Is it truly over for us whitebros?

Is it truly over for us whitebros?
The hottest girls with the biggest titties are all going black now and there is nothing we can do about it....

Attached: 1606062202964.jpg (2717x2822, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no blacked gf
brehs how do I get one

no, angry hapa, it's not over for us whites

i love living in eastern europe where this cannot happen

See this
and decide for urself

It's true, white men are hideous to me, I'd never date a white beta male.

>with the biggest titties
as a tall and muscular girl with small breasts connoisseur
instead of a fat. saggy goblin enjoyer. ...
i dont care even the slightest.

Attached: _mFhsoNq5yyG5HjQCWMTY-eXCdA.jpg (960x540, 156.15K)

op is a fag, the original pic is more kek worthy

Attached: 16049418593440.png (986x1024, 705.11K)

Made for big aryan cock

Khazar milkiiie, amazin'

>seething rice-cel made a thread after getting btfo'd

Yeah, can't blame them. Just wish they would desire a cute white bi-for-black boyfriend/husband to enjoy it all with them.

He talks too fast, tell him to slow down

You can very clearly see that is badly photoshopped, nobody wears a gold pendant on a silver chain

This isnt photoshopped however

Attached: dfsfddfssdfdsf23234.png (1167x844, 593.23K)

The baby looks almost pure black.
It's fucking over for us...

If you raise a white daughter, she will get Blacked eventually. Same girl with her cuck father.

Attached: 1606008049834.jpg (933x601, 156.04K)

damn white women are truly fucking lost

>The hottest girls with the biggest titties are all going black now

Attached: good.jpg (225x223, 10.17K)

Don't give a fuck about the racebait. I need the dame's name.

jockoposting outside of fit makes me kek

>jockoposting outside of fit makes me kek

Attached: good.jpg (225x223, 10.2K)

If you white bitches are willing to settle down for "white" latinas and regular latinas you can have big tiddy harems eaisly. Here every girl want a white man even of they are losers white skin is everything for them

what if i was a big cock disabled veteran with neetbux that increase depending on how many kids i have, how much mestiza pussy would i get?

If you have big cock and still are in shape (not a fatass) many many girls
Just use that money to make a small business here and you are done, people are going to to buy your shit/service because here white skin=decent person
Also how are you disabled veteran? Do you have problems to walk???

no i am just mentally crzzy after being a killer in the military you know, i am able to walk and be physically sexy still
where is here, user?
the most important thing is to have cannabis though otherwise im too crazy

Most people are kinda fucked up. I live in chile. Still kinda safe and the economy works (but it will collapse eventually like in the rest of southamerica)
The thing os that every girl here loves white skin even tho most of them are with the sjw propaganda of diversity and shit. Bullshit they all love the white man, and yeah about the weed its not hard to get it here just like everywhere

alright chile guy im going to come over and colonize your women and purchase mcdonalds every day and smoke weed despite what the chilean government may think

Chilean government doesnt give a fuck about anything and they also love white man

are you a chilean tranny

No. Just a chilean robot