>love fapping to fag porn
>would never actually fuck a dude
This is awkward.
Love fapping to fag porn
not awkward, it's more common than you'd think. anyways that vid is hot.
Just go on Grindr and fuck some boicunt already
I know a lot of guys do it but its still awkward being a fag who doesn't want to fuck dudes.
>dude I would never do that
>6 months later
>Jack off to cocks, traps, and sissy shit for years
>zero attraction to men irl
I'd be fine being bi but it just seems like I'm not (or I am, just in a really niche way). Feels weird bros
The worse part is pushy fags like , if you're straight and don't want to deal with women no one really cares if you go full mgtow, but people put way more pressure on guys to have sex with men for some reason.
>tfw can't find any cute boys/trannies to fuck
>grinder is full of old man and fatties
>12 months later
>oh god why did I do that
>why did I let Natalie Mars trick me into becoming a tranny
Ella detransitioned FYI
Still would.
i do the same but only sometimes
i can literally watch any porn
>lesbians only
>solo cock masturbation
>vanilla missionary
the only thing i dont like is shit
the other day i came super hard to a video of a girl eating her own pussy
i would probably fuck a very feminine guy and definitely an actual cute tranny
i know i dont want to suck a dick or get fucked in the ass or shit on anyone
those are really my only limits
i dont know what my sexuality would be considered
Same dude. The thought of being dominated and orgasm from my prostate gets me hard instantly, but as soon as I see a guy in real life I have no urge whatsoever.
I still would too, user. In fact I think he looks cuter as a boy.
thats a 'before' pic don't lie. that sissy faggot is still crossdressing.
It's not a before pic, he detransitioned.
source? that faggot is still fagging it up on his twitter. doesn't really seem like he went back to being male.
Yeah I fap to some very gay fantasies, but every time I've been hit on by fags irl it was completely unappealing. I think that just the way it is when you only like dicks and traps.
he cant unsuck those cocks
He's still gay, just not a tranny anymore. And thank fucking god he didn't let Christian convince him to cut off his cock like that bald faggot has countless other gay men he fucks, ending their careers and ruining their lives.
Just suck the fucking dick dude
ure a gov't psyop victim. many such cases!
Theres losts of cute twinks on grindr. No femboys tho those only exist on the internet
>Theres losts of cute twinks on grindr
There really isn't though.
I read somewhere that he/she wants to convert to Islam too
Doesn't he have a gf though? Hes probably just another fool who got brainwashed into liking dick by watching porn.
Yeah I know what you mean. One time during a summer job, I got brought home by a gay guy who was married. Actually chill friendly guy. He kept telling me as a "joke" that I was free to come over to their place if I wanted.
Sometimes I fap to the thought of what would've happened if I accepted the invitation. But that was 10 years ago and I was way too shy to even consider it.
HOLY SHIT LOL WHAT well he's always had pretty dumb ideas so maybe
He may have a gf, but a lot of feminine guys do have hot gfs because feminine guys are usually attractive as men or women.
This is why I keep my faggotry to myself, seems like some gays are always on the prowl for boy butt. One even offered me money when he saw me walking down the street.
Is Natalie Mars really a groomer?
How come the regular black bulls never fuck the trannies?
that's not our ella you liar!
Natalie Mars is fucking disgusting and those are the things I've heard about her. I wouldn't say she's a groomer more like a tranny pimp, I don't think she has ever encouraged anyone underage to become a tranny just guys who were already in the porn scene. I know Christian has encouraged trannies to chop their cocks off for some reason. I don't care to keep up this much with porn drama so I don't know user.
im so sick of seeing Christian fucking all the trannies
Surely he had aids by now
They call them traps for reason, ive seen a woman on testosterone with a face full of beard, and a chest full of hair, spreading her vagina and im not attracted. just remember its an illusion, your attracted to the thing its pretending to be, not what it really is.