confidence totally matters btw
Confidence totally matters btw
you can just feel the oozing confidence!
confidence makes you attractive
you need to love yourself for others to love you
it's your attitude that makes people reject you
people simply reflect how you feel about yourself
you are judged only by your behavior
lmao this thread just adopt a chin niggas
just a few mm of facial bone
OP here once again. let me just leave this question here
how the are you supposed to ever trust people and society again when you figure out the reason for your rejection from friendships and even employment has been largely influenced by your facial bones, and that you have been mislead your entire life to think it was all because of you behaving incorrectly? having ugly people think they always do the wrong thing to trigger rejection drives them into paranoia and constant second-guessing of oneself.
> before and after meth
I'm a pretty boy, but I'd like to be the slayer.
>mfw I have gigachad facial structure but unironically lack confidence and have never asked a girl out before
I will die as equally alone as those who never had a chance. In a way, neither did I
if you really had such a face, women would give you long looks and occasiona smiles in public. people really like looking at attractive faces and every man should recognize this desire within themselves. the same desire is present in women.
Left one looks great. Like some kind of tricky adventurer from a fantasy. Right one looks like generic media NPC.
They do. I have no confidence.
then just drink that's what i do. im ugly and get laid cuz the power of alcohol is within me baby
holy fuck
hope that chinlet sees this pic once.
holy fuck Mogged to the dome bitch!
Did they implant acne along with the chin?
but these kind of pics make me realize what beauty is really about. stuff like acne never really influences attractiveness significantly. an otherwise good face with acne will always trump an uglier face with the clearest skin. the effect of her improved jaw is such a colossal change that it almost makes the acne look like a harmlessly cute detail next to chinletism.
tfw i look good BUT
true. depends on location, but in the West and in city area, 176 cm (me) is just pathetically short. it doesn't sound too bad but in practice, if comparing to others in the 15-30 year age range, it's easily in the lowest 20%.
weird how her ear doesn't scar
You can see in the picture of the right that she is more confident in herself, and takes better care of herself. You can also see she picked up some hobbies. Also in the picture of the left she smells bad and didn't have proper hygiene.
I have had this same surgery a month ago.
You cant. The blackpill stays with you forever. All you can do is play along in the lookist game of life or ldar.
I second this.
Not like this is a bad thing. Just can drive you insane and that's all to it
aftermeth lmao
This, the acne is actually fucking moe
Confidence matters when you're average tho.
had 8mm sliding genio, ppl definitely treated me better especially when i still had swelling that made the chin more prominent than it actually was