This is what native americans look like in canada

>this is what native americans look like in canada

What the fuck, how did america and mexico go so wrong?

Attached: 1606090646318.jpg (580x974, 65.31K)

actual leaf here, that's not what female natives look like up in BC
at least not the overweight ones, which is 90% of 'em

>>this is what native americans look like in canada
Wtf I love Canada now.

>rural BC anything

Shits like the 18th century west but as a trailer park

injuns in the US are mostly LARPers or mutted to shit. that's basically it.

also that being said, you may as well just seek out an asian gf, because it's essentially the same

it really does
a shame it's one of the better-looking parts of canada that's actually populated, i'd go live up in the territories if it weren't for the travel ban and the fact nobody lives in there

Native americans are cooler imo, don't want to be dubbed the asian fever guy

Thats aan Asian, retard

> don't want to be dubbed the asian fever guy
>caring what randos think


That's a jungle gook from Australia though.

Asians and natives look very much alike, I understand your complete retardation

not unless it's Mongolians
Natives are gigachads

wasnt this video taken in melbourne central, australia? shes some chink I think

based faceblind poster

looks like a ladyboy, chief. Manheaded gook.

most natives in canada just look like weird white people and they are usually holding a crack pipe or bottle of mouth wash.

Holy fuck im a native and a leaf
You are such a fucking idiot op kill yourself

Ive literally never seen anyone look like this before lmaoooo

Attached: 81164064_p0.png (560x560, 262.36K)

Post cute native girls.
(I know, they don't exist because they all get fat as soon as they are 13y.o.)

Leaf here in Manitoba which is rez city where they're as common as nigs in Chicago.

Not a single one looks like this, flat ass- or bannock bum what we call it and they're all chubby in the worst places making them look like walking planks. No curves at all

native girls dont look taiwanese
they also have extremely short tempers and constantly steal stuff

Attached: fg caragee2.png (529x669, 294.62K)

>and constantly steal stuff
I thought that was what natives did.
You know, due to a generalized lack of niggers in the areas where there are natives they have to pick up the crime slack.
That and drink mouthwash.

Why wouldn't they? Underprivileged. More-so than even niggers. Pocahontas was a mistake. Natives didn't deserve what happened to them.

iirc shes SEA and the vid is taken is Melbourne, Australia

>read native american history in canada
Those leafs are fucked up man

they plain just dont work if they have a per cap or qualify for welfare or cant find a job they find exciting
they also live in bumfuck nowhere, so if they have extra time they just do drugs

Attached: fg deeny.png (552x674, 321.9K)

Natives are just really inbred asians

she looks amazing, who is she?

I love Native Americans man, I don't care if they've been fucked out of relevance, I'll take a qt rez gf over any half irish half german half british european mound of clay any time

Their communities are riddled with mental illness and apathy. I grew up near a reservation and interacted with a lot of them. I have a lot of sympathy for their plight. Good people deep down, just a lot of them are in very unfortunate situations. I love their culture too, once upon a time they were a strong prideful group of people.

>riddled with mental illness
like sociopathy and ASPD
half those missing girls are probably from someone from the local rez