R9k tell me your stories and I will try to discover how you get to this point and help you, like how your childhood went, how you parents were, how was your teen years, some kind of trauma, bullying... and all kind of other bullshit you wanna say.
>take this personality quiz and i'll tell you who you are >no solution, just yeah i'll point out the obvious
Carter Morris
hello mr federal agent
Hunter Thomas
OP here, I am namefagging now
I am not this kind of psychologist, I actually come to this board since 2 years ago so I already have some idea of how the average robot operate.
Isaiah Robinson
OP here, please provide your name, adress and phone number. To make my work easier ;)
Jace Hernandez
Hello, how you life is going ?
Carson Lewis
Can you also provide me your basic identification?
Brandon Myers
>> Try to actualy help peoples with their issues Receive nothing more than bait. >> Post about fembots. 500 replies in 2 minutes.
Luke Torres
OP is like a succubus but he feeds himself with stories from mentally ill people
Isaac Bailey
>dad would tell me "only speak when spoken to" >i became less talkative >in school i was nicknamed "silent treatment" and bullied >dad is bipolar, gets hospitalized for 1 year when i'm 12 >also made fun of the way i said "Italy" and hit me because my older brother said I was annoying him >bullying was weird, i didn't know and still not sure if it was bulling or me being sensitive >guy who was best friend made song with lyrics "user is very gay, he admitted it to me yesterday" >he might have done that because I got a gf before him and he was jealous >in my "friend" group I was usually teased most, picked to be it when playing tag et cetera >this is why im not sure it was bullying but still felt shitty >one day the singer threw a basketball that hit my feet and made me trip when my back was turned so i got in a fight with him and he jumped the school fence and went home >one kid from the "friend" group put my pencil case somewhere high and hard to reach >once in class they were messing with the contents of my pencil case >that pretty much sums up the bullying >weird thing was when we moved school they still wanted to hang out with me one even followed me to another friendship group after i left basketball courts >what do you think? >mum had a professional job >dad was a "stay at home" dad, had a self employed part time job and would cook for me and my bro when we were younger >my brother was a dick when i was younger too >tickled me until i was crying from not being able to breath >dropped me when i asked him to hold my legs so i could get something behind the couch >needed stitches for that and 2 other times i injured my head and needed stitches >now i'm 22 and a loner/ maybe schizoid I've had "flings" and try to get a gf from tinder but mainly for sex >lately had almost no motivation to work on my degree and have "dropped out" twice >first time to change degree, 2nd time to change uni (didn't want to do huge speech)
Kayden Brooks
Name, e-mail, number, adress? I only want to help you user
Jackson Watson
Ok, im thinking this fed might actually be based
Josiah Perez
Thanks, i'll get you off the watchlist
Matthew Flores
Fuck it ill tell you some shit. >0 - 4 Very normal according to my parents. >5 - 7 Started school made some friends not much really happened. >8 - 10 Best friend got cancer, never heard from him again. Shot some guns with and without ear pro. >11 - 13 Where shit picks up, i was hugely emotionally unstable, the same amount of instability as most women, and stabbed someone with a pencil. Thank fuck it isnt present day else i might have been pushed to be a tranny. >14 - 16 Emotions stabilize and become very mellow, most of my friends move schools, i rarely see them >17 - 18 All except one of my friends move schools or drop out almost did myself. Finish school. >19 - now Currently doing a degree in law and hate everything and everyone who has anything to do with it.
Noah Rogers
Where are you studying and what's your name?
Brayden Hernandez
heheheh yeah tell us your name GOY
Logan Rogers
University of Doing Your Mom, Chad Chaditon
Joshua Butler
Developmental trauma from mother. Generic stuff: locked in house for months at a time, force fed until vomiting, publicly humiliated blah blah blah.
Absolute anhedonia. Seeing humans die produces the same response as putting on deodorant. Nothing.
The above indicates psychological, but other things such as a complete tolerance to psychoactive compounds, the inability to feel hunger or tiredness etc indicates physical.
Tested Choline/acetylcholine, NGF, AMPA, carnitine, T3/T4, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and soon direct dopamine analogues and NMDAR Agonist/Antagonist. Nothing produces any affects at all.
I recently tried a positive dopamine allosteric modulator at 460mg, where it's taken at 300mg by cocaine addicts as a better alternative. There were 0 effects, even at 110lbs. (Growth stunted due to the aforementioned food abuse).
Current thoughts are late stage neurotransmitter synthesis, as I'm testing stuff early on in pathways, like taking choline supplements over direct acetylcholine analogues/upregulators, NMDA system dysfunction or it is just all psychological and i'm fucked either way.
Most similar DSV-IV diagnosis is schizoid, although I know them and they don't seem too similar.
It's been 38months since I initially presented to GP. Since then, docs only allow me to take SSRIs, which do nothing. I even had to tell them which ones to prescribe, since they didn't know the difference between an SNRI and an SSRI, binding affinity, IC50 values or anything. Current suicide date getting closer, only months left. Thoughts?
Ryder Brooks
i diagnose you with the autisms
Jordan Flores
why do I obsess over cuckold porn?
Wyatt Nelson
why are you delaying suicide?
Grayson King
>Relatively normal until age 13, aside from light bullying at school that everyone probably experiences. I still had friends and stuff.
>Dad becomes a benzo addict. All hell starts breaking loose.
>Parents always fighting. My dad was constantly threatening to kill himself and my mom.
>Saw him physically assault my mother -- leaving her face bloody.
>They divorced, obviously.
>Moved out of childhood home, to a new home in a slightly sketchy area.
>Brother (2 years older than me), started physically, emotionally and sexually abusing me on an almost daily basis.
>Brother would also have an emotional breakdown every night and start flipping over tables and breaking TVs and screaming at my mother.
>Went on for about 2 years.
>After this, I became a shut in, basically. I'm in my 30s now and still basically living the same life I lived at 14.
Christopher Brown
Emotions come from the thoughts you're having. I think you should get into formal logic and autistically analyze things until you find a formula for emotions. Read attacking faulty reasoning by edward damer and really understand the book and how to build premises and what the structures of arguments are. Maybe read some meme book on masculinity and why you should focus less on goofy jewish shit, and more on eating healthy and being jacked.
If the pills aren't doing anything for you though, i think you ought to stop everything entirely except like magnesium and zinc.
Hudson Reed
Since I still need to test NMDAR agonists/antagonists, empathogens and dopamine+norepinephrine analogues.
Jason Harris
>be kid >mom tried to make a photo >DON'T MAKE THAT FACE. STAND DIFFERENT... NOT LIKE THAT >NO, TURN SLIGHTLY LEFT... LEFT... LOOK AT ME... NOT LIKE THAT >STOP YOUR WEIRD FACES THATS NOT FUNNY YOUNG MAN.... STOP LOOKING SO VAIN >NOO, NOT LIKE THAT, WHY CAN'T YOU SMILE LIKE A NORMAL KID >NOT LIKE THAT ... NO NOT LIKE THAT.... NOT LIKE THAT... STOP CRYING I AM TELLING YOUR DAD That's basically how every photo session went until I turned 6 or 7 and she decided she had enough of me ruining her photos and only did couple photos with dad or group photos with friends
Until today, I don't know what I'm doing wrong in photos and hate having pictures taken of me or see myself in the mirror. I still don't know how people manage to look normal in photos and I'm always stressed out whenever my team finishes a project and they take a picture of us. I'm normally the only one who hates having a picture taken of him. Only recently I started wondering if my childhood experiences with photos and my adult life are somehow related
therapy is masturbation the only way to any kind of better future is self improvement.
Bentley Morales
I don't have emotions. I don't analyse things becasue I don't care about them. It seems you completely skipped over the statement about anhedonia.
Magnesium and zinc are basic electrolytes. I've already done testing on essential and non-essential minerals and vitamins.
Related to you, not me, regular magnesium and zinc don't come in bioavailable transporters. The magnesium I assume that you take for the placebic effect is magnesium oxide, something which has a bioavailability of near 0%.
Nolan Jackson
Damn dude if I didn't know any better I'd think that I wrote this. Have you thought about getting your genome sequenced? I discovered a number of polymorphisms along various synthesis pathways that explained a lot about how I feel and my odd medication reactions.
Aiden Diaz
as fucking if mate
David Jones
i don't talk to psychologist, only psychiatrist
Andrew Robinson
I didn't skip it over, you're simply using the word differently from what google gives. Google says "the inability to feel pleasure", not "I don't care about anything so I refuse to delve into topics". Which, you contradict with the amount of analysis and testing you've put in on researching.
You're too much in your own head. Go to the gym.
Connor White
I actually drove the op off this thread lmao
Connor Hall
This world is a meat grinder and doesnt care of your suffering death seems as relief
Aiden Ward
Numerous and somewhat common gene mutations can account for this sort of affliction, so that would be something I would seek if it were available, but to my knowledge is not available where in the UK without GP referral, of which I have no hope of getting in a timely manor.