Can we have a confession thread to make me feel better about my shitty life and choices lol...

can we have a confession thread to make me feel better about my shitty life and choices lol. or some shit meme idk anything

i might be pregnant, im on contraception and in a long term relationship so pls no call me whore. ive ordered a pregnancy test because i can't face buying one at the store but it'll take 5 days to be delivered.

i want to abort it and that's what i'll do (if i actually am and this isn't some weird anxiety episode) but it'll haunt me for so long. i love kids and really want them but im a poor student, my bf isn't ready for kids either. i can't even talk to my mom about it because she'll guilt me into keeping it.

inb4 im not even pregnant and i just have sore tits and an anxiety disorder

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Fuck off whore you don't beIong here

>i want to abort it
Extremely based. That is the correct decision if you turn out to actually be pregnant. My confession is that I'm pretending to be a Christian so that I can make friends and bed Christian women at my university.

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If you know it will haunt you, don't do it.

It's your decision, regardless of what anybody says. Deep inside, I know you know what's best.

>i want to abort it

what race is the baby?

>confession thread
>be me
>probably like 15
>parents always argued, loudly.
>one day I snapped, I guess.
>I played Runescape without eating, pissing, or shitting for thee days straight.
>At the time I had a Rabbit named Phil: He went three days without food or water and I assume that's why he died. (had food and water at the start of day1)
>I still blame myself for this and feel guilty for it, my parents assumed he died because my mother gave him a shitton of lettuce and lettuce is toxic to rabbits.
>This is my only hope I didn't fail him. He was innocent and loving and I feel like I starved him to death because of my own retarded wants.
>I haven't owned a pet since, I feel guilty when I play vidya for more than an hour.
>this was 9 years ago
Incredibly based, I also agree. Anyone that bitches about keeping it wouldn't do the same.
Christcuck spotted.
Mixed or black assuming OP's pic related is a reflection.

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Women can't have loneliness problems and the only ones who disagree are huge fags like you

white, but anglo-irish if that makes any difference to its right to life lmoa. i only realised the pic i posted could indicate im a nig after posting

you should definitely get a pet again though, to prove to yourself you can look after one. you aren't 15 with retarded parents anymore

>Women can't have loneliness problems
Uh oh. Looks like someone swallowed a few too many incelpills. Women are just as capable of being lonely as men are. Just because they are the ones who have the most power in sexual relations does not make them impervious to loneliness, fool.

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holy shit your fucking stupid, please leave this board you dumb bitch

>i might be pregnant, im on contraception and in a long term relationship so pls no call me whore.


whore whore whore,

power move but protestant or catholic? im guessing seppo so pr*testant

>. Women are just as capable of being lonely as men are.
no, of course they can still be lonely, but no they aren't on the same level as men.

>your fucking stupid
ok retard

They really can't be lonely except by choice and the only ones who disagree are massive faggots like you

>Women can't have loneliness problems and the only ones who disagree are huge fags like you
Replace "women" with "men", and then seethe.
I've been looking into getting a cat. I had an old one that died a few years ago but I kept him when I moved out. Nothing since.


ha, ok you got me there

>be pregnant femoid in long term relationship
>frick out
>go ask a bunch of virgins what to do
>get raped in the street by 20 chads

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Jesus I didn't even read your confession, figures that a huge fag like you is an animal abuser


Don't abort the babby user. Sure, you are not ready and he is not ready, but no one is ever ready for parenthood.

If he is a solid chap, and if you are a solid lady, keep the babby, get married and go towards a bright future. Abort it now and it will haunt you for the rest of your days.

My university is like ~85% white so there are hardly any Catholics. So far this strategy is not working though. They either have boyfriends already or are ugly. I guess I should just try to get the taken ones to cheat...
>no they aren't on the same level as men
This is only half true. The social and romantic dynamic for women is a bit different, but they can equally as lonely as men. I've met some seriously disturbed women before and can assure you that they suffer the same pains as lonely men do. I've met one who is still at virgin at 24 because she is terrified of being hurt emotionally by a man. You know, there's a sizable population of women that browse this board, plus Crystal Cafe exists. It's not a pissing contest over who can be more miserable anyway bro.
Your beliefs demonstrate that you are either trolling or seriously out of touch with the reality surrounding our female counterparts. It must be difficult going through life while completely misunderstanding half of the world's population.

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take some mifepristone, before that being in you stomach gains some semblance of sentience, its only bad if you kill it when it seems like it could have consciousness

Well we'll need to take a look at your tits to determine if they're pregnant tits or not, so please show us a picture.
You know, we're scientists here...

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>disagrees with me about women not being able to be lonely
>is a huge fag normie on Zig Forums
Like clockwork. The most hilarious and hypocritical shit about you simps respecting women for having emotional issues that prevent them from taking advantage of their easy mode is that you shit on us claiming we only have emotional issues preventing us from getting women.

i wish i could keep it. my bf won't want it and im split, leaning towards aborting. i love kids and have so many maternal instincts, ive worked with kids before and loved it. but i really can't have one right now which is so sad

have some balls and have an abortion the world doesnt need another poor black single mother or another child being raised by one

Talk to your boyfriend about it.
You can make things work, and your family can help you out.
But if you abort it, it will haunt you for a long time, especially if you really do feel strongly about your boyfriend. But lol, take the test first.

>my bf won't want it

He has stuck his dick inside you raw, what the fuck was he thinking was going to happen. Babbies are a possibility, and once you are having sex without a condor you need to acknowledge that it could happen. Confront the lad, tell him that you want to keep it and that if he doesn't comply with it he is not a man but a shitstain with no honor.

im white and in a relationship you fat retard

Why don't you go /adv/ to attention whore? Its all idiot simps there.

honestly all this anxiety is probably for nothing because my contraception is 99% effective (implant). im just retarded ngl i can't wait to do the test and it comes back negative

I've tried talking to him but he's just expressed that he wouldn't want me to keep it

don't pay attention to the other user, because the issue isn't really about your race or your marital status, but the fact that you're a fucking autist, your bf is too, and the baby you're going to give birth would be too, a massively retarded socially deficient child born from two brainlets
also you see, you're racist and ableist and whatever else leftists hate, the world doesn't like people like us, so don't put another one here lol, you're going to give birth to some incel or femcel if you let that being keep developing in your womb
and for fucks sake, it's the only request SHOW YOUR TITS

leddit would probably be better for simps ngl i just want to hear more retarded stories