You know the story anons. Hop on omegle and use tags :R9k, R9komegle, Robot9001.
You never know you might just meet your gf this time :D
Omegle thread! Another day another thread edition
>You never know you might just meet your gf this time :D
That's bullshit
Thats no way to be user think this could be the time!
You mean bf right? Why would we use omegle when we have Grindr
I hate when there are girls using r9k omegle. Why do cute girls come here? What is wrong with them?
Grindr is for getting TOPPED and general cocklusting
No I mean cute girls only no boys >:(
>might just meet your gf this time :D
no they just all skip me
Like girls (males) ??
Thats because you're STINKY user, they can smell you through the monitor.
No only girls (females)
>you're STINKY user
See anons women are real after all.
You are both females?
so much retardation in that convo
i cant with you niggers
wish chad kill stacies
No but consider it as some reading material for chicks :D They enjoy it when you can communicate like them
That is the secret user if you are a nihilist you will get no where however if you are a comedian like myself things get easier.
All the girls on the r9k tag are simultaneously juggling at least 15 desperate men on discord at any given moment. It's pointless, anons, don't inflate these 5/10 roasties' egos even more.
Grow up STINKY incel.
Has anyone met their e-bf/gf on this tag?
>go on r9k omegle
>first person: insults me, skips
>second person: insults me, skips
>third person: insults me, skips
>Grow up STINKY incel.
men need to grow up and stop talking to you.
men are the problem.
Yes they are im glad we can agree on that :)
No only gf no boys
How do girls stay there? I'm constantly called a tranny and skipped
Stop looking like a tranny and try to look like a girl as much as possible
They pretend to be guys. You get called a tranny because youre prison gay.
Anyone get feet from omegle girls
Person on text chat I'm sorry I left. My heart immediately started racing.
No just boy feet.
>you never know you might just meet your gf this time :D
I don't feel like dealing with possibly getting idealized and devalued by yet another clingy BPD girl after the one I met on this board and another I met on Omegle. This board really does attract the severely mentally ill.
No, presenting like a roastie is why I call them tranners in the first place. Only trannies try to look feminine
>another clingy BPD girl after the one I met on this board and another I met on Omegle.
What are they like?
So should I pretend to be a guy like says, or remain the same like ? There's no winning
Meant this one for the second reply, sorry
Thanks for the free (you) fool heheheh
Crazy,they are having a great day one day and the next they are in a histrionic heap. Pure chaos.