How and when did you first discover and realize you had your fetish? What were your thoughts?

How and when did you first discover and realize you had your fetish? What were your thoughts?

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>How and when did you first discover and realize you had your fetish?
>What were your thoughts?
"I should masturbate to this more often."

Not until I had sex for the first time at 22. The girl I was dating was into BDSM, and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.

about I would say half a year ago, one day I woke up and was like "I want to watch necro porn. lol that would be funny" and so I went on r34 and looked up at first it was funny.
Then I got aroused. REALLY aroused. I tried to not masturbate but one webm made me tip over the edge. At first I thought it was just a freak incident and I should just move on. The next day, I craved it once more and thats mostly how it went for a week or 2.
Later I found (lost but not forgotten) and bestgore. Now I get the urges once in a while but they are still definitly there. If I was given the ability to fuck a qt's fresh corpse, I would say yes in a heartbeat.

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The /d/ one, probably early 20's when I started browsing /d/.
The tamer irl equivalent, around 11 but I didn't start wanking to it until later. Because girls grow before boys I was surrounded by ladies significantly taller than me who I'd been the same height as just a year before.

pretty sure it goes back to when i was around like 10-11 ish looking at womens boots and thinking "wow i like how that looks and i don't know why". eventually i got onto this hellhole of a website and found out more and more about bdsm and latex and shit. now i have sick fucking perversions, im a volcel( almost had sex with at least 3 girls but 1 was fat, one was crazy, and 1 i fucked up badly), depressed and im pretty sure ive jerked off to the point my dick is fucking useless and i wouldn't be able to have sex and last more than 5 minutes in total.

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bumping thread cause i like it and think its interesting.

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When I was 15 I had a friend who was a furry, I was following her on tumblr and she reblogged a picture of a girl with a collar on her neck. I kinda liked it and looked for more stuff like that. I thought it was really deprived and I never told my boyfriend of four years I was in to choking / collars / pet play. I never got to experience it irl because of that. It's still pretty embarrassing

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are you more of a puppygirl or have you evolved into a more mature cowgirl/ponygirl? I've tamed a couple of little dogs.

My fetish is feet. it was just by watching porn when I was like 14, I really liked videos where girls showed their legs, using stockings, the nelson position as well. Then I realized what I liked about those the most were the feet. When that happened feet fetish wasn't mainstream like it is now. It was weird as fuck and really hard to even find porn with that. I find it amazing that nowadays most girls are aware that a lot of guys find feet sexy, back then it was like the weirdest shit on earth.

I had sexual fantasies after watching documentaries on insects, I jerked off to the giant ant/termite queens and their pulsating egg sacs, parasite infestation and lactation. The discovery channel largely warped my sexuality.

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My first fetish came long before I even knew what sex, porn or jerking off was. My thoughts were that there should be more movies about this, that being giantess. Not exactly sure how I got it but I remember a dream from when I was like 3 where I was stuck on a giantess' lips and she had bright red lipstick.

A couple years ago i was walking home at night and as i rounded a corner there was a cute drunk college girl openly pissing with her friend holding her steady. I passed within like 3 feet of them. I had never had any feelings about pee until that very moment when i realized how hot that was. I arrived home a changed man

Sauce on OPs pic??


I'm a puppygirl, 110%

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Before puberty when I saw one of the looney toons side cast episodes where a character got spanked. Or maybe a scooby doo episode where a character got stuck in a grate. It's hard to remember almost 20 years later but both happened way before i started jacking off.

Do you want to touch the feet, like making the person cry out because the area is so sensitive or do you just really like the idea of feet? No judgement just desire to know more.

>tfw no puppygirl gf to give head scratches, spankings, and collar strangling
HNNNNNNNNNNNNRGH I discovered this stuff recently. It's weird as fuck but feels too good.

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My fetish is also my phobia, scat.

When I was younger I was deadly afraid of anything to do with defecating. When my younger brother had to go to the bathroom I closed my ears and hid in my closet. But at the same time I was fascinated by it, I would rewatch every cartoon episode with shit in it even though it scared me, episodes like the Grandma baby from Jimmy neutron or the show grossoligy with its episode about diarrhea.

I I thought that I grew out of this fear and I didn't think about anymore until I was 17.
I still did weird shit in-between like when I was constipated I would finger the shit out (I thought this was normal) or shit in the bushes on vacation when I was 11 and show people acting like I wasn't the one who did it.
But then I watched an episode of tosh.0 where he shows two girls farting with incredible force, I just had to jack of to it no matter what. I just thought that I had a fart fetish for a couple of years until I saw a video about the show American vandal where everyone shits themselves and i couldn't sleep for 3 days, after it my fart fetish slowly evolved into a scat fetish.

Now I just translate scat hentai for fun.

I have a funny weird green text about me fainting because of it if people want.

When I was 17 I figured out I had an intense attraction to black girls. I was 22 or so when I realized I had a massive lust for chubby and fat girls.

I-ill be your puppy gf

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>whacks u with newspaper
no bitch you are my wan-wan, do not talk to strangers!

Only based post ITT honestly. I didn't even know this kind of fetish was possible, but it's definitely not surface level shit.

i'm a religion fetishist. my fetish is... extremely tame (sexless), which kind of confuses people.

i fetishize religious clothing, ceremony, hierarchy, etc. generally - as i consider myself submissive in a way - i picture a church that's flipped, putting women over men. i like the feelings of exclusion, inferiority, envy/jealousy, and reverence this might provoke.

i draw on real churches for inspiration (and use them to find writings, pics, videos etc) - i was raised catholic, and i also like episcopals, mormons, baptists, pentecostals, church of christ, etc. mostly christian stuff!

i don't like any sort of physical punishment/cruelty, chastity, most 'fantasy' religions aren't interesting to me. i don't like nuns either!

it's been my fetish since i was a kid, responsible for 99% of my faps. i generally picture people i know in religious scenes/roles.

it probably developed first from a love of robes, seeing those as a kid as so exciting to me. and i experienced sexual pleasure as somehow... mystical, supernatural, or holy. i was probably 8 or 9, idk

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Not sure where it comes from but, ffm threesomes with Asian girls. It's pretty mild, but specific.

So, my best friend asked me in great detail about giving my virginity to my bf; and after blathering on in equally great detail about how amazing it was, she lamented that she probably wouldn't be as lucky and jokingly asked if she could 'borrow' him. They were also really close friends; and when it came up a few more times, the idea went from joking to half-joking to serious.

I'd fooled around some with my best friend before, and we all finally agreed that it would actually be less weird if we were all together. As soon as they started kissing and touching each other I became incredibly turned on, so much so that when they were ready I actually put him inside of her; then proceeded to vigorously finger myself as I watched them go at it.

And that was how I became a cuckqueen.

About age 11. I was watching The Fly 2, and the birth scene at the beginning that was supposed to be horrifying and disgusting gave me a rock hard boner.

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when i visited the UK and saw big ben I had a massive boner, next was the eiffel tower and then the leaning tower of pisa.
i realized i became gay so i switched from wi-fi to ethernet/5g to at least 4g
now i have a straight shota fetish

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When I was a teen I though I had a fetish for bitchy older women, but I realized that I only wanted someone to enter in my life wake me up from my daydreams by treating me a little rough and giving me a little direction.
All of my fetishes were born out of my desire to being able to take control of my life and give it direction, now I do not even get hard anymore. Fuck, I am such a loser.

Get on my level, I jerked off to this episode.

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