>not a virgin(Unless she is a widow)
>takes birth control(No, cramps or acne or something or not an excuse)
>older than 25
>wears makeup
>paints her nails
>has tattoos

Attached: literally me.jpg (1584x1652, 636.2K)

Faggy bait thread aside, the source is JK no Hotaru-chan to Kekkon suru Houhou if anyone needs it.

I still don't get the trad shit, most people here aren't devoted to religion they're just resentful incels. Why porn addicted coomers like to pretend they're holier than though is beyond me. I'm 90% sure it's just people trying to construct a world view where there miserable existence is somehow worth more than it is.

Attached: I'mwithher.jpg (813x1200, 149.5K)

Schizophrenic post.

whats the bait seems like a reasonable list

Because getting your pussy fucked all the time makes it looser. I don't care what any feminist says about it going back to normal size. It doesn't that is a cope.

Her pair bonding mechanism being damaged is a more realistic and demonstrable concern. Even before that, it's a matter of her having so little self respect that she engages in such an intimate act with strangers.

> casts her ballot tory

I agree with everything you said. HOWEVER there's a reason porn stars get their labias reduced in size. It's because it gets huge and stretched out and it looks fucking sick.

I'm not discounting the roastie thing, I'd just open with other things when pressed on my stance on virginity irl.

If you had to fuck a used sex doll or a brand new sex doll which would you pick

You can have a bowl of cheerios, or you can have a bowl of cheerios that has had four penises in it. Which will you eat?

I don't like sex dolls, but you all assumed I was obsessed wit the virgin part. I mean why do you go one about having a family and shit?

underrated post. never trust trad girls

What does it mean if a femanon is born with a roastie?

Obviously you were born a whore, don't argue with incel facts. It is known woman stretch from sex with lots of men.

Attached: ratpp.jpg (960x720, 61.47K)

Idk, just unlucky to be born with something that is aesthetically displeasing to some men I guess. On the bright side, the only man that should see it should be her husband who loves her for her personality and not her vagina flaps.

Would that hypothetical femanon have to be concerned? Did I have a lot of sex as an infant and forget about it?
uwu ya

Yeah you should be concerned, a significant portion of woman seem to have roasties even before having sex as an adult. Most likely a result of having sex inside the womb or having sex just after being born, at that age the lack self control so there pretty much all whores. That woman will never be good enough for a man so she might as well just stay a whore or kill herself.

Attached: Ugly.jpg (560x315, 54.68K)

I guess I had a bunch of sex as a toddler and forgot about it. I know that I can live a happy life though because of cute rat.
You can't really say, "Hey I have ugly vagina please don't waste your time" on a first date. By the time they see it, you've probably known each other for a while and will have wasted a lot of him time. There's always snip snip.

>holier than though

hello and goodbye faggot phoneposter

Sex inside the womb? Like literal double penetration? lawl
Post more rats :(

Yeah but I don't thin you can ever be loyal again, very unfortunate. Your just a life long whore.

Not phone posting, just clicked the squiggly line while not focusing. You should know that I couldn't post that on the phone.

I am out of rats, but yeah it can happen. That's why woman only fuck there beta husband rather than chad when pregnant.

Attached: mouse.jpg (557x671, 57.77K)

original comment is original

People want what they cant have. Most 'trad wife' anons are losers that have a myriad of bad issues and even theyre aware theyre bad people at the core

So they internalise the trad wife thing because
>theyre insecure; they think if any girl has had sex with an attractive man theyre instantly not worthy
>The girl will realise just HOW LOW STATUS they are
>They are insecure their penis is too small so they need a virgin who doesnt watch porn to cope
>They think a virgin girl is easier to manipulate and force to staywith them via religion

Glad to see you've come back again.
>>paints her nails
Is this one new? What's the reasoning behind it?
I like to think my red flags are fairly reasonable
>body count over 5
>BMI over 25
>excessive makeup
>piercings outside of ears
>generally unkind
>Overly Extroverted


Lmao thats the glue that holds together society. by asking for an untribalistic person youre asking for a damaged person that has no foothold into society and doesnt associate with any cause that makes them feel like they belong. is that so you can manipulate them better? Sad!

Why would anyone kiss the incel that doesn't brush their teeth? If you had to kiss a minty fresh, hygienic mouth thats kissed other people or a rotting sugar decayed that hasn't kissed anyone which would you pick?
>inb4 you move goal posts or add to this scenario to make it work
Don't forget to dilate after you seethe and cope.

>Is this one new? What's the reasoning behind it?
Don't like it. I think it is trashy and childish and looks bad.

I don't think you can post to r9k on mobile.
Non ascii text is not allowed!

Ah shit! What do I do now? Maybe I can land a guy who had matroshka sex like me.
That is a good rat.

so because i have a full jaoquin joker on my back im unfuckable? lmao say that to the 20 dudes on tindr ive fucked this month

I would honestly prefer that to someone who allows what groups they are a part of to bend their view of reality. But I already know plenty of people who aren't tribalistic, it isn't the hardest thing in the world.


>is not home by 6 pm
>wears levis tshirts
>has or likes dogs
>has instagram
>has facebook
>has tinder
>has onlyfans

No idea, but I can't get a gf either so I'll be alone too. Posting on soc didn't help. Maybe stitch it up?

Attached: Dogorsomething.jpg (1524x2048, 192.1K)

>how much money do you make?
>whats wrong with animals you a muslim?
>nothing wrong with social media are you a incel?
>have you had sex in the past week?
>how big is your dick?

These are fairly close to mine, although I give a pass to women for not being virgins but I do recognize that the more men they've been with the harder I have to work to keep their attention.

My exGF went on birth control as a surprise to me so that I "wouldn't have to wear condoms."
I think she genuinely thought she was giving me a positive surprise, but I knew it was going to suck. It fucked with her hormones and she was WAY less horny for me and it slowly tore the relationship apart. She didnt think the birth control was causing it, but a lot of her behavior changed right after she started taking the pill. My favorite time to be around her was when she was on her period. People say women get moody on their period. And maybe thats true for some women. But she just got horny in the 5 days before her cycle. Whenever I saw a crescent moon right after the new moon I always knew she'd be trying to suck my dick as soon as I got home. Hanging all over me wherever we went, whatever we did. I hung on for 5 months after she started taking the pill, but it was just hell. The woman I had been in love with essentially just melted away in front of my eyes.

Anyways my list of red flags:

>does not want children
>does not wear dresses or skirts on a semi-regular basis
>excessive makeup
>multiple degrees (they usually don't want children or want to wait an unpractical amount of time)
>bad or non-existent relationship with their dad
>bought a large dog for themselves as an adult
>overly willing to discuss politics in public

>>how much money do you make?
how is that relevant?
>>whats wrong with animals you a muslim?
nothing wrong with animals. Much wrong with women who sexually abuse their dogs aka 90% of them
>>nothing wrong with social media are you a incel?
>>have you had sex in the past week?
>>how big is your dick?
18cm,what kind of gay question is that faggot?