Your social intelligence isn't under 50 right user?

Your social intelligence isn't under 50 right user?

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Not bad for an autist, I think.

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>40 out of 100
eh good enough for me

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the first question is the equivalent of "are you socially intelligent?" Didn't read further than that.

I didn't know how to answer that one

The questions randomize their order

>I scored a 2
It's over for me, isn't it?

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whats the point of taking this?
if Im low this just confirms negative feelings
if its high, it just makes me feel more useless

56. I said loads of negative replies too like

>I cant make people laugh
>I dont know how to calm people down
>I struggle to make new friends
>im bad at reading other peoples feelings

I think this is more of an 'emotional stunted' test. I.e. people who think the world revolve around them sotheydont give a fuck about trying to be friendly, even with friends

22 test doesn't take into account everyone I have grown close to has back stabbed and fucked me over so I basically trust absolutely fucking no one alive on this planet. I feel this trauma skews the results. Because I stopped trying to help people as well because tired of being a door mat.

Yes, that's exactly what social intelligence is. Just accept that you're a normalfag

If I'm a normie so be it, I'd rather be a normy than a mentally ill person

People who thinktheworld revolves around them need taking around back and shooting. Oops, thats not very socially aware of me. I mean they need compassion but also society needs to treat them with a stern hand to stop their venom permeating into society. AI and machine learning will hoepfully identify and blacklist these people will excelling in life whilst simultaneously tracking their behaviour before they do anything nefarious. I see china is implementing this already with social score.THe west will follow soon. CAnt wait desu. I welcome the AI super social state

Maybe trying to address why they developed into such a bad person inthe first place and trying to resolve the root cause.

You're making it too obvious which website you came here from

really? im pretty sure redditors wouldnt advocate for shooting mentally ill people, even as a joke, or welcome a 1984 style authoritarian AI backed state. desu that sounds like their worst nightmare they all soi over and protest.

>lolol guyz im like sooo edgy cuz I advocated killing people that means I'm so le mentally ill and not normal
How old are you?

No need to take the 'social intelligence' test boyo you failed just with this reply lol

The taking around back thing was a joke, thats why I typed (even as a joke). Acknowledging that on Reddit they wouldnt even joke about killing people which I wasdoing. I am not mentally ill, and I legitimately do want a AI backed super state to thwart criminals and nefarious people at the expense of the population giving up thei r privacy

At this point privacy is a myth anyway even forthe most determined. CCTV everywhere, phones tracking people in their pockets, microphones everywhere. All an AI superstate would do isconsolidate todays technology into anefficient machine that, when commanded by unbiased AI, will make for a much better world. Its necessary desu. the sooner humans stop governing the world the better. (assuming AI . machine learning algorithms are truly unbiased and benevolent).

>The taking around back thing was a joke, thats why I typed (even as a joke). Acknowledging that on Reddit they wouldnt even joke about killing people which I wasdoing.
And how would you know? Sounds like you should go back

>And how would you know? Sounds like you should go back

Lmao grow up. Only dimwits and midwits are so obsessed over people visiting one of the highest trafficked sites in the world.

Heres the reality for you boyo, youre not special, youre not part of a super secret fanclub here on r9k. get a life

I just don't get why you would come here if you're so normal. Most posters here have severe interpersonal issues, and then someone like you comes and posts just to make fun of us for that

Why not? This place has no set themes. Im obviously not completely normal, whoever you think I am will not be correct you cant ascertain what someone is like from a few strings of text.

You were the first person to be hostile dont forget that, by saying I need to goback. you were probably still in single digit age when I started coming to Zig Forums.


Meh. Makes sense.

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not too bad for a sperg

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you are so cringe and retarded

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I guess being a sociopath pays off.

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78/100. I love people and am naturally extrovered. But also borderline so my life is pretty much ruined. I hope one day I can be healthy again because I truly love being a normie. I hate this shithole

The poor man's autism test

Why are all personality tests like this. I cannot answer these agree disagree questions. Does it expect me to remember in detail thousands of interactions throughout my life such to answer these questions.

What's the point of tests like this? I clicked thinking it might be interesting but when all the questions are basically "Are you good in social situations?", they might as well just ask you to estimate you social intelligence on a slider from 1 to 100 and feed your answer back as your result.

40. Ill take it. I was always a cyborg anyways so that seems right about where I belong

I got a 48, pretty good for a sperg with no friends I suppose