What eye colour do robots have? Pic related is mine

What eye colour do robots have? Pic related is mine

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Similar, green-hazel sort of. I'm happy with my eyes, one of my few redeeming features.

Brown eyes because I'm a filthy nonwhite.

I hate how my eyes look like boring brown in most light.

Mostly brown tho depends on the light

My brother has exact same eyes. My sister has blue. I got the filthy brown. My parents said they went for the variety pack.

Light brown and one is looking slightly to the left, I fucking hate it.

black You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

grayish blue with a spot of yellow on the left eye

Greenish blue, really depends on the lighting.

As green as grass.

my eyes are the one thing I actually like about myself

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Extremely brown, pitch black if I'm not looking directly at a light source brighter than a flame

i have standard brown eyes but i am content with them, they kind of shine under the sun light and at a medium distance the black circle around them gets thicker which is kind of cool imo.
very good looking op graz.
very cute, if a girl had those eyes id probably fall for her. (but clean you fuggin eye boogers)

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are you a league pro

poop colored eyes ok

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ur being quite mean today....

are those actually your eyes ? you have such pretty eyelashes and i like the shape of your eye too ( lol thats kind of a weird thing to say but yeah )

Brown eyes and a circle around the iris. Sometimes my eyes appear darker. I wish I had black eyes just like my hair but they're fine the way they are

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A true robot has dark brown/black eyes.

kind of soulles to be honest

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Dark brown. The chad color according to science.

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My 4 eyes

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WTF YOU HAVE 4 EYES?????????????????????????????

Brown just brown
I like it but on a partner i prefer deep blue or green or maybe hazel

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>Tfw you will never have pitch black voids for eyes
>Why even live

Depends really on lighting but green/hazel

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Mine are teal. They are a greenish-blue. They are growing a brighter grey with age, which makes them reflect whatever color is predominately around more. There's a ring of darker blue around the iris.

take my pitch black eyes and give me green eyes please

green eyes I think

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Dark brown, because I am a glorious white.

wow. didn't know chad warden posted here

true black eyes don't exist short of medical conditions like the the missing iris one. even the darkest irises are brown in direct sunlight, but often appear black in indoor or even camera light

I swear I am not a murderer.

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