Redpill me on reality.
Redpill me on reality
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Heres a few things Ive learned over the course of becoming an old ass man.
>Don't try to change who you are. If you aren't a normie you never will be and any attempt to pretend is unsustainable. People respect weirdos who respect themselves.
>A girl will not make you happy if your life is otherwise a mess.
>The desire to find purpose fades with age and you'll eventually give in to hedonism. Plan accordingly.
>Hard work is required for success but success requires hard work and luck. Your boss wont notice if you go above and beyond.
>The desire to find purpose fades with age and you'll eventually give in to hedonism
that's most pathetic shit I've ever heard you're a fucking faggot
The only advice I can give you, is to find your reason for existing. Once you've found that reason, you'll be so much happier.
What's the story behind this pic? I only have a smidge of memory about it.
Study NDEs in depth and realize that there actually is an afterlife. Just because religions are demonstrably silly, it does not mean that materialism is true and that death implies oblivion. There is a tremendous amount of empirical evidence that suggests that our mind or consciousness continues past the point of physical death and that there is an infinitely amazing afterlife awaiting unconditionally around the corner of a ceased heartbeat for everyone.
Easily digestible tier:
World-leading research tier:
In essence, the purpose of these lives is to learn to be an infinitely loving and kind person despite the fact that the world is demonstrably shitty and it is really hard to develop character here. But the person who is infinitely happy, kind, loving, accepting, and forgiving while they are being tortured, to take the ultimate example, will quite figuratively explode from happiness in heaven. So use your challenges as gifts to develop your character. After all, you had the multiverse as your smorgasbord while you were still in paradise, and yet you chose this life; being this character, in this society, in this world.
This is the real truth pill
>Jesus is real, he died for your sins, lay down your rebellion against God, accept him as your Lord and savior, and live for him
98% of mankind reject him and will burn in hell for all eternity. The world is evil because of sin, God is allowing a temporary trial period where mankind can do whatever they want, but soon God will stop this shitshow, throw 98% of mankind in hell, and let 2% of his most faithful, obedient servants, inherit the new PERFECT and holy world that God will create.
God is real.
Satan is real, and he is given temporary dominion, he control finance, news, media, wars, etc
You were created to exist for eternity, either in heaven with your creator who loves you so much your chest would explode if you felt it, or live in disobedience and sin and go to hell to face the full wrath of a God so powerful that he is terrifying.
It's impossible to un-Jew it. It's the worst thing ever.
The fundamental force underlying all reality is willing. It's found in the lowest and highest organisms. It can be broken down into pull and push or desire/aversion. The nature of willing is suffering. Organisms suffer when they are willing what they lack and when they are recoiling from undesirable experience. Everything you see around you is organized by this force. Willing can be satisfied, but this satisfaction is actually a mere removal of an obstacle, not an equal force.
NDE's are a lie. It's appointed for man to live ONCE then it's judgement.
Stop shilling your death worship. Make life better here and stop abandoning yourself.
There is no 'redpill' what you see is what you get.
>your identity is and will always be exploited to keep you in line
>majority of your beliefs aren't your own
>the only race that matters is the wealthy
Plato's allegory of the cave. Look it up, read the whole dialogue. Extremely illuminating
dont you get it? If there is an afterlife, then that should encourage people to work on bettering the quality of life, because it will affect your future self.
if there were no afterlife, you can basically just say #YOLO and do all kinds of horrible and inconsiderate things.
You are a Boltzmann Brain who spontaneously manifested somewhere in the multiverse. All you know in this moment is false, it's just the result of atoms aligning by pure random chance to form fake sensory signals and memories, but any moment now the manifestation will wither into nothing and your fleeting delusion of consciousness will be no more.
>he loves you so much he'll torture you for all of eternity if you don't think he's real
I will never understand Christfags except for gnostics, and naturally they get shit on by the mainstream church
God is a rightous judge. We have sinned against an infinitely holy being. The punishment is infinite harsh.
But he sent down his only begotten son, to take the wrath of God, so we dont have to.
>God is a rightous judge. We have sinned against an infinitely holy being. The punishment is infinite harsh.
>But he sent down his only begotten son, to take the wrath of God, so we dont have to
>literally "I'm torturing you because I love you"
Or maybe your god is just some space cunt with a massively inflated ego. I don't doubt he's real, I just think he's a retard and liar, and believe there is a God above him. The material world is imperfect because it was created by an imperfect being.
Anime will never be real. The conclusion is reality is a cruel ad dark place.
God can't be retarded. He created the entire universe, which comes with enormous complexity. His ways our higher than our ways. Just because we cant comprehend it, doesnt make him stupid, it makes us stupid.
God wants you to obey and stop sinning. You rather live in sin than obey God.
Kids want cookies and candies daily, but adults say no. Only difference is God will burn people in hell for all eternity.
god cant be retarded?
Okay but hes a massive faggot. how bout that
If you want to be redpilled on reality, read Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Then, read Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Idea. Both are absolute masterpieces that will tremendously change your perception of reality. Though beware, you must put much time and effort into reading and comprehending the works if you intend to truly be enlightened.
>He created the entire universe so he cant be retarded.
Not my main point. He is still objectively a cunt and if you just say "he works in mysterious ways" would the same thing apply to a dad who breaks his childs ribs for pissing the bed? He's not mean, he just works in mysterious ways and knows what's best for the child.
I do believe in Jesus Christ despite absolutely disbelieving Christianity. My question is, since it is considered that even those who do good deeds go to hell if they disbelieve Jesus, God, or have blasphemed against them, what happens to those who have never heard of Christianity, whether it'd be the primitive hunter gatherers or the modern tribesmen who still exist to this day, having never heard of Christianity, and its prophet, and thus having never believed in it?
I see you too have read Schopenhauer. Though I must say that I don't even believe that the will can even be satiated, or at least to sufficient extent under which the will would become extinguished indefinitely.
From what I heard they get an excuse and go to heaven because they never heard of it so they didn't have a chance to practice it. There's a saying about it
>Who's there
>It's Jesus and I need to save you
>Save me from what?
>From what I'll do to you if you don't let me in
dumb people are happier and if happiness is what everyone is seeking one way or another then dumb people got the lucky draw
Just take a heroic dose of shrooms / DMT and get it over with. You'll learn everything but it will change nothing
> being a purposelet
>mfw not smart enough to be successful
>mfw not dumb enough to laugh and be happy about simple retarded shit
Plato's cave is retarded normalfaggot tier and forms are utter bullshit. What you see is mostly what you get, and the stuff we can't see is not linked to human concepts and ideas, but likely beyond our very comprehension.