>How does it work? People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want. ----------------------------- FAQ: >Does my address get shown? Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want. >How will I know if something has been bought for me? Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased. >Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient? No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info. >How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter? Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link. >Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return! This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others. >Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us! And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all. >How often should I post my list? Once a day or thread depending on the speed of the general >Can I post multiple lists? No. Only 1. >What if someone asks people to post their lists? Your list is like your asshole: only show it once and after that only when asked. >What if I have a pair of labia? Go mooch off discord and reddit. Women are banned. >But I want guys to buy me stuffs! And we want you to fuck off >I don't like something in someone's list We don't care, MYOB.
>Complete guide to wishlistsHow do I stay anonymous? Open your list, click on "Manage list". First of all make sure the field in "Recipient" isnt your real or full name. Now scroll down to "Shipping Address" and click it. Click on "create new" and simply fill out your information again, except change your name of course. Choose a fake name or nickname if you want. I much prefer you simply leave out your last name but leave your first. If you live in a building where all mail goes through a clerk you should warn them of your alias. Same applies to your family if any. If the mailman knocks on the door and says they have a package for PEPE McNEET and your mother rejects it, then you will never get it from the post office because your ID doesnt say PEPE McNEET. Also, you can not hide which town or state you are in. Only your address is hidden. >What is Grinching? Lists that have not been proofed have an option in them : "Buying this elsewhere?". When clicked the items on your list can either disappear or be branded as bought. This feature was intended for friends and family to notify you that a gift from your wishlist has been bought, specifically bought outside of Amazon. Since any stranger in public view can click the option then it gets abused on Zig Forums. Which leads to....
Noah Cooper
>How do you disable the "Buying this elsewhere?" option? Open a chat for Amazon Custumer Support. Insist on speaking to the REGISTRIES DEPARTMENT. Insist. The default Indians can not disable the option. Tell the registries person you have a wishlist and would like the "Buying this elsewhere?" option disabled. If you still roll another indian in the registries department simply ask to speak to another agent and repeat. This could take a while. >NEVER post another user's name Context doesnt matter. It counts as doxxing and the jans will issue a week long ban for namedropping someone. If someone posts your name, report. If someone asks for the name of a certain user, do not post. Report. >How do you buy for an user in a different country? Make an account in the other country's version of Amazon (amazon.co.uk, amazon.ca, amazon.de, etc etc). Buy from that account. Notify your bank or they might freeze your account. >Do not ask every day if your gift has arrived yet Post offices are very busy this season. It will take longer than usual for it to arrive. >I think the buyer cancelled my gift! When a gift is bought for you the list will say you have 1 in quantity. Or the item will disappear from your list. If the gift got cancelled the quantity will revert to n/a, or the item will respawn on your list. >No one bought me anything Keep posting your list in every thread. We have a month left to go. You'll get picked eventually. Just wait. >What should I buy for someone? It's your money. Most anons have books, manga, electronics and music in their lists. Pick what you feel is right or can relate to. If you dont like anime merchandise then dont buy anime merch. If you feel only clothing is appropriate then just pick the list with shirts. Dropping a redeemable code for Steam, Sony, Xbox , Amazon or Nintendo is always a hot option. >Trade at your own risk Some anons say they will buy from your list if you buy from theirs. From my years of lurking this has lead to mixed results.
Jeremiah Johnson
New OP a shit. I miss the skelly theme from based Sandler and Femto.
Adrian Myers
www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3TI2PW7EX9WZ?ref_=wl_share im adorable.
I wonder if there's grinches who are just amazon wagies pissed off at all the people contacting them about wishlists imagine poor rajesh lurking here during his break
if they didnt post a screenshot in thread, probably not, and even then be skeptical desu
I don't want to deal with amazon support any more then I have to. If it turns up then it does, if it doesn't then it doesn't. I enjoy secret Santas and don't want to start getting that knit picky. Better to be comfy and paint models instead of getting myself all worked up and stressed out over ten bucks. I will post what I receive and what I don't I never had to lose to begin with.
Christian Roberts
>Implying pajeets at amazon get breaks They employ pajeets for their ability to shit any where and live among the stench. Any other group would demand bathroom breaks but pajeets use the floor and keep working.
Isaiah James
I am still on the hunt for cute clothes and hair for my elf, please assist me.
I really really like to cook. I've been told by 3 chefs I should have started my own resturant but I'm too ADHD to cook all night. Feelsbadman. amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/9FWYKSM2O8N5/
Logan Reyes
Based as fuck coomer. That wish list made me kek irl.
Hunter Perez
I wish I could understand baking pastries. At most I can whip up a stereotypical stew, a generic taco casserole or honey sriracha chicken. What dishes do you get complimented for?
Asher Reyes
I posted my wishlist like 10 different times, no one ever bought me anything for even a dollar, and when someone finally did buy something they cancelled it on purpose just to make me sad. These threads are a scam.
I don't know why you look forward to it. Obviously its rare to get anything from here. just post your list and forget about it. if someone is kind enough buy then great. make sure to say thank you if they do.
Hey man, all you can do if you don't get stuff is post the list again. These threads just started and Christmas is a month's time away. Though if you're a roastie, I kindly suggest fucking off and finding somewhere else to get simps.
Charles Bailey
Well, my strategy has been to pick 1 dish/dish category, autism over it, and then move onto another dish. I have many dishes where I've created my own secrets. The ones that everyone's jaw drops over are the ones I've been perfecting the longest (Steak (10 years) and Pittsburgher sandwhiches (8 years). Especially the pittsburgher sandwhich; I've recreated manchini bread (the secret is lard), perfected fries (salt and vinegar in the water), perfected 2 different types of cole slaw (sugar+vinegar pickles the coleslaw), and make my own pastrami (this one's a secret, sorry!).
Just experiment, user, and you'll be surprised where you go!
Nathan Smith
>He posted my name and city Oh noes whatever will I do!?!