E-Slut hate/shame thread

E-Slut hate/shame thread
Non-virgin women are worthless edition

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I would give Tahlia a hug and tell her to do her best.

this is missing riko

she will call the police

Shut the fuck up you worthless pile of thrash
Go be a burden to your family or maybe just end it and make everyone glad for once

Tahlia is a virgin tho. She's just e-promiscuous

girls are so beautiful and i love them. look at all these wonderful girls. i want to stroke their heads and hold their hands. sunny is the cutest imo. i want to play games with her

Thing is, nobody in your family would be glad to have someone like you. A whiteknight incel.
You can't stop op from shitting on your simp parade, but you can cry and whine about it.

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You believe everything a woman tells you?

Ciara did not have her priorities in line the right way.

Picture of a ruined slut

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look at her beautiful skinny arms. her eyes. i want to kiss her forehead and make her happy

Don't you fucking disrespect my Jewish queen aggie

Sunny got caught posting here the other day and made her Instagram private immediately after being called out.

It's funny she went and got an old ass boyfriend to mooch off of but she went for a guy with no money who lives with his mom.

>that picture
Rose blows any of these other ugly cunts out of the water easily.

Then she fuckin' died lol

She had a cluster b disorder meaning she is a broken soulless harpy who cannot love or pair bond to anyone. Besides WCG is dumping loads in her asshole as we speak.

borderline girls actually love too much
they love so much they go crazy

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that wasnt her that was me and im not her

Idealization and status seeking, which quickly turns to devaluation and discard, is not love you soulless whore. But of course your stupid cluster B ass doesnt know the difference. You people cannot love, you get possessive for a while before cucking them and moving on to leech off the next guy who has more looks or status, or who has something else you want at the time, you are parasites by definition.

Agatha doesn't deserve hatred

You also posted a quote from an r9k thread about you to your Instagram story. Stop lying.

Your faggot queen got her tits chopped off because she's a dyke now

i'm a borderline male.

>I would give Tahlia a hug and tell her to do her best.
best at sucking dicks?

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She's got an ugly man face, since when were girls who DON'T look like Anime characters allowed to be E-girls here?

R9K really needs to re-evaluate their standards if that man jaw bitch is the one everyone has been talking about recently.

Pale big eye, narrow chin tiny neck underweight girls with alt tastes and fashion only, we have standards here on robot9001

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calm your nips, Tahlia

and use your trip

Why the fuck do you think I'm Tahlia?

She was always a rug muncher. Don't you remember her cripple gf?

oh Tahlia, you so silly

she lurks and im still not her