Cocklust Thread

What happened to these threads? Is the spirit that once ignited Zig Forums now gone forever? That is sad, if true.

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No, surely there are still robots on who find these thoughts arousing.

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R-right? Or was it all just horniness caused by the early stage of NNN?

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I hope not... because these threads, were such comfy threads.

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C-come back cocklust posters. Please.

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>posters 1

Now there are two posters.

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Please come back frens I just want it to be comfy again

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>2 IPs ITT
get AIDS and die you disgusting faggots

There are 3 IPS now, the fire rises. Soon things will be based again I hope.

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Sucked cock for the first time over the weekend

Tell us more please, user. Did you enjoy it?

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Congrats you are officially gay now

Thank you for your hard work op. I will not be contributing but i will be leeching off the fruits of your labor

Gays need to be banned seriously

tell me how you'd treat and worship my cock you pathetic faggot

It was pretty enjoyable, I enjoyed sucking him off more than I enjoyed him trying to suck me. The main things I noticed where that he took a lot longer to cum than I expected and that even though it started awkward once my mouth was around his cock and he started stroking my hair I got really into and was just fully focused on pleasing him

>tell me how you'd treat and worship my cock
I wouldn't, no one would "worship" you.

how did he taste and did he leave afterward or did you guys hang out a bit? thanks user

Why wouldn't you worship him? Almost as if you spamming faggots aren't even lonely.

>how did he taste
He didn't have much of one, it was like salty thicker water not bad at all, I swallowed it

>did he leave afterward or did you guys hang out a bit?
We're dating so he stayed and we played vidya for a while occasionally commenting on it and stuff we want to do next time, we're both big autists and met online so we're taking it slow

Not agreeing with the worship thing or anything but it is lame as fuck how all these gays are literally normalfags talking about having sex.

Because he's gay, desu. And his company would be worse than loneliness, I think so anyways.

That's cool user, I'm glad you had that experience. Sounds pretty comfy.

I want to be owned so bad, i need a master to tell me what to do and take my virginity

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>having sex is lame as fuck
lol imagine being this much of a crab in a bucket that you think it's cool to be miserable

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Did you meet him on here? How did his cock taste in your mouth, before the cum.

Not in these threads but on Zig Forums yeah, there really was no taste until he started to have more pre

Very based. That is lucky that you were in the same location or at least close enough that travelling to him / to you was not too much trouble.

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It's not cool but this place is what we have, and then you literal faggots come in and shit it up by being normalfags. So yeah fuck you when you wonder why people hate gays, we sure as hell have every reason to hate them here.

>tell me how you'd treat and worship my cock you pathetic faggot
I wouldn't.

No matter how hot it looks in cartoon 2D world I know poop comes from that hole and it's nothing more than disgusting.

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How do you know what's worse than loneliness if you aren't experiencing loneliness? If a woman asked to be worshipped she would get worshipped because men are actually lonely.

Which I don't mean to discredit that some of you fags might actually be lonely, maybe you're just living fantasy lives with each other in these threads. If that's the case I just want to remind you that one day sex isn't going to be fun any more and you will have wasted your time to a degree that even we robots didn't.

Ok. Still not gonna suck your dick.

If you unironically believe that having sex is bad and that if a robot gets lucky he suddenly isn't one of you anymore then you are a crab in a bucket. These threads are cool, not sure why they'd cause you to hate gay people.

Why are you so jealous of gay people having sex if you have no interest in having gay sex? Why do you even care? It's not the same as some Chad gloating about all the women he fucks. Just let this thread be, or continue to give it bumps. Either is fine with me.

To each their own.

>If a woman asked to be worshipped she would get worshipped because men are actually lonely
No self-respecting man would worship someone who calls him a "pathetic faggot", regardless of their gender or his sexuality. There is no reason anyone would want to spend time with anyone as bitter and as unappealing as you. That is why loneliness would be better than being with you. You are retarded, btw.

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So you guys are gay, right?

No, w-what would lead you to believe that user?

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nobody wants these fucking threads because you have your own entire board for your faggotry. yet you feel the need to bring it here of all places, and as I'm scrolling through I've got to see all these repulsive pictures of anime girls with cocks drawn on them that look nothing like actual twinks or femboys
nobody wants to see this shit
fuck off to your containment board
even on here, you insist on having an r9gay thread that isn't wanted in the first place, yet you and yours decide to make ten, fifteen threads all revolving around your degenerate autogynophelia instead of using that
in short, fuck off

user is mad. user bumps thread he "doesn't like", keeping it alive a bit longer. Thank you fren.

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