Would you fuck a transgirl

that has a penis? If she was pretty?

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Not gay, so no way

I'd kiss and frot. Maybe have her suck my dick but I wouldn't want to put my dick in an asshole honestly. I've seen some really cute ones though that I'd want to date.

If I met a person I thought was a girl and had a great personality and blah blah and we started dating and she sprung on me that she's actually a trap I'm not sure I would out right reject them, but honestly it might get too weird if the relationship progressed further. I would never fuck a random, no matter who they were.

absolutely not. you never stick your dick in crazy

Not only would I fuck one, I'd let them fuck me if they wanted to. I don't like "men" as in short hair, beards etc so as long as they present fem I'm diamonds.

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No you fucking fag I won't ; why do you fags make these threads?! Quit tryna groom people into being gay or thinking that shit is normal or okay , if someone feels like ruining their body to fit their own twisted image of how they think they should be then they are mentally unstable and shouldn't be allowed in public

yea sure, probably

>would you fuck an ugly girl in the ass?
yes, I have but she was a real woman and it was pretty great

Yep I would. I literally would fuck anything. and I'm attractive. And I have a large dick. Why am I a virgin again?

I would only do it if they had a penis. If they had surgery I don't want anything to do with them.

because you would fuck anything that moves faggot, what do you fucking think?

And why are you. Originoli 6

The suns coming up, im going to bed. Cya around. Originoli 6

7* originoli 8

Transgirl is boy->girl right?
If it still has a penis, it is not a girl.
Genitalia identify one's sex, but more importantly DNA strictly defines it. If you were born with XY chromosomes, not matter what you do to your body, you're a male, even if you somehow successfully mutilate your penis and replace it with a functioning vagina.
No matter how good-looking someone is, I wouldn't date them, nevermind doing anything past that, and I would limit all other social contact to the absolute minimum necessary upon learning of their attempts at transitioning.

What about 46,XX/46,XY cases with ambiguous genitalia?

>Transgirl with a penis
You mean a man?
Would I fuck another man?
No...No I would not

Hermaphrodites you mean? Unnecessary mutations that should be purged off the gene pool lest they sully it

I would not put my dick inside his ass but I would allow the succ to happen.

incredibly based. All I want is to suck a tranny's big dick

>that has a penis? If she was pretty?
If she was pretty and 100% passable yes, so no it's exceedingly unlike to happen, ever

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>mfw have been slapped with the ugly stick and will never be pretty enough for some user to love me

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I would prefer a cute boy. Trans is just weird

normally i dont fuck girls but for you, OP, ill make an exception

>would you fuck a man
no, next question

If she looked, smelled, and sounded like a woman, then yeah. Too bad most girls, including trans ones, don't care for socially awkward guys.

same, it hurts so bad. doesn't help that men seem to think every tranny is some 40 year old hon with fake tits and an axe wound, when most of us here probably just look like pale twinks with small boobs. maybe you just need to call yourself a femboy and then user will like you ( case in point)

sure why not, they're probably just as much of an abomination as I am.

>doesn't help that men seem to think every tranny is some 40 year old hon with fake tits and an axe wound
It's your future though, even if you're an androgynous twink now it won't last forever

No im not into dudes lmao

No, I won't fuck a delusional man. And there is no way he would be pretty