C'mon down and have some grub with the rest of the family, Champ! Don't be a stranger! Tell us what you've been up to...

C'mon down and have some grub with the rest of the family, Champ! Don't be a stranger! Tell us what you've been up to. How are things with you and Clara? No, Champ. We're talking about a girl, not your hand.
>audible laughter

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I dont know a Clara

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>actually know a clara
>we got kinda close but now she moved away
>this is a realistic conversation apart from my family not knowing about clara

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Thanksgiving is a time for celebration. Don't be afraid to wet your beak and take a stab or two at the turkey...
>swats your hand away from the alcohol and soda
But not those, Champ. I need you focused on finding a job, and you shouldn't have any problem doing that with all those places looking for help for the holidays.

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>Lets not talk about clara lets talk about CeeFour. Ive planted a bomb under the table and your seats are pressured sensored so if you get up without my permission the bomb goes off
>now we clear some grievances

Its sad that this is bait. It makes me cringe thinking of the problem child that is so disconnected from even his family that he cant even pretend to take part. The dynamic of the parents trying to involve him but its completely in vain. Cringe and sad that its a reality for many

Champ, I know you're bummed about your Ceelow friend, but getting a job is as easy as going up to the manager and giving him a firm handshake! You'll have all the money you need to log on to O'Reilly Fans when you get that first paycheck.

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>ENOUGH! That is bullshit! If you speak out of turn again I will detonate this bomb and kill us all myself!

There you go with your little make-believe world and your toasties and your Laceys and Cagneys again, Champ. Why do you have to do this, Champ? Especially on Thanksgiving? Champ: Getting a job is all about being confident and putting your name out there.

When I was your age, we were facing our cross-town rivals over at Allentown Prep. The year before, we went winless and couldn't catch a break. But after a year of hitting the weights and practicing like there was no tomorrow, we caught fire and were suddenly on our way to State. Anyway, they had this big monster of a defensive end: A huge fella by the name of Chet Anders. He was 6'5 and 260 pounds -- or he was, until I dove at his knees on a cut block and took him out. Sheer luck it took the paramedics a good fifteen minutes to get him to stop screaming. And that was with the scouts from Alabama and Notre Dame in the stands, Champ! Last I heard, he put a gun to his mouth after he couldn't even hack it in Hacwamanee Community College on the scout team.

Point is, getting a job is all about being confident, going up to the manager, giving him a firm handshake, and telling him you're not letting go until he tells you when you can start. We'll drive around town to see if anyone needs help, and we're NOT turning back until someone hires you right on the spot!

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Hey, Champ! Your mom and I have been getting worried about you. We've been talking, and we think it's time you got a job and started pulling your weight around here. Don't gimme that look, Champ. There are plenty of places you can work, especially around the holidays. You just have to be willing to look. And it's as simple as walking in, standing up nice and tall, looking the manager in the eye, and giving him a firm handshake. Can't get any simpler than that!

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T-thanks boomer dad

You got it, bud. Now when are ya gonna give your mother and me grandchildren? Seems strange that a man your age hasn't settled down and raised a family yet. Having kids is important because it gives you direction, a sense of achievement, and someone who'll take care of you when you get old. When I was your age, I had kids. Everyone has kids, Champ! It's a part of life. Why the glum face? Oh, I know: Girl trouble. Champ, that Lacey girl wasn't pointing and laughing at you; she was pointing and laughing with you. Girls like a confident guy who can sweep her off her feet with a winning smile. A handsome guy like you ought to have no problem finding the right girl, Champ. And introducing yourself to one is as simple as walking up to her, smiling, giving her a firm handshake, and telling her that you're not letting go until she accepts your invitation to dinner.

It's as easy as pie! Girls will practically be crawling all over you when you lurch outta your shell, Champ. You'll be running around so much, you'll practically have to fend them off with anything you can find. Better get your Brooks Adrenalines and chocolate boxes ready for that special someone, Champ! Heh, heh! When you have kids, Champ, you'll sit back and laugh at how much your ol' Pop was right. Give it a try, bud. Like Coach Spoonhour said: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

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I guess I should get that McDonalds job opening in the holidays and also settle down with ugly and mentally ill Betsy, thanks pops.

Don't be such a pitter-patter, Champ. Becoming financially independent and having kids is a part of life, perhaps even the best part. Nothing beats finding that special gal with whom you'll raise a family and carry on your legacy. It'll make you more responsible, keep you busy running around the house, and ensures that someone will be around to take care of you when you get old.

And it all starts with finding that special gal, giving her a firm handshake, and refusing to let go until she goes out with you to dinner. WHEN you have kids, you'll understand what a joy it'll be to see them grow up and have to chase 'em all over the house. All it takes is persistence, bud.

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thank you champ poster, it hurts

What hurts, Champ? Champ, you know you're never gonna get anywhere unless you develop the initiative to do it. And that's why we're here, Champ. We're doing this because we care, and no one else will. Like Coach Spoonhour said after we went 9-3 and just missed out on the New Year's Six -- or was that First Sergeant after the gooks came through the wire? -- NO EXCUSES. When I was your age, the girls were all over me. And that was after I showed Chet Anders what was what at the homecoming game. You've just gotta get outta your shell, Champ. And the easiest way to do that is to go up to the first nice girl you find, look her in the eyes, give her a firm handshake, and tell her you're not letting go until she accepts your invitation to dinner.

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>user walks into office and asks for a lethal dose of morphine to put him out of the misery of not having a gf
>give him a firm handshake and drive him around town instead to look for a job, refusing to turn back until someone hires him on the spot

Girls will be chasing you once you get that first paycheck, lil' Champ!

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Based doctor dad cockblocking Harold Shipman

Hi everyone. I brought a picture of my girlfriend. We even have our own online forums.

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Pls don't remind me of Ciara she was so perfect

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That's why I talk to a grand more than you, D.

Yo, bro. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...

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Thats not ciara thats clara

Get in the stationwagon so we can drive around town to find you a job, Champ.

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perfect for BBC

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>ywn look the turkey in the eye, give the dressing a firm handshake tell it you want both type of pie for dessert and get served like your boomer parents did

"That's no way to talk, bud. Life is like football: You've gotta give it all you've got. When I was your age, we had a fullback by the name of Mort Shavers. We called him Mr. Dependable. If you needed three yards, he'd get you four yards. If you needed four yards, he'd get you four yards. And if you needed five, he'd get you four. Often through forward momentum, but did he give up, Champ? Nope, he kept workin' on it and workin' on it. Spent a lot of time before and after practice working on his balance and speed, and it paid off. So fast forward a few months later: It was 4th and goal with ten seconds left in the state finals; there were only five yards separating us from the end zone, and Allentown had everyone locked down solid. But lo and behold, there he was -- wide-open in the flat, so your old pop tossed the pigskin and he caught it right between the numbers. We won, and I proposed to your mother the next night before I shipped off to 'Nam."

"Point is, Champ, you can't give up. All it takes to succeed in life is persistence and a firm handshake!"

"Getting a job is easy as pie, as we all know, Champ. We've been down this same old road before. All it takes is a little persistence, some gumption, and a firm handshake. But first, you need a fresh haircut to look presentable when you talk to the manager. Just a little bit off the sides, and presto! You're ready for a night on the town. Whaddya mean 'you're balding, Champ?' So you're balding. Not the end of the world by any stretch. Give it a firm handshake and comb it over to the side. Girls will practically be chasing a handsome devil like you when you sweep your hair to the side like that. It's all the rage! No, you don't wanna shave it, Champ. You'll look like a hoodlum, and no one would wanna hire you. Besides: When you get that first paycheck, no one will care whether you have a ton of hair or not; all that matters is that you're working hard."

"'Reeeee'? Champ, I know you're really excited to work and all that - heard you psyching yourself up in your room all last night - but can you save your heartening battle cry for when we get home, bud?"

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She will live Again, Champ

She already does... in Tyrone's memories, bud.

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>Dad, why did you invite more than 10 people to the house? Don't you know that's illegal this year?
>I'm calling the cops.

"I know you've always had a vivid imagination, Champ. You always ran wild with it, which explains all those cartoon girl posters you hang in your room. Remember those? Your uncles and I had a laugh about it the other day. But that's all those posters are, Champ: Cartoons. They're make-believe. Remember when you were a kid and you said you wanted to be a ninja? Then you said you wanted to be an astronaut or a doctor? Well, you can still be those things, Champ. The sky's the limit. The only thing holding you back is you, Champ. But every journey, like getting a real job, begins with a single step. And that's the step you'll take when you head on in there, walk up to the manager, look him in the eye, and give him a firm handshake in the hopes of getting a real job. If he doesn't hire you, what've you got to lose? Pull up your bootstraps and
we'll drive around town checking in with every store within screaming distance, and we won't turn back until someone hires you on the spot. Heck, you'll practically be running the place, hiring other Champs in your rolodex, and branching out in no time. But first thing's first: After Thanksgiving, we're gonna find you a job. And we're not turning back until someone hires you on the spot!"

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Kind of sad that dad's advice is as outdated as a wristwatch, you literally have no one to trust but yourself. Only you can help yourself.

"Outdated, schmated, Champ! There are a few places in town that need help for the holidays and they're hiring right away. This could be your lucky break, Champ. Whaddya mean it won't? Champ, you'll never know until you take that first step. And doing that is as simple as showing up, speaking with the manager, giving him a firm handshake, and telling him that you're not letting go until he tells you when you can start. You've just gotta pull yourself by your bootstraps and hit the bricks, Champ. It worked for me back in the blizzard of '67, and it'll work for you."

"Print out several copies of your resume. We'll drive around town first thing in the morning, and we won't turn back until someone hires you on the spot. You've got nothing to worry about, Champ. It's not that hard at all. You can even borrow one of my ties for the interview. Glad we could have this talk, bud."

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