Being ugly as a woman makes life horrible in a way that many men can not relate to.
Being ugly as a woman makes life horrible in a way that many men can not relate to
And yet, there's still someone out there so desperate they'll take you without you having to improve. Meanwhile I was making 6 figures in the best shape of my life and couldn't get a date. I am also not ugly.
Can't relate to easy mode, no
Ugly women are based if they have a hot body.
I definitely can't relate to being ugly and still being wanted, no.
This. It's also why I hate troons. Sometimes I get so sad and frustrated about the plight of ugly women that I cry. I have such a strong sense of camaraderie with other ugly chicks.
lol they call that a butterface
Get you a man who can do this.
>I am also not ugly.
Are you autistic
it's alright there is always that retard or whatever that goes for ugly girls
Agreed OP, I don't want a desperate guy to "settle" for me, I just want to be loved.
>This is hyperbolic to the point of being impossible.
Ok, I wasn't making 6 figures in cold hard cash, but with benefits it was at least that much.
Ya know after the 3rd or 4th time an ugly chick turned me down I really lost all hope, but I am ugly on the inside so I guess it's just karma or something.
Fuck no, I am just a belligerent drunk and a giant piece of shit.
Why are they 'settling?' Is there a reason you're the inferior good?
An ugly girl is about equal to a 5/10 male
I really really really like that image.
THIS. THIS. THIS. Jesus Christ this is why I hate robots so much. They are right in that I could wrap myself up like a sausage and crawl on horribly high heels to a bar and get fucked. I could be someone's fat mother hen who has the privilege of giving up her dreams to squat out his children while he cheats with younger women. I could get face fucked. So? Women don't like glory holes. That shit is 100% male degeneracy. I just want a man who would pick me wild flowers and spend hours cuddling with me beneath the blankets. The kind of man who could quietly sit next to me while I paint without it feeling awkward. Real love. Tender, intimate, private. But I'm a chubby bitch with a horse face and bad teeth so that'll never happen and being forced to eat some dude's asshole so that he'll inseminate me is not a meaningful alternative.
yes user, it's called being ugly. no amount of self-care can change genetics.
>chubby bitch with a horse face and bad teeth
Then lose weight and go to the dentist? That will fix 2 out of 3 issues, and even your face is likely to improve if you become skinnypilled.
I like you user, I am a fellow non troon girl, and I relate to your struggle.
A year ago I looked at myself in the mirror and declared myself ugly. But something snapped within me and I decided, heck, I might as well try. So I lost weight (still need to lose to get to dat ideal 19 bmi), and I got a nose job which I funded myself through hard work. I took better care of my matted, split-ended hair, and I plucked my eyebrows and got rid of my body acne. Am I pretty now? I don't know. There are problems with my face surgery can't fix. Do I feel confident in my own skin, that when people look at me in the street, it's because of something pleasant rather than something ugly? I have come to terms with the fact I'll always be awkward and feel like an alien. That's just my upbringing as this odd-looking white-passing daughter-of-immigrants. I have no identity and that's who I am. I feel like I deserve all the flaws, that no matter how much effort I put in, I'll be ugly because that's what I am on the inside, that's how I deserve to be. It would be wrong to be prettier. Even now I look at my purchased body part and think it looks too perfect for my face. It's not my face, but that's okay because this world is shallow and your body is your masquerade.
God fucking damnit user, this hits hard. This is all I want, but I'll never get. There's nothing I can do to change my appearance, at the very least I could lose a little weight but that wouldn't change much. Even if a man found me attractive enough to screw, it wouldn't go past that.
>That shit is 100% male degeneracy. I just want a man who would pick me wild flowers and spend hours cuddling with me beneath the blankets. The kind of man who could quietly sit next to me while I paint without it feeling awkward. Real love. Tender, intimate, private
You can get that from a man but he'll be within your league
Corporate user here. Surprisingly not true if you have any sense of ambition. Corporate culture does not like attractive and successful women; they are viewed as a threat. ugly successful women are non-threatening and can go much further successfully. When you have money you can both get less ugly and get a husband.
Interesting thread OP. How exactly ugly are we talking? Do you at least have youth as a redeeming quality or are you pushing 30?
Shut your disgusting mouth, hole.
You know whats weird? Even average guys these days have really high standards. For instance, a few months ago I was out with a group of friends. Most of us are average, but one of my friends is a pretty blonde Stacy. The bartender and waiter, who were both very average looking themselves, literally completely ignored the rest of the group and looked at and addressed my Stacy friend ONLY. Now I am not jealous because this happens all the time, but seriously, why are men so hypergamous? She also gets hit on by ugly guys, boomers, fat guys etc all the time. And every 6/10 white guy I see has a 9/10 extremely skinny gf, usually white or Asian. Wtf is going on?
Thanks for unsolicited medical advice that you gave with no understand of my financial situation or current state of health. I'm definitely going to listen to you.
>non troon girl
You can say real.
>your story
Wow. That is dark. I'm sorry you're not feeling so hot, user. For what it's worrh, I can against surgical intervention of all kind. I don't shave anymore. I never wear a bra and since I mostly work alone in a lab no one can tell. The thing about insecurity is that if you indulge it through things like makeup and surgery you only end up worsening the initial anxiety. You clearly have indicated that with respect to your nose. I would advise you to start allocating your funds to seeing a therapist, and I say this kindly.
You are my sister. At least we can rest safe in the knowledge that even if we were pretty, men are still demons incapable of love. They would divorce us or cheat or bully is into one thing or another, etc. In the end, we're not missing out on much. Really, it's men who are missing out since I am sure we are both capable of tremendous love.
If you mean "league" as in "what actually happens" then yeah, by definition anyone everywhere gets people within their league. Otherwise it wouldn't be their league. The point is that the league system is skewed in favour of men. Men only care about looks and do not value women for anything else. As a result, men have less riding on the relationship, and when combined with rates about the instigation of marital infidelity and OKCupid stats demonstrating the fundamentally pedophilic tendencies of the aberage you have a recipe for someone who will abandon the second breast cancer takes a tit or you turn get hit by a truck. It's a fundamentally orecaeious situation for little to no return because there still wouldn't be love. Men aren't capable of loving ugly women. Men aren't capable of loving, period, in most cases.
Ugly women have the same standards and personality as hot women. Why go for ugly?
yeah I noticed this too, whenever I see an extremely beautiful girl who is very skinny, she always has some average to just slightly above average white boyfriend. it just makes me laugh when men say women are more looks focused. men have literally been proven to be more visually stimulated over and over again, and also there are wayyyyy more ugly guys with hot gfs than hot guys with ugly gfs. its fucking shit.
It's because women let them get away with this shit. Like yeah, there are a million dopey looking kikes like Zuckerberg or Mayli's dad with chink wives. Yeah, obviously these white bread dudes suck. However, it wouldn't be this way if Asian women had a shred of self respect, which they don't. Asian women are generally massive race traitors and this contributes to male hypergamy.
I have a similar story:
>be me
>at party
>chilling with my friends on the couch
>see a dude sitting alone
>he has a t-shirt for a band I like
>approach him with an unopened beer and offer it to him
>takes it
>doesn't thank me even though it's from the six pack I brought for my buddies and I on the couch
>"Yeah I really like The Pixies."
>"Surfer Rosa was the first album by them I heard but I like Doolittle more."
>"'Cause it was in Fight Club. Did you ever see it?"
>"Okay, then. Well, you're welcome to watch Texas Chainsaw on the big TV with us."
>minute later
>some blonde bimbo is talking to him
>she already has a boyfriend and is massively out of his league
>she starts tapping her head
>"Pixies... Pixies... wait! They did the 'where is my mind' song from that Brad Pitt movie, right?"
>"Yeah! Fight Club!"
>he smiles
>"It's so cool that you know about this band and Fight Club. Most girls don't."
>she giggles
No wonder these chicks have good self esteem, all men are fucking uncivil simps.
>Men aren't capable of loving ugly women. Men aren't capable of loving, period, in most cases.
Love= enjoying a person's company+ being attracted to them. Ugly men are attracted to ugly women and unless you're a massive cunt (which is most likely not the case) one of them will enjoy your company. Consider lowering your standards a little bit
>t.Samefag femcel
No, actually, but nice try. Consider dilating.
Men do care more about looks, that's true. But to say they're hypergamous is fucking delusional. Do you have any way to prove that they are outside of personal anecdotes? Because according to statistics shown in dating sites men rate women's attractiveness WAY more fairly than women rate men's
Human hiveminds. Who'd thunk it?