i fucking hate niggers so much its unreal
I fucking hate niggers so much its unreal
>raping a bitch you thinks gonna call the cops
>i fucking hate niggers so much its unreal
For me, it's Americans
>I hate jews and will not trust what they tell me
Says Zig Forums
>So I trust the jews when they inform me about the other gentile groups, because I don't trust them
so concludes Zig Forums
not surprised. jealousy is a powerful thing faggot
How long until justice statistics are deemed hate speech?
Why do Americans always assume it's jealousy when you just want them dead
I wanted the guy who fucked my girlfriend dead too. He looked better than me and made more money, he appeared to be stronger than me too. Any similarities?
Probably because your country sucks
Niggers were created by Cain. They all go to Hell if they don't repent and civilise.
They already are in Europe.
Im Israeli, sorry goy not sorry goy. Bow down.
Even as an American, have to agree I hate Americans too. Despite that, I still hate you all more.
For me, its eurofags who act superior to America even though that's just because they're only now prosperous thanks to us bailing them out with the Marshall plan after they blasted themselves into the stone age 80 years ago and are still experiencing their golden age of unions.
Just give it time user, those unions will break down and your walmart will emerge.
at least europeans arent unironically like 80% circumcised
>proud to be on the organ trafficking watch list
the white man marches on
you're right. They're about 5%. But don't worry, as Merkel keeps bringing in more of "the new Germans" that % will just keep rising and rising until it too becomes the norm.
Fuck you and your faggot country.
Glad we took your gay money and are doing better than you faggots
merkel is gone this year though.
who's we? you're not doing well. You're on r9k posting at some crazy early time in the morning, you're just as fucked as I.
you're right, but do you really think this new childless dike will be any better?
What is this table saying, I'm an iqcel.
there is always time to make fun of american fags
who said these stats were created by jews?
rent free huh
you mad whiteboi? bend over and suck this bbc
dirty ass nails nigger
too busy fingering your wife's arse
I am also an iqcel. I think it means that for white rape victims the offender is white 44.5% of the time and black 33.6% of the time. And for black rape victims the offender is black 100% of the time.
bro you've got the sweatiest palms I've ever seen. Maybe you should go see a doctor
of course, niggers do not engage in personal hygiene.
british nigger holy fuck you probably think you could "kick my white ass" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH god i hate niggers so much i could break a nigger in two with my bare hands FUCK
it's just some cream, us noggs get very dry you know
girl hand having ashy nigger
Your hand looks disgusting, darkie.
so... you're a cuck
top kek