What do you think of this game? Have you already created your perfect virtual live and fell in actual real love with a fake girl like I did?
What do you think of this game...
Sims 2 console coop is peak sims experience
4's trash and gay but it has the best porn mod. I play 4 for the coom and 2 for the gameplay.
Based, I miss playing with my cousin as we commit house fires together.
Needs to go back to an open world sandbox type.
They ruined this iteration with fragmented neighborhoods and houses, and shitty $40 "expansion" packs which are usually just filled with junk items.
oh man. you gave me flashbacks to when I played with my sister. We didn't know what wohoo was so we kept doing it together lmao
Playing the sims just makes me depressed imo, living a fake life even when I know my own is pathetic.
i wish there was a realistic style sims game
with lots of coom mods
That's why you either go full blown psycho doing the retarded shit you won't do on real life like burning down the house of your neighbor while screwing his wife, daughter and maid when he's off to work, or you play for the porn mods to coom
I know hardly nothing about this series but it seems so fucking boring.
Do you just make your character and wait until something interesting happens?
I mean, yes, once you stop playing it youll feel like absolute shit but at least you can escape reality and pretend you have a good life while playing it
The new snow one looks comfy
>full blown psycho doing the retarded shit you won't do on real life like burning down the house of your neighbor while screwing his wife, daughter and maid when he's off to work, or you play for the porn mods to coom
Actually now that I think about it, I always fall back to Skyrim for those. Don't have the same depressed feeling since it's set in a fantasy realm
Plenty of coom mods, and I can go around murdering the plethora of npc thots I've bimboified and just do w/e I want. I just really don't feel like dling everything again, and setting it up. It takes days to get it right.
When I want to have a feel-good psycho power fantasy I just play postal 2. Much better for that sort of thing in my opinion.
fuck, i need to get me some skyrim now
Only have The Sims 3, and I made "myself" a dictator while the rest of the town lives in poverty
Can't be beat when it comes to vidya cooming
Agree, I would say the sims had a chance at it but the sheer amount concentrated autism needed to go on dozen of hours to crawl through the internet to get proper mods is ball busting. Holy fuck any sims game would profit from having a mod manager like Skyrim and a centralized mod site.
I'm waiting for more expansions, and to build a new pc before restarting again. I collect all the cute pre-made girls into a harem with mods and then we complete the spectrum of sims experience before I have a perfect daughterfu with someone. beyond that I'll play with normal generations.
you can wait and watch the sims sim it up, but you can also take active control of your characters. you can add characters to your household, 8 base game, more with mods, and you can set whatever goals you want. that includes finding out about and playing the various life states, careers, skills, and hobbies, as well as managing your sim's relationships with other sims.
My cousin plays this and she made a home with her and I together that she's absolutely infatuated with. I've asked her why it's just her and I a few times and her answer is always either "Because I feel most comfortable with you" or "It's more fun being with you like this" I'm not an idiot so I know what that kind of stuff means but I'm not sure how to act on it.
Sims 4 is soulless compared to the earlier installments. For me, it was using the Sims 3 version of Don Lothario to impregnate every woman in town.
my only bad advice would be to either start being more physically affectionate with your cousin when you see her such as hugging her and family appropriate kissing,
or ask your parents to set you up with her.
I like sims 4, but I really miss the open world, and ability to own multiple houses. But I guess the reason the open world won't come back is cause the devs are shit at optimization. and it's too bad we can't build on where the last installment left off rather than restarting with the same expansions every new entry.
Sims 3 was the peak of sims and only people with bad computers (despite having enough sheckles for the sims?) don't like it
I like making my imaginary boyfriend and me in the sims and have fantasies about if my life were in that situation. Normally I become a famous artist and my husband is a detective.
sims 3 doesn't run good even on good computers. it's like crysis 1.
To be fair I would never play the sims long enough to run into the issues
We've always been close since we were kids and we're only three years apart so I feel like I've been an older brother to her since I'm an only child. I've had thoughts about her as a woman from time to time but it's very conflicting. I'd never want to hurt her by risking that familial relationship but I do love her a lot.
if she already loves you then make her obsessed and happy with you. idk br, be her onii-chan both in the streets and in the sheets. but also marry her, make the relationship work once you start it, don't ever let it get ruined.
yes i did, proud brothel owner and drug lord
here another picture