Dating apps

I get hardly any matches from women and if i do they are ugly and fat. Any decent women i match with is impossible to talk with. Its like walking on thin ice.

But then when i talk with a tranny they let me do anything i want and i send them pictures of my dick and they like it.

Why cant real women be as cool as trannies ?

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Real women can choose between a thousand 9's and 10's. They don't give a shit about you. In a historical context a woman is better off as the Emperor's 11098'th concubine than as a random dude's wife.

Trannies have to lower their expectations because the vast majority of people either hate them or are too repulsed by the idea of becoming intimate so they avoid them, it makes them more submissive and their accompanying mental illnesses makes them latch onto the first person that shows interest and affection.
tl;dr They have no choice

>Real women can choose between a thousand 9's and 10's.
this is what incels think. nah, they can choose between a handful of Chad's, not thousands. lmao

trannies are in fashion now. they have tons of simps and orbiters because of the Internet

Why would there only be a handful of "Chads" if you can set the range as far as you want on a dating app? There is no reason "Chads" at further distances should be less available.

>decently passing trannies get male attention
Gee i wonder why user

>>decently passing trannies get male attention
>Gee i wonder why user
why are you being funny to me? I was only correcting him schizo

genuine Chad's are rare, women only bother with people in their town and Chad's are preoccupied talking to others.

Well have you tried Grindr yet? Seems like you would do good there.

what's your height and what's your race bro Just curious?

Post how many matches you get in a week bro. I get about 130 in my first week, 60 in my second, then it probably goes to about 1 or 2 per week after that. Fuck algorithms I ain't paying for gold.

I went on grindr once. But i didnt see much. Keep in mind i was never cool with being gay. Ive only been pushed to this position by society. And i do like the girl (male) i was talking to now.
5'9" mostly italian american.
Here is the picture of the one i was talking to that i thought was cool or fun.
We started to talk about sex together and we were being lewd. Something fun that biological women will never do with me.
It seemed so easy to. It like makes me hate biological women more. Because i can see how hard women makes things when it doesnt need to be hard.

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Where do i find that at? Depending on what i write in my bio is what gets me matches and i am terrible at that. If i hired someone to help me write. I would get more matches. Ive noticed. If i change my bio i will get matches then the matches stop. Its like you have to keep changing your pic and bio to keep matches going. I hardly get any matches though and they are all always ugly. Now about a different app. Ive got many asians to talk back to me on okcupid. But its impossible to get white american women to talk to me. I honestly should move out of my own country that hates me.

Its going downhill right now.
I cant have a relationship with anyone.
I think i hate everyone.

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show the rest

I felt like our conversation was drying up and i couldn't think of anything good to talk to her about.
So I panicked. I was paranoid.
I wondered what had changed from over the weekend. Some factors did change. I went back to work. I didnt smoke weed today. That could have altered my conversation.

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The only one you should hate is yourself for being too retarded to understand boundaries
>you are too horny
I feel bad for the tranny, having to talk to a socially inept autist is bad enough, but having to endure their lust-filled tirades constantly will erode anyone's patience.

you're white. you have no fucking reason to complain !

Just date the ugly ones. Its actually pretty nice if you close your eyes.

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dating sites aren't made for men, they're basically just whores "get fucked tonight" app. there is no app for finding relationships because society doesn't give a shit about men who just want to be happy.

Why ? I thought white people are the ones that have it the worst in the usa right now.
I thought black people have the most sex and white people dont have good lives unless they are very rich.

Probably will

Right. Its impossible to find a stable relationship today unless you are rich.

I didnt know this was a thing. People actually know social rules and boundaries ? Is that some kind of underground rule? Its not like a real thing.

I understand OP's plight. I am a hard 6 or 7 depending on the lighting in the room, it is rare for me to get legitimate matches let alone conversations going, and many of the matches I do get I am not attracted to at all really.
I got a match with a hot ass girl 25yo yesterday night on tinder of all apps, thought to myself "this has to be fake" but fuck it I sent a message anyways.
No less than 10mins later she was out of my message box so I am sure she instant-unmatched me, confirming that she was real, once again assuring me I am uggo

I went onto eHarmony, paid $122x 4payments in the hopes that people would take it seriously. Well I got a gf from it in less than a week, but that wasn't great either

Kek not true in the slightest.

Nah white and asian men are tied.

LMFAOOOOOOOOOO no they're not you're smoking crack.

Ive been told I'm a solid 6. I have been ghosted by all woman for the last 7 years. I wish I was dead.

it's tough market user, I feel you. 6-7 is a hard range for males because you get overshadowed from taller/face handsome chads and you have to work that much harder to stand out from the 5 and below, which is really just settling or desperation tier for a woman, but yeah. You know it when you see it

What was the eharmony girl like?

That happened to me on tinder too before. The hot girls and the un matching. Its either you say one wrong word or sentence and they hate you. Or its they accidentally matched you. Or they are trying to hurt you.

Randomly one time i was at walmart. And some hot girl just appeared behind me. She asked me if i had a lighter. She was really hot. And i said i dont have a lighter. But maybe she wanted me to ask her out. I will never know.

Nah I'll probably just kill myself soon. The lack of validation and self esteem/confidence has gotten to me. Being dead means I don't have to feel like this anymore.

My boomer parents will never believe in this stuff about chads and everything. They will never be able to figure out why i am alone. Because their lives were easier with getting married. I think there is a woman wanting to settle for me. I met her on tinder. Shes 43 single has 4 sons and then i am 32. She wants me. I dont know if she really likes me or is trying to settle or something. I dont know what's going on.

how old, virgin I presume? c'mon user fuck that nonsense. if nothing else you have to have some hobbies you like and there is always fapping which is arguably better than sex
that seems a little like a stretch for the girl at wal mart but I hold out for those hopeless romantic situations too, I am pathetic no lie. I wouldn't give the girls enough credit to say they wanted to "hurt" someone by unmatching, they are probably just dumbasses who swiped too quickly or whatever.
The eHarmony girl was actually very sweet and kind to me, a few minor redflags but ultimately I didn't like driving as much because she was past my work commute, and like 25-30min from my house so there was a little distance... and if I was being honest which I was, I wasn't as attracted to her so I didn't want to hurt either of our feelings and I broke it off early.

So that is my deal, I can get rejected by every girl I am attracted to, or I can get the physical/emotional action from someone I am not attracted to as much.. and that doesn't feel so great either.

You have a case of the gays go get TOPPED on Grindr

well than those 4 sons are *probably grown or near grown and want to fuck off soon, leaving you two together if that is what you wish? I know the next issue is if you want to have kids.. and at that age with 4 already it's not a leap to think she is done in that department. I am 28 so I know what you mean about wanting to settle or move in that direction. At the very least I am looking for some girl who is trying to take it "seriously"