Femanon question, what would you do if we were cuddling and my pp got hard?
Femanon question, what would you do if we were cuddling and my pp got hard?
Jerk it off roughly while facefucking you.
Are you a fembot
Getting facefucked by a girl with her pussy would be hot
pull down your undies and slap your dick
Wlll you marry me?
Ok, why?
Did the artist photoshop a real eye on to the character or is it just very well drawn
Its fucking up my brain
wtf did my dick do to you
I was on a date and went to the park and made out and my pp got hard.
She noticed but pretended not to notice and then she took me back to her place and we slept together.
I guess that's what fembots would do.
I wouldn't notice unless you told me
you fucking bitch take that back that is so insulting
Women like it, it means you find them sexy. They always notice.
>what would you do if we were cuddling and my pp got hard?
i would kiss it better
>Wlll you marry me?
are you cheating on me?
Ok, but what if it was my sister?
No, but I thought you were just going to use me for ball pics. You aren't going to be my gf are you?
aaaaa sorry no cock kisses not my thing but I don't demonize you for it
Try and ignore it I guess. Though I doubt I'll ever cuddle with anyone.
>No, but I thought you were just going to use me for ball pics. You aren't going to be my gf are you?
that's for you to decide
I posted a pic of my peeper on the internet and I got literally zero gfs from it. I'm not worthy of gf, I need a girl who will lock me up and not let me make any choices because I can't be trusted.
post it again lol
I refuse fembogs are all the same, they just use me and then just leave. Zero gfs from this.
There all just succubus thots who will try steal my virginity and make e a boy slut.
but I read as if you wanted to get dominated lolz.. and what about me being a succubus thot?
No I just don't notice or register it as bad/good it just happens and I wouldn't understand
You tried to take my ball pics, but fembobs don't want to love me forever. You won't love me and keep me as a boipet.
Is this real life? Anons I.. I think I have had enough of the internet for tonight. What even is this conversation.
i really dont see the issue here. and me loving you depends on how you act
Are you questioning me? I'm a good boy. Whats wrong with me?
I act like a good boy, I do as I'm told. Then keep me as a boipet.
You are the type to come up in here and get some bleach thrown in your face and get stuck up.
how does me pegging you sound to make u a true boipet?
continue to play nintendo
Only if you hold me afterwards and ca me a good boy.
>Only if you hold me afterwards and ca me a good boy.
only if u really are a good boy