That is all.
A 9 y/o girl is a child, not a pubescent teen
He didn't consummate the marriage until she hit puberty. Arranging marriages with young girls was a common practice at the time. You can't judge historical figures based on the standards and laws of today.
This is so funny!
You must be so smart and politically aware to make judgments about people's religion while smiling behind dorito and a cum-stained, obese mug!
Even if Mohammed fucked a pre-pubescent women, he still has more balls / virility / testosterone than a man shit-posting religion on a basket-weaving board on his Sunday afternoon, LMFAO.
>Al-Tabari says she was nine at the time her marriage was consummated.[33] Sahih al-Bukhari's hadith says "that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old."
He consummated the "marriage" when she was 9, you disingenuous niggerfaggot. Neither yeshua nor siddhartha were pedophiles, but mahomet is apparently the only one we can't judge for being a filthy degenerate.
t. pedo mudslime
Get fucked sandniggers. What are you gonna do about it, behead me?
Hadith aren't always reliable user
Multiple sources corroborate the exact same thing, and they're on his side too, so they really have no reason to lie. Cope harder and dial 8 tranny sandniggerfaggot, kek.
There is no official source that confirms her age. You're obviously just assuming the worst because you already disliked Islam going in.
Multiple hadiths, that are used for many other pisslamic customs, record that pedo mo fucked a 9 y/o girl. You'll use the hadiths for the other traditions but not this, likely because you are desperate to defend your sandnigger deathcult. You can't even provide a competing claim. Why not embrace the fact that you "prophet" was a pedo? Honestly, how much worse could it get at this point?
I dont know why would someone want to discuss this here in r9k but here is my info
Back then in arabia land, people started counting the ages of females after they hit puberty and elligible for having a child. So she was at least 21 when they marry. Also there is a possiblity hadiths are not real, considering they were written 200 years after prophet died.
There is no record of this "custom," mudslime. You pulled it straight out of your ass along with all the goat and pig coom that you've got accumulated in the hole there. Multiple pisslamic hadiths say the exact same thing: that mahomet was a degenerate pedophile.
The hadiths are used for many other traditions, so why aren't they believed when it comes to this issue? Hmmm...
it is what i heard. Also, the concept of recording your age or birthday is fairly modern.
I personally dont follow/believe any hadith and just follow Qur'an
There is no record of only beginning to count one's age after puberty. If there is, post evidence of it from a primary source. And it doesn't matter what you personally want to believe, the fact of the matter is that the hadiths are used as sources for many current pisslamic customs. It makes no sense to use some of them, but then deny what they very clearly say when you don't like it, ayrab sandnigger mudslime.
A prepubescent person is a "girl," not a "woman," you fucking disingenuous mudslime.
Prepubescent female, that is.
yeah im not gonna start researching ancient arab history just to prove you wrong, if you are truly after truth, you search for it. Even if it is wrong, as i said i dont believe in any hadith
>the fact of the matter is that the hadiths are used as sources for many current pisslamic customs
Doesnt prove she was 9 lol. Do you know how logic works?
You're literally not one to talk.
As I thought, you pulled it straight out of your ass, or whoever told you that did and you were stupid enough to believe it. We're not even talking about ancient history, but medieval history retard, that's how fucking recent your sandnigger deathcult is. And are you retarded? The logic is clear. Either the hadiths are a reliable source or they aren't. If they aren't, then why are they used as the basis for many pisslamic customs? If they are then why specifically ignore the part where it says that pedo mo fucked a 9 y/o girl? Because it offends your delicate sensibilities? Mudslime retard.
Nice try, but I'm not a kikeloving christcuck, semitic ayrab sandnigger mudslime.
>As I thought, you pulled it straight out of your ass, or whoever told you that did and you were stupid enough to believe it
nope i did my research and whoever told me had the source which you can also find if you are curious enough
>If they aren't, then why are they used as the basis for many pisslamic customs?
They are not. Because people are ignorant and thinks by believing hadith they will be a better believer in fact opposite is true most of the time. Hadith were written 200 years after prophet died and recording the words of prophet was forbidden during his lifetime because people would mistake his words with the religion. Now tell me how reliable they are?
If you weren't bullshitting, you'd just settle this and give me the source. But you are, so you won't. I'm calling your bluff, you don't have anything. And I don't care about what you personally claim to believe, cafeteria mudslime. The fact is that the vast majority of 'slimes use the hadiths as sources for pisslamic tradition, but selectively ignore the parts of them that they don't like, like where it talks about pedo mo fucking a 9 y/o girl. And the toilet paper koran is literally recording the words of pedo mo retard, you clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
>But you are, so you won't
nigga im about to go sleep i dont give a shit about you there is work tomorrow
>The fact is that the vast majority of 'slimes use the hadiths as sources for pisslamic tradition
1 trillion people can believe one thing, doesnt change the truth
Oh this thread again. Look, I tried to explain in the last thread. Having sex with a child who isn't even sexually mature yet is simply the way it was done. Like I said, we should base our morality and principles on these people because that's the way is was done. Do you have any questions? Well, the answer is simple; that's just how it's done. Don't believe in the core ideology? Well have faith you heathen or I'll severely injure, humiliate or kill you.
People are so dumb. Accept the truth that we are peaceful and loving. Stop being such degenerate, violent people. I hate you so much. Die. Allah willing.
As suspected, you don't have shit. Imams, who probably rank much higher on the pisslamic totem pole than you do, use hadiths as sources for pisslamic customs. No one gives a shit about what you think or want to believe, the truth is that mahomet was a fucking degenerate pedophile who fucked a 9 y/o girl multiple times, may worms eat his corpse and may hell exist solely so that he can burn in it.
I know you're being sarcastic, but nether yeshua nor siddhartha or any other major religious leader/founder was a warlord or a pedophile. Those traits are unique to mahomet. So why do muds always think that we'll accept the stupid "don't judge them by modern moral/ethical standards" argument when religious leaders that existed long before him didn't ever even do any of the heinous and terrible things that he did?
I discovered this at about the same time as the Jimmy Savile revelations. The uneven reactions to these similar cases really knocked my faith in the msm.
What are you talking about? The liberal msm is constantly sucking mudslime cock. Every time a terrorist attack from le religion/cult of peace happens, they wait as long as possible to reveal that it was another mudslime. They brush under the rug all the rapes, muggings, and murders caused by mudslime "refugees" in western countries. Sweden (yes) even stopped releasing its arrest data by race because there was an extremely disproportionate amount of nigger and sandnigger mudslimes on the records.
Mary married Joseph when she was 12, and
The Talmud sanctions sexual relations between adults and children as young as 3 years old. so you see... this how things were back then and holding people from that time to society standards today is a retarded thing to do so don't come here and try to spread your agenda you snownigger atheistfag
According to scripture, maryam was a virgin when she had yeshua. Whether or not you believe this, it states that she was around 16 when she had him, much older than aisha's 9 when pedo mo forcibly penetrated her prepubescent vagoo. And I'm not really surprised that the kikes are pedos, I hate them too. Also, as stated in , neither yeshua nor siddhartha or any other major religious leader/founder was a warlord or a pedophile. Those traits are unique to mahomet. So why do muds always think that we'll accept the stupid "don't judge them by modern moral/ethical standards" argument when religious leaders that existed long before him didn't ever even do any of the heinous and terrible things that he did?
>According to scripture, maryam was a virgin when she had yeshua. Whether or not you believe this, it states that she was around 16 when she had him, much older than aisha's 9 when pedo mo forcibly penetrated her prepubescent vagoo. And I'm not really surprised that the kikes are pedos, I hate them too. Also, as stated in , neither yeshua nor siddhartha or any other major religious leader/founder was a warlord or a pedophile. Those traits are unique to mahomet. So why do muds always think that we'll accept the stupid "don't judge them by modern moral/ethical standards" argument when religious leaders that existed long before him didn't ever even do any of the heinous and terrible things that he did?
According to scripture, maryam was a virgin when she had yeshua. Whether or not you believe this, it states that she was around 16 when she had him
>According to scripture, maryam was a virgin when she had yeshua. Whether or not you believe this, it states that she was around 16 when she had him
Let's say for the sake of argument I believe this... it doesn't matter he still married her when she was 12.
>didn't ever even do any of the heinous and terrible things that he did?
I suppose terrible things is going to war? lol right?
>when religious leaders that existed long before him didn't ever even do any of the heinous and terrible things that he did?
Moses engaged in wars, and David, and many figures of the Bible engaged in war against evil wtf are you talking about, and even in the new testament Jesus is cited as saying "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34
Whoa there mudslime, you short-circuiting? Pedo mo married aisha when she was 6. But notice how I mentioned a 9 y/o girl in the op, not a 6 y/o. That's because no actual sex (rape) took place until she was 9 according to pisslamic records. In maryam's case, she may have gotten married at 12, but scripture says that no sex at all took place, and even if you don't believe that, she got preggers at 16, so she must have had sex around that time. A far cry from the rape of a prepubescent 9 y/o girl. And even the kike wars weren't as bad as mahomet's wars of aggression, where at one point he killed all the adult men of some kike tribe that surrendered and then he and his troops raped the women and children (of both sexes, being mudslime faggots ofc kek). Even the kikes didnt go that far, kek. The point stands that other major religious figures simply weren't warlike or pedophilic to the extreme extent that mahomet was. He is unique in that regard (not something to be proud of though kek).
>The Prophet himself set the example of unleashing violence by invading the Jewish settlements, breaking treaties he had signed with them and banishing some of them after confiscating their belongings, massacring others and taking their wives and children as slaves. He inspected the youngsters and massacred all those who had pubic hair along with the men. Those who were younger he kept as slaves. He distributed the women captured in his raids among his soldiers keeping the prettiest for himself (33:50). He made sexual advances on Safiyah, a Jewish girl on the same day he captured her town Kheibar and killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives. Reyhana was another Jewish girl of Bani Quriza whom he used as a sex slave after killing all her male relatives. In the last ten years of his life he accumulated two scores of wives, concubines and sex slaves including the 9 year old Ayesha.
Pedo sandnigger. do a favor to the world and hang yourself.
muslims this is your mentality
>marrying 6 year olds and having sex with 9 year olds is okay