Imagine being born a female, but hating yourself for it to the point where you just want to end it all.
>father raised me like a boy (taught me football, swimming, how to mow the lawn showed me cars, computers, pranks) >father started neglecting me at 10yo >he started beating me at 12yo >i got prizes for being top 40 programmers in my country at 13, 14 and 16yo >my father never said he's proud, he just asked why i didn't get better prizes
>i was never able to get along with other females cause they were too boring for me >males never accepted me as one of theirs
Now I just hate myself and the fact that I can't be a man, and I hate trannies so I refuse to be one. I wanna end it all, but suicide is for emo faggots.
can you leave from this place and never ever come back. just go to redit pls
Owen Torres
what about your mother? what do you have to tell about her?
Colton Jenkins
I too sometimes wish that all females would be wiped from the face of the earth
Jeremiah Reyes
go to crystal cafe if you're interested in legitimate discourse on the subject of being an autistic female.
All you will get here is a bunch of salty men mocking you and/or asking for tits.
Also, the solution to your problem is to wear makeup, embrace your femininity and then you will easily be able to find at least one man to get along with.
Charles Murphy
If you are such a good programmer why not get a good programming job and use the money you get to get on a good dating service. Not tinder, the fancy ones that cost money.
David Turner
Just find a loving bf and have a good life lol
Andrew Powell
>>i was never able to get along with other females cause they were too boring for me Congrats. Now you know how guys feel about women every single fucking day in a relationship.
>males never accepted me as one of theirs I highly doubt that.
Anyway, you might feel better if you found a softboy bf.
John Bell
no idea why you come here either other than selfish reasons
Parker Garcia
Tons of people here have no friends and will never be loved either and you feel fine to make a thread and rub it in their faces. Check yourself cunt, no wonder men don't like to hang with you.
Eli Moore
she basically forced me to study for school 24/7 until i became overworked and over stressed. now she's sad i can't be pretty and care about looks and makeup and w/e because she's always glamours. but she loves me and if i get sick she goes beast mode just to make me feel better. so i rly appreciate her.
Sebastian Cox
there are two places on the internet for autists, here and crystal cafe.
Unfortunately due to the overrepresentation of male autism, this board moves faster and has more content.
So yea, I'm selfishly here for relatable entertainment.
Nolan Moore
you arent an autist you just need a rich guy to fuck.
Josiah Stewart
What about this whores post makes you think she doesn't have a bf? What makes you think any female isn't a solitary yes away from getting a bf?
Robert King
but i can't do that. i feel like it would be fake. i feel like have to feel all this pain just because i deserve it. i was born a woman so i must be punished for it
Michael Powell
I already have this and actually love my life, but whilst riding Chad dick is fucking awesome, it cannot cure the tism. That is permanent.
Christian Young
Lmao you have no problems you dumb attention whore
Henry Wright
all i see in dating apps are shallow people, i think i'd hate that. i have ways to meet people, my aunt is pretty important. but everyone is so shallow and cringe i can't talk to them
Aiden Roberts
i dont know why you are here. honestly
Matthew Rivera
you're androginous or whatever there are guys here complaining about no tomboy gf, well that'd be you are you gay or do you like males? >i was born a woman so i must be punished for it nah, that's what your dad would say. regarding this, you just have daddy issues, like all girls lurking this board
John Ortiz
dating someone while having mental issues like mine wouldn't be fair to them. i don't wanna force whoever i date to fix me. so i'm single and i choose to stay single.
Cooper Perry
Mmk, still go away attention whore
Connor Torres
NOT ONLY MY DAD, but most guys i met. spending my teenage years on Zig Forums wasn't the best idea for my mental. even my irl friends say i'm a rich female so i can't understand their struggles.
i'm straight tho.
Joseph Campbell
If you're going to kill yourself anyways do you want to have sex first?
>Now I just hate myself and the fact that I can't be a man Just get good friends. You're not being rejected because you're female you're being rejected because guys are socially retarded for the most part and it's funnier for them to have the impulsive "ARE YOU A TRANNY WHORE RETARD? FUCK OFF NIG" reaction to when you talk. You shouldn't hate yourself for it, that's just dumb.
Dylan Collins
thank you man. that legit made me feel better. i appreciate it.
Henry Reed
Jesus Christ what's next are you attractive too? I genuinely hope you die.
Blake Stewart
imagine having all that and being unhappy with it. how ungrateful can someone be?
Luke Garcia
>NOT ONLY MY DAD, but most guys i met >even my irl friends say i'm a rich female so i can't understand their struggles you defy in some way some preconcived stuff that people have about what makes a woman a woman, and you feel you don't fit anywhere there are still some people out there who'll accept you for who you are, tho just don't get more jaded and depressed than how you already are and find some fun in stuff you like do you have any pets? >spending my teenage years on Zig Forums wasn't the best idea for my mental agreed, in fact it wasn't good for none of us but we were already crippled anyways
Colton Lee
this is pretty impossible desu.
if you're single, your male friends will constantly try to fuck you. And if not, they will be so fucking insecure about coming off as a simp that they will withdraw from the friendship.
Alexander Rivera
OP sent me nudes, ama
Hunter Kelly
user, you're fkin cool. nah i don't have any pets. is there any way i can dm u on discord or w/e?
you are 100% right about this. most males will avoid being friends with me. they want more.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Real reason you can't make male friends is because you're a shallow whore, not sure why you see yourself above other girls, especially don't see why you cite intelligence as being the reason
Jackson Sanchez
stfu and be my wife, i will make you feel good about yourself.
Andrew Rogers
that definitely sucks. Just know as a male you can still be a friendless loser.
Easton Young
Not the OP, and this phenomenon applies to pretty much all females.
Camden Peterson
You honestly sound like a spoiled brat. Your life honestly sounds pretty fucking nice. I wish my mom cared enough and that my family had enough money to survive growing up. Like grow the fuck user, your life is fine and you're just wallowing in depression because you want to feel different. When in reality you're just an average tomboy girl
>>i was never able to get along with other females cause they were too boring for me well... a lot of girls are kinda boring, most people are, some are just good at pretending theyre not or are better at making the boring shit they do sound interesting >t. lesbian
Joseph Smith
You're all shallow whores if you're posting on Zig Forums so the logic still applies, how can you expect to make male friends if you're a total cunt? Guy friendships are about being real to each other and that's something you fundamentally can't do as a shallow whore.
John Ortiz
Why did your dad start neglecting and beating you?