I'm thinking about enlisting in the military. Getting combat training, discipline and getting paid for it as well. I don't want to end up like some PTSD-ridden old man with 3 divorced wives though.
What are your thoughts, robots?
I'm thinking about enlisting in the military. Getting combat training, discipline and getting paid for it as well. I don't want to end up like some PTSD-ridden old man with 3 divorced wives though.
What are your thoughts, robots?
Go to the French Foreign legion not the ADF. Not unless you want to fight for Liberals and Abos.
Lmae don't do it. You want to be cleaning all the time, and living in really shitty conditions, dealing with morons like yourself?
Then go right ahead
Talked to multiple people who have served, not one of them says they'd do it again if they could go back. Something to think about.
These. Not to mention dealing with some shitty leaders who got Peter Principle'd up to where they are just because they can memorize a shit ton of rules and regs and who will tell you to do stupid shit just because.
If you absolutely must, go into a really technical job like Signal or Intel. Serve out your three- or four-year; keep your head down and do your job as best as you can; get your certifications, high-level clearance, and cool training or whatever; get out; and make bank on the outside. I got an offer to be a government contractor a few months before I got out, moved into my own place, and have been living pretty well ever since.
Whatever you are in real life right now is what you will be in the Army. Sorry, you can't escape it. But at least you will have a bit of money and maybe get to live in a shitty country. I say go for it.
>t. incel vet
You will get PTSD in the army for sure. If you are not a strong, big guy above 6"1 - 6"2 you can get raped too. So you will end up with combat ptsd and rape ptsd.
Try reserve first, if you don't like you can still have a civilian life
the whole thing will give you PTSD because it's designed to psychologically program you to be their puppet
you will be conditioned to believe there is nothing wrong with you, despite all the obvious life symptoms suggesting something is amiss
your ego will be boosted and empowered as much as your billets merit
you will be pushed to excel and act accordingly of what is expected from someone of higher rank than you, essentially coercing you further into servitude by psychological merit of reward for the facade of 'discipline' by submission to arbitrary, unusual circumstances you'll find yourself ordered to obediently magistrate amongst your delegations.
IT IS during this push you are engineered psychologically to be a war mongering animal, self propagating the industry as you are an integral microscopic unit that provides the macroscopic overlay of approval that is required for the public face when confronting the top elected generals and ambassadors to the military.
everything is a puppet show. the biggest puppet gets the most authority and gets to thrash smaller puppets who aren't 100% loyal and submissive to being cuckolded in selling their soul to the military way of life.
the people who get out are the biggest egotistical douchebags in existence. they go on to start companies, be ceos, suicide, law enforcement, or any other facet of society where they can exert CONTROL, DOMINANCE, and MANIPULATION of their will, which is all the core aspects of the themes really running behind wars. it is reflected in all the individuals, the same energies throughout the operation of combat. it is a psychological as much as physical endeavor that resonates effect throughout the universe, and it doesn't go unseen.
we will end wars by removing all soldiers. the world is going to see what mentally deranged lunatics anyone who wants to kill other humans really are.
Where are you OP, what branch do you want?
I can say do not join the Army, that is a great way to fuck up your body in a decade and be a cripple.
But if you can join a cushy job in the Air Force, that will pay well and you wont get PTSD most likely (save for Drone Pilots, say what you will. Eventually, killing people with a push of a button hits you like a brick).
DO NOT GET MARRIED BEFORE YOU ARE IN. Especially in countries that do not have a strong moral background. I'm looking at most Western Countries. Not to bash them, but spouses will know what they want, they eventually want sexual pleasure unless they are religiously or highly morally grounded. In a Western Democracy, you are likely going to encounter the freedom of feminism, which by itself depending on who you ask isn't good or evil, but if you want a faithful spouse, you will regret it. This goes if you are a woman too. Men cheat and women cheat. Know that before you go in.
if you don't want PTSD Go Air Force
If you don't want to be divorced, don't even think about relationships while you are in.
[Where is Secret Sandler? Am I too early?]
Navy-fag here. Best decision of my life even though I haven't really done shit yet. Basically meets everything you just said but sets you up for a future career more than infantry or something (which is what you'd be with a low ASVAB in the army). It's also a bit easier and (supposedly) they treat you better than the other branches. Just expect it to still be hard. I feel like I could survive an internment camp now. In a way I'm in one since I'm in a holding unit. Leadership is awful and I'm treated like shit. But I have way more money than I've ever had and Im much less of a robot and way more capable. I take myself seriously and there's something to take seriously. All in all, good decision. Join up OP if you can hack it.
user you need to stop talking about things you have no clue about. This armchair psychology is purest cringium.
Depends on what country and what you are alooking for. If it is just training, you can easily enlist right now. If you are looking for a career, you should have at least somewhat clear image of what you are going to be doing there.
lol I'm a US Marine, I know alot more about it than you ever will.
My dad works at nintendo too, just trust me.
>what are your thoughts
How much do you like cleaning toilets?
How much do you like two fucking straight weeks of nothing happens, and I mean, so bored jerking off isn't even worth it anymore, punctuated by two minutes of "oh, you know that guy, that I knew, that I liked? He's dead now!"?
How do you like ruining your body and mind for a country that will not even fucking bother to chip in for the healthcare they SAID they owed you?
Don't fucking join the military, and if you do, do it to learn a trade, and then fuck right off when your 4 years ends. You're not gonna be solid snake. You're gonna be one of the guards walking a boring patrol route hoping solid snake doesn't fucking kill you.
entirely irrelevant and out of context
you already showed you couldn't comprehend what i said
there is no point in you larping, fat fuck, you're trolling yourself
enjoy some big black cock since you want to be such a fucking faggot
>having webms like that saved on his computer
>completely imbecilic armchair psychology ramble
Case in point.
you are larping about your dad working at nintendo a post ago, who do you think you're fooling in your post now?
what an incredibly blatant newfag retard you are as well
you must be european
Lmao guess how I know you actually we're a marine..
>you are larping about your dad working at nintendo a post ago
>calls others newfags
here you go, attention starved faggot
>I'm definitely not a queer
>pls disregard my folder of nigger dicks
l2greentext, autistic faggot
What jobs in the military can guarantee a civilian job afterwards that isn't stocking shelves?
I'm in the UK and I have the qualifications to apply for anything in the military. I'm fit I just don't have people skills.
Learn how to read and go back to your containment board, you prolapsed tranny faggot.
military is the fringe of society. the rejected losers that couldn't figure out anything else in this world other than utter servitude.
civilians don't look kindly upon veteran applicants. they are more likely to spit on them and throw them in the shredder.
you'll be stocking shelves unless you make your own company or get involved in a network of other veterans who own companies.
>reading comprehension was the problem, im not a retard
>stuck working minimum wage stocking shelves
>go university and still be stuck working minimum wage stocking shelves
>go military and still be stuck working minimum wage stocking shelves
All roads lead to retailslavery. I just want a way out
that's exactly what i am trying to tell anons in this post earlier
it doesn't matter what route you take
our society was engineered by boomers to control the younger generations to serve them hand and foot
they spawned in real life before we did, they created us, and they created the rules we get to play in
and you see the result - every turn you make, you end up scammed
scammed every fucking facet of real life
dont do it
you will risk your life are you retarded?
Don't do it, you'll just end up a nicotine addicted shell of a man like everyone else here