Whats the longest you've gone without eating? 3 days for me
Whats the longest you've gone without eating? 3 days for me
I'm a breathatarian, sustained by only the power of Jesus
Teach me your breatharian ways
You just need to have faith.... and to buy my course for three easy payments of $1998
>3 days for me
any particular reason you did that?
about 96 hours, but I was younger at the time so I stopped because I was paranoid about it stunting growth, did it because I was fat and wanted to lose weight
Did it stunt your growth? Are you a manlet now?
To break my food addiction
I think it's about 3 days for me as well. It was back when I was at the peak of doing a bunch of drugs, was extremely depressed, and being physically abused by my brother every few days. My mother still has pictures of what I looked like when I showed up in tears at her home. Swollen ears, lips busted & stained with blood, black eyes, skeletal appearance, bruises all over, unshaven, and soulless eyes. Probably the lowest point in my entire life so far.
a week or so. One day i just woke up and didn't feel like eating for a whole week. Lost a lot of weight though.
Went 4 or 5 days once to see how long I could go. Was going to try doing it for a week but went to a party with family and my cousins/aunts cook really good food.
Fasting feels pretty good after the initial slog.
Do you still do drugs? What is your life like now?
I'm still living with parents while I finish my undergraduate degree. It's pretty dope financially since I don't pay for anything besides liquor and petrol/gasoline, but from a social or romantic standpoint it sucks. I could hop on Tinder or Bumble and rail sluts any time I wanted but that's a bit difficult while living with my parents unless the girl has a place I can come over to. I have to live an hour away from my university, which means I have to commute and it's effectively impossible to be socially active on campus. I've been clean from all drugs besides booze for over 8 months now because my parents don't allow that type of stuff in their household. First thing I'm going to do when start living alone again is buy some LSD and weed off the dark net.
Two weeks give or take 2 days.
I didn't have anything to eat.
I am morbidly obese btw.
Don't do this shit I passed a kidney stone because of this. Most painful thing I ever experienced.
Two weeks.
Was broke af.
Probably about 5-6 hours honestly (not including sleep of course).
t. fatbot
I doubt not eating had anything to do with that.
I spent 3 years living alone and got a lot of debt just to avoid your situation, i dont regret it
One week, honestly it's not that bad past the initial hunger pangs but at the end of it I felt like I was going to die. Took me a couple days before I could stomach most foods.
somewhere round 3 or 4/5 days as well, cant remember much about when i used to try to see how long i could go without eating
if i remember right it becomes euphoric on the third day and my energy begins to increase in strange, almost random bursts
do your gums also start to hurt once you go for long times without eating? I sometimes don't eat for up to two days because I can't be assed to go out and carrie groceries and my teeth sometimes start to hurt. I don't have the best oral hygiene but they never hurt outside of that.
Any anons look like ops pic related and want to top me?
Only 56 hours for me. Might do a 3 day soon. Once you get past the first 36 it's all kind of the same sensation. I wouldn't know when it starts to get really bad.
got really sick last summer and my apatite went away. couldn't eat food without vomming either. i think i went like 9 days
3 and half days here. Eating after fasting for that long is better than eating when stoned. It's amazing.
pic of me running to coom inside a fembot
7 days of no eating or sleep while on stimulants that nearly resulted in me dying
They are fat and retarded
4 days do to depression.
just didn't feel like eating
About a month. Fucked me up it did.
dont know, I was 17 at the time