>group project
>only one doing anything
>due soon
Group project
I'm pursuing an MBA through an online program and I'm currently taking a statistics class where the entirety of my grade is earned in a group with five other people. 45% of our grade comes from a project due in a couple weeks and we're taking forever to solidify what dataset we want to use because some dumb nigress decided using corona data wouldn't be like trying to measure a cup of flour in a forty-gallon drum. For the first time in my life I've decided to take a back seat and let my role be assigned to me, and whatever grade I get, so be it. Trying to do actual coherent group schoolwork from scratch with virtually zero guidance from the professor all without being able to meet in-person is a fucking nightmare.
Why not just not join the group in the first place?
Yeah i've been the one initiating everything and it feels like i'm talking to a goddamn wall.
Groups are assigned to you.
this semester I got lucky and was assigned to groups where other people did all the work and I had to do nothing
That was always me alright, i'm so fucking glad that it's all over.
in situations like these i just refuse to do anything. id rather fail than be a beta bitch working my ass off so other retards can fuck around all day
Sodertorns spelprogram?
ask the others to finally do something and if they still don't write down exactly who did what part of the project and then explain the situation to your teacher/professor whatever. in my experience this helps a lot to get a good grade yourself.
you don't even have to feel bad for calling them out because it's a GROUP effort and they are responsible for what they do or don't do.
>group project
>give retarded guy the easiest part
>finally sends his part through the day before it's due ("haha sorry guys, was busy with other classes!")
>seems too good
>put it into google
>completely fucking plagiarized
>"oh oops I sent through the wrong version"
>doesn't send real version until 9 hours later, and it's shit
Faggots like these need to drop out.
That sucks then, if i have to do work with other people i usually just separate the work out equally to everyone and leave everyone to do their own thing, it usually works, if doesn't someday it doesn't matter because i'm usually struggling for grades.
>group project
>not able to contribute
I walked out of a class because of group project, professor tried to stop me, then i got an email about anxiety later
my college attempt also ended in the 2nd semester I never tried again and now i'm a perma neet on welfare
I remember the dark days of group projects. Thank god I graduated. I remember one in particular where I just took over and assigned everyone else something, but they all took their fucking time with it which wasted my time because I wasn't going to trust any of them to put everything together.
This happened to me a lot in college; I quickly learned to pick my group partners wisely when given the chance, and other times when I was assigned a group, I was forced to take charge every single time, because I refused to be led by incompetent morons and lose my grade because of their stupidity and unwillingness to contribute.
On the plus side, I had mostly good group members because I wouldn't take anyone's bullshit, and I'd group up with friends or competent classmates. Even during the times where I was assigned a group, if there was an idiot who contributed little or nothing at all, I would assign him some simple shit and if he failed to contribute, I'd inform the professor and ask for that idiot to be removed from my group.
One guy succeeded in pissing me off with his stupid bullshit and blew off his simple assignments for the group to go play soccer at our university, where the soccer team was trash and nobody cared about it. Of course he was a beaner. I cut him out of everything, the professor asked me what was up and I explained the situation to him, the guy didn't contribute at all and ignored the deadlines I set for the group on multiple occasions.
Professor gave the retard an "F", and me and the other girl got an A. I did 90% of the work. It was also the best final paper in the class.
just do it yourself instead of bitching
you said you gave the "retarded" guy the "easiest" part of the project
it should be literally nothing for you to do it yourself
instead you willingly waited 9 hours because you were too autistic to make something not look plagiarized
what a dumb fucking cuckold you are, no wonder that chad is using you as a beta provider to do all the homework
you have the audacity to believe HE's retarded -
look at real life, dumb fuck. what all did you just have to do to accommodate him? you put yourself through it on purpose.
>get good grades
>convince other student that you're competent
>get assigned group project
>do nothing but relax and watch the group fight amongst each other
Even when groupmates are willing to do something, most of the time they're so incompetent that I'd rather they not. The fuck's wrong with people these days, why do they suck at everything?
I did do it myself. Nice spergout. Are you him? Look at the submitted document, I didn't include your work at all.
you sound like a cunt
>be me
>depressed loser with no social life in college and drinks alone too much
>start semester off strong
>start group project
>get assigned work, do part of it
>slowly stop replying to group mates and stop attending class
>drop out of semester a few weeks later after waking up from bringe drinking session
sorry friends. i wasnt in a good place. i feel bad for all thsoe who had to scramble in the past to cover for my lazy cowardly ass. i had the same thing happen when i finally went back to school and it was pretty shit
Says the butthurt cunt.
I work hard for my grades, and I expect everyone else to do the same. If they're just going to try and use me for a free ride, I'll kick them to the curb and make sure they fail. None of this welfare grade bullshit in my group.
This. I saw this everywhere. Have to do almost everything myself to get it done right, including the planning and outlines and schedules. Fucking morons.
the real key to why they make you do group projects in school is to observe where you are potentially going to end up in society
the reason we have standardized education is for the government to gather data on its population and adjust its regulations accordingly
you witnessing other people be useless in group situations translates to what the workplace will be like in your slave future
wake up
the other people aren't not contributing because they are stupid and useless
it's because they see through the bullshit and know you pussies will fold over and do all the work because you submit to the system
Nice try, retard, but that doesn't translate into reality.
The useless and stupid don't contribute because they have some sense of enlightenment, it's literally because they're useless and stupid, and they more often than not hope that someone else will take charge and tell them what to do.
It's like being grouped with a bunch of NPCs expecting to be issued commands and told what to think.
As for myself, there is no slave future for me. Sorry wagecuck, but I'm not slotted for the same shit future as you.
just because you can't see how something translates into reality doesn't mean it's not true
it just means you haven't unlocked the knowledge of what lies beyond to understand it yet
stop going around the internet thinking everyone is here to mislead you
this is a place that doesn't require lies
When it comes to group projects I either do everything or nothing at all
Mr. pseudo-philosophical over here trying real hard to be edgy and hip and enlightened, but instead looking like a complete moron.
I haven't unlocked knowledge? Get the fuck outta here, you haven't even graduated university you dumb cunt. Go learn some real knowledge, and shut the fuck up while you're at it. You know next to nothing in the real world.
Also, get the fuck off Zig Forums, Mr. enlightened. Go be a teacher if you think you're so wise. Dumbass. /thread
shut the fuck up and lurk before posting, zoomer
he's using r*ddit spacing, not worth arguing with