any 1997-2001 zoomers here? how are you guys holding up?
Any 1997-2001 zoomers here?
same as your pic, you made me feel sad.
for real and im honest
Born 6th january 02 can I join
Like pic related but flings on Grindr and sometimes getting TOPPED
20 years old in January. I'm getting pretty serious about dying before then.
Ahhh fuck that is too real.
there are humans born between 97 and 01?
2000 zoomer. Dropped out of high school, got fired from the job I did afterwards. Pretty apathetic about life, don't really care what happens anymore. Don't feel like I could ever be happy even if I tried my best.
Yeah 97fag here
Used to cope really good until i started balding
Its over for me.
>Pretty apathetic about life, don't really care what happens anymore. Don't feel like I could ever be happy even if I tried my best.
97 bald fat jawlet chinlet eyelet hhkv, but hey I have a job so I should be thankful right
I just realized that I can literally say "I've been playing pokemon since before you were born." to some posters on this board.
Why the fuck am I spending my free time around children?
'98 baby here. I'm saving my initial and extended unemployment to save up a surplus amount of money to move out. Turning 22 by the beginning of this December, but I dont plan on moving out until my late 20's or exactly 30, when I've finished school and secured a job.
I do this in the hopes that my manchild femcel friend might latch onto me for security down the line. I really like her and want to be with her, even if it fucks me up
i'm a 2002 zoomer, and life is weird
I'm a zoomer I'm a zoomy zoomy zoomer I'm zoomingggg
Are we really zoomers though? I can't relate much to the true zoomers (current 12-16 year olds)
The worst is watching people the same age as you or younger succeed, whereas you've done nothing notable at all your entire life and are just cruising along.
01 fag here. Currently in uni studying economics. Life is trash, and it doesn't seem that it will get better any time. Considering suicide after I finish my degree and wagecuck a couple of years.
I find being born in 97 and 98 a really interesting year to be born in, because when you enter high school, you see the last of the very last millenials for a year, and by Senior year, you see the Fortnite squeakers yelling their heads off before we graduated.
I bet millennials cringed at pre-zoomers quite a bit when we played Flappy Bird and watched 2012 PewDiePie
I'm "happy", just feel like a disappointment. so I guess that's that but other than that life is good got a job, a roof over my head, and potentially a girl if i don't fuck it up so yeah
Dying slowly every day, same as usual. My autistic Paradox map game updated, so that's good I guess.
When I was 17 I worked at a summer camp for elementary schoolers. Every single one of them played Minecraft, Roblox or Fortnite and watched those cringe meme videos with the airhorns on their phones. I felt so old
same, I'm turning 20 in february kinda wish I just went through with it when I was 16.
Fucked up at uni, kinda.. Doing my 6th year and hopefully it'll be my final year. Might just kms after getting the degree desu cuz life is shit. But at least I'll die with dignity. Sigh
Why do we not take regular showers?
im a 2002 zoomer but ill drop in anyway, i have really bad ADHD and it makes it impossible to get shit done and i dont know how im supposed to get through collage.
sitting in my chair waiting to fucking die already
1997 here
Shit sucks
At least im not homeless any more
Me too user, I'm just doing uni for the sake of doing something now, have no goals for afterwards
Fuck college, man. Though it is my only real shot at getting punani
My spleen
Its all been downhill for years. I got suspended from college, was basically homeless for a bit, went to community college, failed out of my program, tried joining military, was going good and then they disqualified me for a minor health condition. Between all this just wageslaving at various low tier jobs. Really have 0 plans anymore. Just LDAR
2001 retard here,
live in a weird-strict household and am at a point where my teen years have been ruined (mostly my fault)
I'm here now in College performing shitty bc no motivation but I have no other choice.
Im not even allowed to get a job bc parents pay tuition and say yOuR eDucAtiOn iS tHe oNlY thInG yOu sHouLd worry ABouT aNd yOu sHouLd sPenD yOur tImE sTuDyiNg fOr a bEtTer pAyinG jOB iN tHe fUtUrE, so I can't even wage-slave even if I want to.
Coping at the moment with vidya n Zig Forums.
op here, checking in on everyone. just finished crying to the beginning of takashi miike's audition because i got rejected again lmao
sorry user, i was the same. i hope both of our 21st birthdays are better
sorry to hear that user. i know that 'just get a hobby bro' is thrown around a lot, but do you have any creative outlets to help you deal with your frustration? lots of hurt people have channelled that energy into great art throughout the years
good on you lad
if you experienced ps2/gamecube firsthand then yeah, if you grew up with 7th gen only then no
honestly dude idk your situation but it's probably best that you just take a breath and tell your friend how you feel about her. never nice to let feelings develop
zillenials. don't remember 9/11 so not milennial but smartphones/tablets weren't everywhere until the end of primary school, also most of us would have spent our free time playing flash games until we were 12-13. proper zoomers never experienced a smartphone free world, never experienced 2000s internet etc.
sorry dude. see my response to also read sorry to hear so many people are suicidal
>I got suspended from college
what did you do in order for that to happen lol
user, I hate to break it to you, but every kid and their dog after 1998 has been diagnosed with ADHD, myself included.
It's not ADHD, it's just a lack of discipline. When you set yourself on a relentless goal with a self-fund pointed at your head, you can get things done. It isnt easy, I still have days where I procrastinate, but that's not ADHD. That's just being human. Best of luck though
>live in a weird-strict household
>not even allowed to get a job bc parents pay tuition and say yOuR eDucAtiOn iS tHe oNlY thInG yOu sHouLd worry ABouT aNd yOu sHouLd sPenD yOur tImE sTuDyiNg fOr a bEtTer pAyinG jOB iN tHe fUtUrE, so I can't even wage-slave even if I want to.
fuck dude, i'm so sorry, the fact that they have financial control over you too makes it harder to break off
isn't there any support for students from abusive families that you can take advantage of to break free?
2001fag here. Currently about to finish my first semester at Uni, can graduate in 3 years (possibly 2 and a half) instead of 4. Have tons of time to workout and read since I don't work, live rent free with mom, and all my classes are online and paid for. Had jaw surgery that drastically improved my appearance. I don't really care about social life because to me it's just a waste of time, and I'm genuinely not interested in other people, male or female. Girls are too vapid and narcissistic even though they offer little in return. Got nudes once during the Summer, so I now have stronger confidence.