>little sister is refusing to abort her rape baby
>mom for some retard tier reason thought telling her to abort it or leave would work
>now I have a pregnant 16 year old on my couch
For fucks sake this is getting worse and worse
Little sister is refusing to abort her rape baby
If this is real wtf is wrong with your mom dude
>now I have a pregnant 16 year old on my couch
just beet her until she miscarrys
so from my understanding you and your mom are two different houses, and she was absolutely based in telling her to get rid of the mistake to which your sister went to your house, where you are now a cuck for not doing the exact same thing your mom did. is this accurate?
She's just kind of a shitty mom. I can say that from experience honestly.
And you would be a worse parent I guess.
that baby will most likely ruin any chance of her having a good life, but hey, it's her decision.
>the baby will ruin her life
the baby itself is a ruined life. 16 old raped mom, its moms mom doesnt even want it alive, much less pay for it or help take care of it. if op isnt a retard he will understand that absolutely nothing good will come to anyone involved in this babies upbringing if for whatever retarded reason she has it.
>people who think I have literally any say in my sister's choice
So why are you trying to convince me again?
oh, so you're a passive fag that won't even try to change the outcome of his sister's ruined life.
Why do you believe she was raped she's keeping the kid cuz it was consensual
I don't get it, is it some voodoo thing where killing the offspring un-rape your sister?
She's not going to try to raise it herself is she? Foster care system is a shitty choice but I doubt it's as bad as a mother who's still learning algebra.
Your mother's smart, your sister's a retard. Probably wasn't even rape desu.
How can a girls life get ruined?
why the fuck are there so many feminist fags on this board all the sudden
I know that she shouldn't keep the kid, what I'm saying is that I can't do anything about it. There's no point in telling someone who has nothing to do with her decision what you think she should do. You're basically shouting at a wall.
It's not like they can enjoy their own company
no, it's just consideration for the fetus itself and it's mother, not only will the thing have a fucking terrible life, the mother will most likely come to hate it.
i had a classmate get pregnant at 16, she got extremely fat real quick and also got addicted to drugs, the whole class pretty much isolated her some time after. far as i know she dropped out of school like 2 years after that.
how can having a baby at 16 years old ruin your life? are you also 16?
>allowing a rapist to pass on his genes
Your sister should be shot for this.
>cant convince a 16 year old girl not to tank her and her families life
ok you deserve all the hardship you get, enjoy it cuck
I want children to stop posting on Zig Forums.
>another man rapes his sister
>sister wants to keep the kid
>sister is staying with OP in his house where he will no doubt also care for another mans rape baby
that is literally as cucked as having a black baby
literally impotent and unable to stop a 16 years old girl and calling someone else a children lmao
Literally how can a girls life get ruined though?
if you dont kill the rapist youre a cuck
Dude she trusts you enough to stay on your couch you obviously have some ingluence on her. You dont have to kick her out for not aborting the baby but you can still strongly advise her not to keep it. It doesnt have to be one or the other
read you're probably one of those dudes who think females live on easy mode and shit, but believe me, being a teenage girl and getting pregnant literally pulverizes your social standing
find the guy that raped her, and force her to marry him. Badda boom, now he's forced to live with his mistakes, and she's prolly satisfied with him.
Lmao if you were able to get off your retard simp cuck high horse long enough to get oxygen to your brain you would realize that if OP pressures her to abort after she fucking left home she will just leave him. You think she is stuck with OP? This is a female we are talking about, someone will take her in. She made her choice like OP understands.
Here's what you do retard.
Give it up for adoption and get her to change schools. There everyone wins. Kid gets to live, sister is fine morally and her social standing isn't ruined.
Trust me user. This is the only way.
what do you mean how? how is a 16 year old supposed to continue their life with a baby? one day you'll be old enough and gain life experience and understand
They do live on easy mode you retard, that girl probably has an amazing life compared to us still
Yo OP, you need to get your sister to abort the fucking kid. She is all caught up in the pregnancy's hormones and isn't thinking at all, she has no idea how bad life will be if she indeed has the kid. If she has a kid know she can kiss goodbye to any chance of living a remotely enjoyable young adult life. She won't ever be able to get a boyfriend until she's 33+ and then she'll have to settle for some divorced overweight guy that has kids already. She'll be living in extreme poverty her entire life. Nothing good will come of having the kid. Stop deluding yourself with the bullshit of it's ''her choice'' and I have ''no say'' in it. You need to man up and tell her to abort it. It doesn't matter how you do it, but you need to do it. You have no excuse if you fail to.
how the times have changed. 40 years ago it would be precisly the opposite. tell your sister she's making the right choice, and for gods sake support her user.
oh noo she will miss out on school dances for two years ;_;
high school is the only time of your life that matters
She should get an abortion, if the babies already rapist I don't see things going well.
Apparently your life experience made you stupid, also you people are telling OP to drive this girl away from her family and into the care of just some guy.
user take your meds the buzzwords are acting up again
Just make sure she knows this is a temporary thing. Dont take no for an answer, or let her guilt you. Make clear set in stone boundaries quickly
this. it should be a crime to actually carry a rape pregnancy to term.
the baby isn't going away in 2 years, how is she going to afford food, clothes, diapers for it? is she supposed to get a job? then who's going to take care of it while she works? putting that responsibility onto other people is the right answer?
please don't have kids anytime soon, you clearly know nothing about raising them
You don't need to afford anything for a child, the government will take care of you, that's why minorities have so many little retards.
I don't want to be like the kid needs to be kept or anything btw, that's probably how retard babykillers like you come into this world.
so again, putting the responsibility onto others to raise your kid is the right answer?
yeah i'm pro baby killing, less impoverished kids coming into the world the better
>i'm pro baby killing
An understatement I'm sure.
You should tell her to abort it or leave too. That way she will have no choice