I've been thinking about it for 2 years. I finally got an artist who isn't garbage and doesn't overcharge to do a body pillow of my waifu.
Should I do it? Should I just get it done with? Is it a mistake? If no, explain why.
I've been thinking about it for 2 years. I finally got an artist who isn't garbage and doesn't overcharge to do a body pillow of my waifu.
Should I do it? Should I just get it done with? Is it a mistake? If no, explain why.
Do you motherfuckers really not have any objections?
My question is why haven't you done it already?
7Because I'm worried it'll take my autism into 5th gear permanently
I recently got one and I was thinking the same thing. I don't think it changed much except make me happier.
I'm gonna sound like a normie saying this, but I just like a long pillow for the sake of hugging and cuddling. Dakimakura is just that with an extra goodie.
How a dakimakura takes a toll on your autism is determined by how you perception and reaction. I'm comfortable with my degeneracy, so I have no issue buying one. I won't be flexing it to my friends online like a dumbass either, that's the opposite end of the spectrum, but if you know how to distance yourself while also feeling comfortable when someone finds out, as well as generally gaining some confidence in yourself, you should be fine.
In that regard, working out is a good way to keep your sanity, and read more books. I bet you a chick wouldn't mind you being weird with a body pillow if you're hot.
Also, post waifu
Honestly I recall a story about some user who's life improved after getting a daki because he had reason to shave and shower constanly (not ruin the cover).
I know that I'd smile like a retard every night cuddling that thing but I just want to make sure I'm not making a horrible $300 mistake.
How did you find an artist to do your commission? What was the process? Asking for a friend
I'm comfortable with my degeneracy as well and I know loose lips sink ships.
yeah that happened to me too, i've been keeping my room cleaner as well
I just stumbled across them. I told them what I wanted in very specific detail and they agreed.
Superb taste, user. I'm not even a furry
While a long pillow with some basic design on it is one thing, I think getting a waifu body pillow does cross a line in terms of autism/position in life. If you are fine with crossing that line then as long as you make sure you are making a 'good' purchase then go for it. If you aren't comfortable crossing that line then don't.
Give it some more thought before you buy though as you coming here for advice means you obviously aren't entirely decided on the issue.
Was it on Pixiv or something? Or like a Discord group?
It was their NG actually. Many good artists there.
I've been thinking on/off for 2 years. I'm at an impasse with myself.
Thank you user!
Its a fucking pillow. When you hug it in the dark at night the only thing you will feel is a flimsy rectangle with no firmness. I recommend a stuffed doll that you can dress up.
>flimsy rectangle with no firmness
how dare you talk about his wife like that
>implying my computer doesn't light the room
>implying that it might as well have no cover
Also, that's been done with my very waifu and it's fucking creepy
I got a body pillow as a KHV at 26. However, I hadn't completely given up, so I got a neutral cover and used my imagination.
Way cheaper and avoided spaghetti when I did manage to get a girl home years later.
While getting a waifu body pillow is pretty sad desu, getting a waifu stuffed doll is just in another universe entirely. Especially a furry waifu stuffed doll.
Sleeping with that thing would be 100 times better than a long pillow.
It has an ass you can press up on when you spoon and a pair of tits you can grab.
I'd just stuff it in my closet. I'm in that weird autistic-chad domain where I'm confident enough to recognize and actively ignore women when they start looking for attention (and then, inevitably, like a cat, they can't help but try and have the 1 person who doesn't want them) but at the same time autistic enough to hate their fucking guts when they do so.
Example: Intro to compsci in college. Asian girl sits next to me when there's a bunch of open seats because I'm the only one who didn't acknowledge her presence. She tries to get my help on setting up her IDE and I tell her to "Google it, I'm not your personal tech support." Later she made chicken wings for me in the dorms and I pitched one right in front of her because it was one of the worst things I've ever put in my mouth and said as much.
She then didn't talk to me.
I'm also retarded enough to forget my own point. D'oh. I brought all that up because, had I forgotten to put it in the closet before I left, I would own up to having a body pillow and not give a single fuck what she thinks. What's she going to do about it?
>Later she made chicken wings for me in the dorms and I pitched one right in front of her because it was one of the worst things I've ever put in my mouth and said as much.
Lmao, kinda based but also women gossip and its prob best not to get a bad reputation as an asshole who throws chicken wings at people. Plus its good practice in case the girl you like is a shit cook.
>convince you not to do a good thing
Nigga why don't you just ask me to tell you to stop breathing
I used to do the same with a blonde stuffed doll I had. She had a red playboy bunny outfit with ears and shit. She wasnt much to look at but she had all the fun bits I liked to grab at night. I hid her under my bed frame wrapped one a canvas sheet to keep her from getting dusty. When we moved I knew I couldnt bring her along so I warped her in black trash bag and tossed her into a dumpster. I kept her red bow tie. I felt I threw a piece of my self in that dumpster.
What do I care if someone gossips about me? I've learned that if you're enough of an open asshole people won't care so long as you admit to being an asshole. When she runs to her little friends and says "he's an asshole," the response isn't going to be focused on new juicy gossip. The response is going to be a complete lack of care because "Everyone knows he's an ass."
The thing is, if you're the right *kind* of asshole, people will still interact with you and will even confide in you (because they know you'll ALWAYS be honest). Gossip about rudeness might hurt someone who is otherwise seen as a kind person, but it slips off of a cunt.
> Plus its good practice in case the girl you like is a shit cook.
You don't get better at cooking by being coddled. You get better at cooking by recognizing where and how you fuck up. This is why Ramsay yells at people instead of using kid gloves.
Do you really think it's a good idea? Why?
Why... Why couldn't you just bring the trash bag?
This nigga trying to be convinced to not buy a body pillow while my Chad ass brought a $3k sex doll.
How custom was your supplier willing to go? Asking for a friend
The virgin body pillow hug vs the chad autonomous blowjob
The place where I was moving had less rooms so I would have to share rooms with my brother. With him sleeping on the other side of the room I would never have a chance to pull her out of her hiding.
Based as all fuck chad post
I'm sorry to hear that, user.
Original comment
If I lived alone and owned my own place I would fill my entire space up with anime and manga shit gundam figures to boot but living at home you either are embarassed about people seeing the anime and manga you like or just don't want people gawking at your waifu so as long as you live alone and under your own power don't let others stigmas rule over you
Me fuckin too user, patrician taste
Would you have done the same to a guy?