Politics is low IQ
If you have political opinions you're a fag
Politics is low IQ
you are retarded
this is an edgy opinion for a 13 year old so get off this board Zig Forums is for 18+
OwO what ideology is this??
absolutely beyond based image
no shit? politfags are cancer
politics gives you the illusion of choice, but in the end it makes absolutely no fucking difference who you vote for.
the end result will always be the same every time.
when it comes to politics, the question you should always ask:
>how can i benefit the most from the current political situation
don't go ron paul style trying to change things, it wont happen or will end up ugly
based OP go back to plebbit dork.
This is how (((they))) came into power
sounds good until you realise absolutely everything around you is related to politics your opinions are also related to politics
this is true, philosophically speaking there are very few things to exist outside of the realm of politics
>"I am not into politics"
is another way of saying "I have a mango for brain"
All sides are controlled by (((them))). Even the alt-right has (((them))) in it. I'm willing to believe even the most hardcore far right groups have (((them))) in it.
i love this image sfsaf43532
Politics is the worst kind of brainlet tribalism for people who have yet to follow the arguments to their conclusions.
There's more legitimacy in fucking consolewars than there is in discussing the flaming dumpster fire that is western fucking politics.
I do not even want to entertain the thought of acknowledging the absolute abysmal shit pit we inhabit and participate in with our votes.
shut up faggot you shouldn't even be allowed to vote with the other women
and you cant do anything about it
>shut up faggot you shouldn't even be aIlowed to vote with the other women
I can write raps about it
>Illuminati want my mind, soul, and my body
>secret society
>tying to keep their eye on me
It's pretty much impossible to not have political opinions if you live in a society but if you partake in political discussion then ur a fag
You lefties just say that because you're the low IQ ones
what makes you think im anthing other than male?
Order of the Nine Angels
nazi satanic cult based in the UK but allegedly control nazi terrorist cells accross Europe, North America, and Australia
there has been a confirmed connection to AtomWaffen
Ever time someone says politics is stupid theres always a lot of flame I get you think that by electing ruffletop mctinycock your money will be affected but you gotta realise its all the same bunch of drugged up cunts in one of the highest paying jobs where all they have to do is lie
Again you're just a lefty saying this since you are the ones who fuck over our wealth the most
I disagree policies and plans for the state or country have nothing to do with policits anymore its now about labelling yourself one on side or the other of a current issue thats why joe Biden is the pro choice Black Lives Matter iced coffee girl candidate and drumpf is the Islam hating pretty much racist cowboy hat drugged up white guy candidate
if anything, that image shows that it's usually pointless to have a political discussion with people who have strong political opinions, unless you happen to have the same opinions. "damn that's crazy" and doing a 360 and walking away, is a good default answer.
Do you obey the laws of your state and customs of your nation OP? Either shut the fuck up or go back to hobbesian state of warre, worthlessnigger
>doing a 360
The reality is that average people have zero influence on politics so any political ideology they adopt is just a way to signal their alleged values like an obnoxious faggot without actually having to do anything to live up to those values.
america's ultra liberal and capitalistic society is very happy to have politics being viewed as a thing completely separate from the real world. by stripping people from politics they also engage them in a distanciation from responsibility, purpose, and sense of belonging ; essentially atomizing society into a bunch of individuals, only interested for their little persons. this is of course only to serve one purpose : selling stuff and making profit by creating products and services destined to bring happiness through consumption. the end goal is reached when people actively distance themselves from politics, deny its importance and when the norm serves the system. as in social values become directly linked to serving the capitalistic system and economy (workers vs non workers, hustler vs lazy, winner vs loser). if people stop believing in politics they also stop believing in their own strength to guide themselves towards brighter tomorrows and they tend to start believing that they are responsible for not finding success in a rigged game that only disguises itself as purely meritocratic.
so OP, you're an absolute faggot if you think having political opinions and believing in politics is as simple as following a donkey or following an elephant. questionning the system, questionning your place in a society, questionning the norms and engaging your own responsibility for your peers is something to be encouraged. being blind and ignorant is not being strong, nor is being strong opinionated necessarily a good thing but at least in engagement there is life, possibility of error of course, but it's nowhere near as dumb as remaining an apolitic cunt.
This guy puts how centrists are just faggot lefties quite well
Centrism is inherently low iq