Who here has been to the loonybin?

who here has been to the loonybin?
post your stories
bonus if you have been in 2020

I think im going to tell my psych I want to kill myself because im board and I have not played cards and board games in years

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no but ive been to rehab that doubled as a mental health facility
i would absolutely just live there
they have a beach and good food and i always get laid by the little druggie girls
you just get to veg out all day and its comfy as fuck

I may have depression, I may be schizophrenic, I may have ADHD, I may not have a therapist/psych, but I never, ever tell anybody what I am going through, ever. These debuffs are only for me to know.

your a dork seek medical help

Sounds really comfy. I'm tired of working 60 hour weeks and I want to begin my retirement a couple of decades early. I'm seriously considering checking myself into a mental health faculty because I'm just tired of working and want to become a parasite to the tax payer.

its great watch tv and play cards all day all the staff are forced to be nice to you

No, I'm fine. I'm employed, but I have no GF which sucks. I can function in society, but it tires me out bigtime.

Why would you WANT to go to those places? They're hell and their only purpose is to prevent someone who is acutely suicidal from going through with it. They provide no long-term benefits whatsoever and the entire stay is unpleasant. Never admit suicidal desire or possession of a suicide plan to a psychologist, unless, like OP here, you WANT to go to there.

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Sounds kinda like High School, where the teachers are FORCED to be nice to you regardless of your behavior. You're a great salesman.

LMAO, I don't have a psychologist since I'm a cheapskate. I guess you and the other guy who went to a faculty had vastly different experiences.

its like staying at a holiday inn you cant leave were you can practice talking to people you will never talk to again

Been to one this year, back in January. Tried to blow my brains out and the cops got called, I pussied out. Wound up in a psych ward with about 10 others, one of which felt the need to eat actual shit, and another who got cucked by his girl while on the phone with her on his release day.

>cucked by his girl

Was she busy cheating when he called her?

>its like staying at a holiday inn you cant leave
Maybe if you're a wagie that's nice. Otherwise it's just a prison.
>were you can practice talking to people you will never talk to again
I guess you're more of a social butterfly since you like talking to people so much, for anyone who doesn't want that, the more accurate description would be that you're forced to interact with people you don't want to interact with.

So when he got to call her, she answered, and he could hear some other dude talking to her from inside the house. Apparently, he recognized the voice as some black dude they knew. He asked what the fuck was going on, and she freaked the fuck out and hung up.

Fuck dude that sounds awful, if i were him i'd find a way to murder them both, fuck it.

If that were me, I'd be seeing red. I'd like to think that cheating is the worst kind of betrayal you can unleash on a person.

Yeah, he said he was gonna kill the dude. I hope for his sake he just moved on, got off meth, and improved his life.

Yeah he didn't take it well. I can't imagine anyone would.

what are "leisure skills" and why is it in that font

they bring out the art supplies and shit like that

Why would he direct the majority of his anger towards the dude? The guy just sold a knife to her, the girlfriend is the one who broke the bond of trust and stabbed her boyfriend in the back with it.

crystal people are not very smart thats why they are on the crystals

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Same except I don't have ADHD. Like I'm letting my record and future career prospects go out the window for some useless therapy.

>An inescapable Holiday Inn
This sounds like the start to a bad joke.

>implying they need a involuntary commitment record to tell that you are retarded

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Good call, but be prepared for the amount of work you will get. Going to therapy will not only cost you a lot, but it will look shit on your resume. When I graduated from university, I considered going to a therapist to straighten my mental issues out, but I had colleagues who did the same and they are still unemployed, even though their resumes and my resume are almost identical.

hello fbi wuts up try harder retards

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got sent there after attempted suicide don't remember anything special happening or much at all actually besides being fed rivotril like it was candy and spending time with other insects

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>wanting to be employed
get a load of this goy

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That's actually a really good guide on how to fuck over the state. I just hope you're in a 1st world country.

This, the other guy deserves a good beating, but at the end of the day he was still manipulated into fucking the cheating whore, who deserves nothing but a slit throat.

the fbi unironically made me go to a loonybin over Zig Forums post

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isn't it strange how every looney bin schedule looks the same?

its a mafia like chinese restaurants