Whites on hapa girls

why are white men so creepy and gross towards hapa gals

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In the comments she talked about her history of dating exclusively White men because Asian boys didnt ask her out.

Why is it always the ugly women and plastic women who are "confident in their looks". Never just the normal women who don't wear makeup or use selfie filters or special angles in their photos.

I refuse to read all this shit until she's washed her face and we see what she really looks like. There's some disgusting asians out there.

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fucking chink whore

Lmfao, she's tired of getting pumped and dumped by the white chads she craves so she rationalizes all this horseshit. Some dumb rich beta asian cuck will definitely pick her up though, just by being an attractive hapa girl you're set for life.

>attractive hapa girl
That's exactly what I'm contesting.

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To asian guys, her whiteness already makes her no pre-nup material. Girls like this will ALWAYS have some rich beta chink to fall back on.

>white confident man are evil because they approached me
but she never gave a try to the quiet ones i see how it is

dumb fuckin bitch what did she expect? only extroverted champions approach people like its nothing

She'll give em a try in her 30's like Mayli, it's the route of every hapa girl.

>Can I get a white Chad? No?
>Can I get an an attractive white/white looking hispanic normal guy? Usually yes, but if not
>Can I get a rich OK looking asian guy? This is the floor for pretty hapa girls, only unattractive hapa girls go further
>Can I get an attractive tall asian guy? This is the floor for hapas, unless you're fat and schizo

And don't forget that she ill only get that rich OK looking asian guy if she paints up like hell and back. Curse of the woman, I suppose.

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She's going to date a white guy most likely so her own kids look less asian. one of the non racist ones lmao

The incelness is seeking from every pore in this post.

The roastieness is seeking from every pore in this post.

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Nah, you see this phase happen time and time again. It's the "tired of the bad boys phase" except these hapa girls put a racial spin on it.
>dates exclusively white guys
>after she gets older and still fails to snag one, she starts to rationalize how she actually doesn't like em and wants a change (an attempt to regain control in her late 20s when white chads stopped seeing her as GF material and treat her more and more poorly each passing year)

Replace "white guy" with "bad boys" and it's the exact same life phases hos love to take to social media about.

As a (perhaps less attractive) hapa femanon I've never really experienced those things desu.

Shes right though, white guys are cringe, have you ever seen white men when they interact with an Asian or hapa woman? Full cringe mode.

>inlying Chads date Asian girls
Lol only white incels and betas and boomers date Asian women. This girl isnt talking about Chads. All the white guys who were rude or racist other were probably 3/10 to 6/10 at best.

To her*

If you think ugly or average guys are exempt from being rude/creepy/racist/misogynistic pieces of shit. Think again. This website is perfect proof of that.

White guys are creepy, she should go black.


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>when they interact with an Asian or hapa woman
I'm white. I've interaced with Asian women. Nothing out of the ordinary. I notice they're being extra friendly towards me and try to talk me up, and that's it.

i knew a hapa once and basically she fit the stereotypes, pretty batshit. go full white or full asian i say.

>White guys are creepy
Are they? Then why are they everyone's favourites?

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>Posts a 10 year old chart
Look outside faggot, white desirebility is dwindling. even 14 year old girls call themselves snowbunnies. and muhammed and tyrone is taking over.

how do you know you're "less attractive"?

>literally zero data
That's alright, I accept your surrender.

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>all the white guys who were rude or racist other were probably 3/10 to 6/10 at best.
Yes, hence why she turned them down and is now shitting on em in her stories. Meanwhile the flings she had in her youth were all with white chads or brads.

>This website is perfect proof of that.
most people here are above average though

>black women are the only ones that appreciate us
It's time to embrace the AMBF alliance. Remember to treat black girls you meet extra nice

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She said she's attractive and I have every reason to believe I'm not.

Seems that most women stick to their own race except asians
though life for azntigers

She is a chink bitch, asian women belong to white men.

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>I have every reason to believe I'm not.
Name at least 5 reasons

>only 6.7% of white women responded to white men

t. no self awareness

white mens existence is just cringeworthy, asian women are desperate though so they will take whatever they can get

Read the "Men responding to women" section.
>white me respond to 17.6% of asian women
>that's the HIGHEST for white men
Suddenly doesnt sound too bad.

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that pic is bluekatie, she has nothing to do with that reddit post.
she is japanese and dutch.
nice try

>Posts more than a half decade old chart again.
Things change grandpa. White teen girls are getting blacked in droves and you cannot stop it.

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90% of white guys on dating apps are desperate ugly beta cucks who dont get approached irl and cant approach women irl so that figures

>t. no self awareness
>Why do we let Asian women into our social circles when their sole purpose is to steal our men?
>Just today, I saw an Asian woman with her halfbreed child walking across the street, I wanted to run them over.
Roastie confirmed.

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This stuff proves how warped white men are. Only men will fuck people they hate. Only white men can be racist to their own gfs and wives and still claim to love them. Bunch of mentally ill fucked up weirdos. White males are psychopaths.

Kee has a bf now senpai, that's why she updates less in insta and yt. you know who her bf is?


Asian women are the most hated demographic on Zig Forums, and now hapa women are taking some of the blame for being half asian. I'm sorry, hapa fembots.

Let me guess, it's about that dick size, isn't it?
Oh wait ...

Literally doesn't matter. Asian women still have higher response rates than white women, so even if those 90% of white guys were beta - even they seem to have standards.

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lmao this, asian women literally exist to mop up the white undesirables and incels, theyre actually doing society a favor by preventing mass shootings. please lingling, if you are reading this, take all the incels and betas you want, we are begging you.

No that's too exhaustive. I think most people are aware of if they're attractive or not, and simply put I know I'm not anything special.

Well, naturally.

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i assume it's mykel
since she seems close to him

Ask local teen girls, you are a loser with charts who live infront of the computer. Reality is different from your charts.

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