Yeah everything went to shit around 2017, its like the summer fags decided to stay for ever

same old story, someone please post the "degradation of a hobby" infograph, mandatory reading for everyone. you cannot overstate the importance of gatekeeping, walls and borders.
a few nerds make something cool, then less nerdy but also less committed people join, at some point the normalfags come and with them the women. if you haven't seen it, there are people out there unironically writing """articles""" about how warhammer 40k is too fascist and xenophobic, for example. if you allow these people in they will rot the hobby/fanbase/universe from the inside.

that's why you see oldfags getting so angry and sperging out all the time, because just like in 40k, they know that even a little bit of chaos here and there can end with you having to blow up the whole planet.
broaden the demographic at your own peril.

>The great replacement
It's not a conspiracy, it's just the natural result of the eternal growth meme and a lazy economy
>western population stagnating
>economy can't rely on evergrowing consumer base for cheap profit
>billions of poor Africans around the corner that can't buy your shit
>African on gibs in the west suddenly can buy your shit
>cue to lobbying for mass imigration and lack of workers meme
3rd world mass immigration to the west is the cheapeast way for the economy to maintain profits and avoid actual work like having to innovate and compete for consumers in a limited consumer base

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very good post user
the blob-like abomination of more and more companies wanting to sell more and more bullshit to 350 million north americans, 700 million eu people and some 25 million aussies need to "tap" into "new markets" to feed themselves.

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what have you done today to affirm to yourself you are better than white people user

does it make your skin crawl how non whites see wojak as something they want to implicitly represent them? Try to understand, plausible deniability of being white is VERY important to brown people online, its very creepy to comprehend

Why do Americans act like they're the only White nation? (P.S. Americans aren't white anyway)

It's true though.

>white women are now more traditionally masculine due to the sexual revolution
>white men are now less masculine, can put the blame on capitalistic habits like focusing more on working, studying, or shit like video games or bad father figures

So this situation leads to Asian women, who place femininity as an importance of their culture dating white men. And Hispanic men, who place masculinity as an importance in their culture dating white women. (This doesn't apply to the self hating chicanos reading this btw)