What does a qt girls butthole normally taste like?

No, the rectum is constantly producing mucus that tastes and smells like shit, the hole that shit comes out of tastes like shit unless she showered 5 minutes earlier

Taste bitter desu, in it's natural state
Meaning not freshly showered, but not right after taking a shit either

>not freshly showered, but not right after taking a shit either
man of culture, truly an ass connoisseur

>tastes bitter
thats because youre literally ingesting a girls shit flavored digestive enzymes, rectal mucus and shit particles, congrats you literal shit-eater

This. No way girls like Kennedi poos.

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Don't care.
If she's qt I'll do it gladly

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its pretty gross desu but i keep coming back to it

Alright listen up faggots this life pro tip will change your life. This tip applies to have your woman do before you eat her ass, or for you to do when she eats yours. Obviously shower first, clean ass real well. This includes a good shit before, a soapy finger in and out in shower thorough washing of outside. if you can, get an enema attachment for your shower.

When you get out and you're dried off - here it is - take a dab of coconut oil on your finger and put it inside your asshole just a little. just a dab. Your ass will taste like fuckin candy and she will take you to heaven licking it. you're welcome

if you ever work out and work up a sweat and then lick your sweaty skin, thats how ass tastes. like wet skin with some sweaty saltiness.