Femanons would you date a bisexual guy who has been with other men?

femanons would you date a bisexual guy who has been with other men?

why or why not?

pic related, he's a bisexual chad currently fucking a black dude

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If it wasnt a black guy then maybe

His body is so perfect omg

> Chad
> Fucking a black dude
Pick one

yeah he has an amazing body

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Couldnt you argue that he is more of a chad for dominating a black guy

Chads stick to their own kind

if he was that hot, i wouldn't care. but in general, no.

No. The mental image of my boyfriend getting buttfucked or buttfucking someone else is too much for me desu.

there is literally nothing more chad than that

Sucking black dick makes you a chad?

found out three months into my relationship my bf had sex with a tranny before we met

Based waifu material. Fuck niggers.

kek what happened next are you still with him?

yeah. not particularly happy about it but i love him so much that i can't stand the thought of not being with whatever he's done
i'm not proud of my past either. love is more important

>every woman in 2020 - lol bi/pansexual, lgbtq+ rights!! *
>Eeeewwww I'd never date a bisexual man!! Gross!!

So do you, but you're a chud

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>If I want to allow someone else to like somthing, I must like it too
Ah yes, truly a 200 IQ post

That's a gross tranny and you're both insecure faggs

It's the exact opposite, chad's fuck so many lame white roasties they tend to get bored and try other races.

this is who he is fucking

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Bi man here, definitely not my type, a gy like that is probably obsessed with his physique and has very little time for a real career or relationships, that he portrays himself like that on social media also SCREAMS that he is a narcisist and cares too much about his image

we could have a threesome, i would peg his boyfriend

If he is bisexual then he is not a chad

i get the feeling that his boyfriend would not be down to be anywhere near a pussy

ur just too ugly to pull but ok faggot

he's an aspiring model though it's his job to post photos of himself looking hot on social media

That might make it even hotter actually

name? does he have an onlyfans?

>bisexual guy
Don't care.
>been with other men
I'd prefer a pure virgin.

you're a girl and you want a virgin?