Upstairs guys are repeatedly dropping stuff on the floor again, right above where I sit on the computer.
Do you guys have any idea what corona + noisy upstairs neighbors does to you?
Upstairs guys are repeatedly dropping stuff on the floor again, right above where I sit on the computer.
Do you guys have any idea what corona + noisy upstairs neighbors does to you?
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the guy upstairs leaves his faucet dripping often and i sleep right underneath his sink.
Have you guys tried moving your shit
No vacant apartments due to corona. This is fucking hell.
I'm literally in a lockdown.
i moved right before from a house i shared with 8 other people and they were a bunch of druggie poser freak dikes who would blast greenway all night and pretend to play along to it. in this room i have moved my stuff around several times but there is always a problem i think its malicious.
they sound based and you sound like a boring faggot lol
>is weak enough to use drugs
Pick only one
nothings more fun than pretending to be a 15 year old boy well into your 20s. one of them also had big chungus written on their car so maybe that snaps it into focus you drooling zoomer.
I meant moving to a different side of the room holy shit I'll take that as a no then, thank me later geniuses
cocaine is based, boomer.
yeah yeah whatever at least they have friends u fuckin bozo
either finish reading my reply or work on your reading compression
why are you here? do you know where you are? i bet your some tranny freak posting this in his discord lol. wasted quints.
yeah wasted would have put more effort into a response if i knew. also shut the fuck up nigger i dont actually care about you you're not even fun to banter with
get a life you retard
then leave me alone you faggot. you want to fuck some dike who acts like a 15 year old boy thats your fetish dont fucking talk to me about it.
Fuck you, you couldn't take noise torture for a day.
Normies are the weakest when it comes to annoyances.
>hypersensitive autist telling me i couldn't take noise
i dare you to spend a week in new york or seattle dumbass virgin.
>paying 2000 a month to live in a tiny box in a noisy city filled with degeneracy
man you are a retard lol
>being poor in 2020
oof, enjoy your noise kiddo. single right? lmfao
>gets mad from Zig Forums posts
Let's say that for the rest of your life you are forced to use a smartphone whose screen goes dark every 10 seconds.
Not a biggie, right? You just need to turn it back on.
Nope, I firmly believe that this minor inconvenience would drive you absolutely NUTS in a matter of a couple of days.
It's not about what triggers you, we all have a different trigger. You're still autistic.
>all this rage because i said to get a life
>oof, kiddo, ___ right?
You think neighbor noise doesn't annoy you? Live next to me bro, I blast upbeat anime incel music all day long.
Ill never understand why normies have to make all this noise. I get having the t.v too loud anyone could fuck that up but banging around and dropping shit? what kind of dumb ass are you?
I want you to listen to this all day long:
I wouldn't need to live in a poorfag apartment with thin walls but I have airpods, bud. Even when I fly I don't really get bothered by anyone.
>Even when I fly I don't really get bothered by anyone.
What if you sit next to a retarded guy who pokes you in the face every 10 seconds?
>I punch that fag
You can't do that on a plane or they arrest you.
i would ask why the OP is such a loser honestly
OP is a high test turboChad if you ask me
t. not OP
I have this, always between 11-1 and 9-10pm. Too loud for sex with no voices so I think it's weights or a punching bag or something similar.
I'm in the same situation. What I've worked out which actually works pretty well is:
1: Get a broom
2: When you hear banging above you, poke the ceiling hard a few times with broom handle
3: Continue hitting ceiling every time banging is heard until banging stops
4: Masturbate to congratulate yourself for asserting your dominance