was school hard for you? Why did you drop out?
Was school hard for you? Why did you drop out?
born in 1991
dropped out of high school as a freshman in 2004
been a neet since
what do you do all day user? :/
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Nah just annoying with all the homework I didn't do and teachers and parents nagging me all the time to do better
Dropped out because it was gonna be way faster to just take the GED test than salvage my credits in order to graduate
Only missed out on my senior year of HS, GED test wasn't hard, moved out at 18, wageslaved most of my life and here we are now
I got very mediocre grades because I never did my homework. I didn't drop out, but I switched schools when I found out my gf at the time was cheating on me.
ADHD I think? I was also the quiet kid that nobody really noticed. If I was noticed it was usually because some Chad was making fun of me.
I didn't have a choice, I stopped attending school at 13, I've been a NEET ever since, next year it'll be a decade of me being a NEET.
No. It's going to sound like wank or bullshit but it was too easy. They kept me in basic classes for my grade which meant I was forced to sit through day after day of things I had already taught myself years ago. Ontop of that I hate the concept of homework. It's SCHOOL work that they're expecting me to not do in school but at my house in my freetime that's already being limited by the time I waste at school. I have better more enjoyable things I could be doing.
My math teachers hated me because I always got correct answers but never showed my work and otherwise just read an entirely unrelated book to pass the time. Got to the point my sophomore math teacher got pissy, challenged me in front of the class to see who got the right answer to some shitty equation me or him, because I kept doing shit in my head with no figuring on paper or using a calculator he said that'd be the challenge. Him with a calculator me without. I already wrote my answer out before he even typed it all in. He made a big show about how my answer was wrong because his didn't match up and I had to point out he forgot to hit the function button to switch his shit over to trig properly so its operation order was off. He did it again and suddenly the answers matched. Bitched about it to the principal because I was somehow being disruptive keeping to myself and only being an open asshole to him when he actively went out of his way to openly try and fuck with me.
She just told him to leave then asked if I'd like to go to AP calculus BC or something. Only class I ever felt the desire to do the homework for because I loved that teacher and he deserved the effort.
Junior hit and the asshat math teacher rallied the other teachers and cornered the vice and head principal and demanded I be punished somehow or removed from their classes because most of them taught several years.
Nope I always got 100% on everything and got this certificate that got announced to the school for doing really well on a national exam, I dropped out because I had massive issues, still do. Hard to explain but basically my parents are shit.
I told them in no uncertain terms to fuck themselves and listed off all the shit that showed they shouldn't be teaching from the math teachers need to be some tyrannical ruler lording over the students complete with harassment and attempts at public shaming which he claimed "kept the kids in check so they didn't get rowdy" to shit like the english teaching pulling shit like constant 1st grade-tier typos like "advanture" because he's a christfag retard and he knows advant sounds like it's part of the word so that must be the spelling. Got to the point the teachers rolled an ultimatum because the AP classes wanted me around but that's 3 teachers versus 9 others even if I had the principal on my side. Be expelled or move to a new district. I again told them to fuck themselves and said I'm dropping out, gave them the finger, and kicked the chair out from under the math teacher as I left.
After that I sat around till 17 before my parents convinced me to do something with my life so I got my GED, took an assload of aptitude testd and entrance exams for proof of what I know and can do, then got a written letter of recommendation from the AP calculus classes teacher, the principal, and for whatever reason my history teacher who I only ever recall have angry shouting discourse on politically correct bullshit that kept popping up in our textbooks before going to uni late age 17.
I'm 27 and now do nothing but basic NEET life activities while I make my living off of various investment returns and trading. My parents are not happy with it either because they're the type to think I'm not successful because I'm not working an office job with a constant metric of raises and promotions to "prove" my success.
>No. It's going to sound like wank or bullshit but it was too easy. They kept me in basic classes for my grade which meant I was forced to sit through day after day of things I had already taught myself years ago. Ontop of that I hate the concept of homework. It's SCHOOL work that they're expecting me to not do in school but at my house in my freetime that's already being limited by the time I waste at school. I have better more enjoyable things I could be doing.
I was going to type out something but for the sake of this thread I might as well just +1 what this user says.
Formal education is not really that challenging and it achieves nothing unless you want to sit in certain positions or offices. I don't really want a career so I just stopped going to uni one day.
If it wasn't for money and rent and all that life could be really cool.
>was school hard for you?
>Why did you drop out?
I was really just going to find a wife, and I found one outside of school. Also, I already had a Bachelor's and had nothing to prove to the world.
I was kind of bullied into dropping out. By the time I was repeating 7th grade, the only kind of interaction I had with anyone was me getting shit on by people who did pass 7th grade. Otherwise, I was completely ostracized. Anyone I knew that was neutral towards me was quickly turned against me by my old classmates. After that, I kind of had enough. Later on I got my GED. Really wish I had gotten my high school diploma instead, saying I have a GED instead makes me want to jump off a cliff.
Why do you post here asshole
School was the only thing I was good at. I came out with good grades, went to university and came out of that with good grades. Now I work putting stock on shelves because I have no social skills.
>Why did you drop out?
I didn't
But I want to. I have 3 essays due in the middle of december and I'm too lazy to write them
Why do you post here? Get the fuck off of my board, newfag.
School is modern day child labor. Drop out and become neet
I post here because I'm a loser, again why do you post here you massive asshole
Get off my board, newfag loser. I don't owe you any explanation.
you just sound fucking based man
You can't give an explanation because you're a fag. Whatd you get your degree in fagtard?
School was a thing that I tolerated. Tried some days to do homework, others I just didn't want to. I can't imagine getting anything done with how the modern school system is 100% online. If I am going to spend my entire day in front of a screen it better be entertaining. Overall, the schooling system sucks. No one remembers shit and no one takes teachers seriously anymore when they are just small boxes on a screen.
I excelled in school until about 10 when they started throwing math at me I couldn't figure out. About fourth grade. My classes were veritable zoos in the first place (constant disruption, fights, destruction, etc) so I was struggling to start. In fifth grade I failed math with A+'s in all other subjects and they kept me back, my parents laid into the school for it, got me pushed to sixth grade. Repeat until 9th grade when I went to a tech school and got into graphic arts. Was killing it there, 100's on everything. Failed math and they tried to keep me back which would have kicked me out of the graphics shop, parents freaked out on the school again, got me moved into 10th grade on condition of mandatory tutoring and extra homework.
All 10th grade I couldn't complete a single math assignment, was threatened with suspension for "insubordination and gross teacher disrespect". Bear in mind I had no disciplinary record for my entire academic career, terribly shy and overly polite to everybody, just totally helpless. Was recommended counseling by the school counselor, was recommended to a therapist, was diagnosed with a learning disorder, anxiety, depression, adhd, given mood stabilizer meds to "help with school work" even though I was cranking out 95's in everything. My Dad called the school when they threatened me with suspension over not finishing any math work at all, they called the cops on my dad and pulled him out by his shirt, trespassed from the school by police indefinitely.
Cumulative ZERO for math 10th grade, same retention discussion, same result. Eleventh grade, cumulative zero for math, 95+ for all other shops, no disciplinary record. Was in morning media (school news) and after school music club. Once math got bad again in 10th grade, school banned me from extracurriculars, my Mom called the school and freaked out at them, school had the police trespass my Mom too. So now both my parents were banned from setting foot on school grounds.
>you're a fag
Oh, boo hoo. I'll have to fuck my wife to get over this sick burn.
school was a big pile of dogshit
didn't drop out formally, just missed 2 years of high school and they have me a second chance through GED where I got advanced and above average scores and when I graduated they invited me to college for free but I never accepted
missed 2 years (over 100 days grade 11, the entire year for grade 12) and got away with it because of psychosis. do not recommend.
You are a fag, doesn't matter if you got a wife, you got a wife who likes fags
You're someone that clearly doesn't know what "fag" means. It means something that is burnable, such as in hellfire. I'm a Christian, and therefore not a fag. Can you say the same?
You're definitely joining the fags if you're a christian
it was too easy to the point that i became the stereotypical underachiever who never really learned to apply himself, which has haunted me in all areas of life since. the kids in school who had to struggle and learn to put in the work are infinitely better off today.
Whatever. Enjoy hell, faggot.
We ended up getting a sit down with the superintendent, head of academics, head of math dept. In January of junior year, all school faculty said that because of my zeros all fall, no matter what I did, I would fail math for the year and would have to attend summer school (cost $800) and pass to matriculate. Signed up for that ahead of time, got to go back into morning media and music club. Wrote some poetry that was published by the school. Neato.
Failed summer school and the school said they would not matriculate me under any circumstance and that no school would either. Planned to drop out. Called my old school who said I could go into 12th there if I took double math credits- TOTALLY did that. Got a 62 in math my senior year, my highest math grade since 4th grade.
Went to community college immediately after, this being 2010. Couldn't complete anything on math placement, was told I had to pay and take it again and "not skip it". Showed them my transcript, proof of learning disorder, still wouldn't let me enroll. Appealed to head of academics and disability dept who let me in. Only math course I could get into was online only, tutoring was online and cost money I did not have. Reached out to student tutor groups, couldn't get anyone to meet me. Talked to friends, family, couldn't push my grades up. Was acing a political science track, failed math, so they took my financial aid and dropped out.
I enrolled in comm college again 3 times and was kicked out all 3 times for failing math- getting put on academic/financial aid suspension, kicked out of extracurriculars again- literally wouldn't let me join the group that would clean up parks and stuff. Said they'd ban me from campus if I joined them on off-campus events. Raking fucking leaves and picking up trash. I couldn't be present.
Throughout all this I was a substitute teacher, then paraprofessional, all while working as a semi-pro musician touring and making my own albums.
>was school hard for you?
no because before my mental illness I got a 3.7
dropped out of college and don't feel different at all
>Why did you drop out?
mental illness fucks with me so I'd rather not waste my time
and maybe return if I get better enough
Uni expected me to go for classes 8 hours a day, and then expend another 4-5 at home doing homework and studying. On top of that, working part time because my family is poor as shit and I need to eat.
Normies may do all this shit with a partner to emotionally support them, and autists may get all their needs with this kind of life, but I need my daily escapism or life is so miserable that I cant even get out of bed.
Fuck putting all that time and effort.
Hell is for bad people like you.
So in the end, I never dropped out of school, I was forced out because I couldn't comprehend math beyond simple order of operations. Way after all these school attempts I was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder which I'm medicated for. Every time I try to self educate or get back into the system of degree-getting I'm spat back out. Even if I could get into comm college again, poli-sci mandates statistics and calculus, all the while I'm unable to get below a 70 in any math course without getting booted from the college.
Today I am quite happy, engaged, my own apartment, working as a para with 2nd grade and under kids, playing music, happy as a clam, although I will never hold a degree as long as I live because their system is designed to keep me out. My life is proof I do not need them.
Everybody is bad, Anonymous. Only God is good, and it is belief in God that makes you good.
You are explicitly bad and if hell is for anyone it's for people like you.
Isaiah 64:6
All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
Mark 10:18
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone."
Leviticus 20:8
Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the Lord, who makes you holy.