Is anime good for you?
Is anime good for you?
not really no.
people should stop watching it.
Big tiddy Natsuki is good for me.
Yes, if it wasn't good for you then it would be illegal.
Kek. cant wait to look at the replies youre gonna get.
Like with alcoholism, if you have to ask the question you probably have an issue.
It's just another form of entertainment, you're more wasting your time than anything by watching anime.
It makes me less suicidal, so its perfect for me.
It's a bandaid for emotional development disorders
Anime is good, and for me better than any netflix movie
I hope this is a guy, whats his/her name
it's really good, even for personal improvement, what i tend to avoid nowadays though, is not watch slice of life-school-romantic anime, which i love, but as a 21 year old i cant see myself going on through life watching stuff like K-ON not because i think it's immature and childish, but because, as a loner i can live times through those kinds of anime that i didn't experience in my life, and i don't want to live on experiences that i didn't have, i would rather focus on improving my future self, if i was in a better mental state i'd be down to play that shit all day, i actually love that stuff.
It always is user
Anime is good for you when you watch it with your gf.
No, it raises your expectations way too far in many different ways. Life actually fucking sucks, and in a really boring way, so even downer anime gives you false expectations.
Don't listen to this faggotKeep your expectations high and mighty
Cute, lively girls with actual personalities do not exist.
You will never be a woman.
Anime is gay because men draw it, so if you fap to anime, you are fapping to a man's brain
Nigger where did I say I wanted to be a woman?
I keep my expectations high because I want the best woman to bear my kids
why you gotta post that trash image, natsuki fine the way she was...
This. If you're single and watch anime part of you is always going to feel like a loser. Invest your time in getting a gf first and then share the hobby with her. You will literally feel like a king.
I'm angry the world isnt like Ishuzoku Reviewers where people can be degenerate freely.
always keep your standards high anons, never give up never surrender
I want to be a cute anime. (original thought and feeling never posted before)
GTFO tranny, get your ugly hands away from anime
Monika best
tan skin and white hair makes it hotter I swear
I'm being originally fucking serious
Weebs are the most oppressed race.
Ecchi shit will rot your brain and corrode your soul. Otherwise, it's alright.
it can be entertaining and it has cute girls so I like to watch it. cute 2D girls help me cope, my cute receptors will probably be burned out eventually though