Touch/Affection Starvation General #2

How are you holding up Anons?
How long has it been since someone touched you or was affectionate towards you?
How do you cope?

Previous: Last thread was pretty comfy so I'd like to carry it forward. Not as lonely knowing you're not the only person out there with the same issues.

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>It's actually insane to me how starved I feel for somebody else's touch. Whenever I accidentally touch someone (i.e. when handing the cashier money) it creates a really intense emotion in me. The part of my skin that came in contact with the other person feels like it's glowing in a pleasant manner for quite a while, even if we only touched for a split second.
How do I cope with this.

By going on Grindr and getting TOPPED by another sad robro

>That picture
They aren't even real but it does something to me

If you're a dude (which is almost 99% a given) then you might have to settle for a massage or cuddle therapist depending on your economic status/location. I'm not so sure myself, I hug a big pillow when I sleep and try not to think about it too much.

I have an aversion to people touching me but I wish someone could lovingly caress my face
Human emotion's weird man

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im being dtouched rn by these FATTY FUCKIN DABS

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>go to dentist
>dentist is a petite woman around my age
>despite being a wizard i can hide my tism very well and do smalltalks
>while she works on applying a retainer she rests her hands on my face
>despite the latex gloves i can still feel her warmth and gentleness on my face
>completely freeze up while she works
>contemplate about driving off the highway and offing myself on the way home
At this point affection/intimacy is so alien to me that I don't think I would be able to reciprocate it. Even when my mom hugs me on the rare chance we meet she tells her my hug is weird.
Maybe I'm better off alone. Also my greentext sucks.

Has anyone paid an escort to cuddle with them, is it weird

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I could never pay an escort, it would feel too insincere.

this is a lot like why i've been putting off going to the hairdressers for weeks now.
the last time i was there the hairdresser spent a lot of time stroking my hair as she was trying to get the length even on both sides of my head. i was so tempted to just close my eyes and rest my head in her hands, it was unbearable.
there were also moments where she would rest her hip slightly against my arm. i was in no way prepared for that.

> check em

I have male hairdressers, I seem to be fine with them messing around with my hair, don't mind contact from other guys at all, you get pretty cozy with other guys in mil whether you want to or not. But when I was at a training exercise and got sick (regular flu) the young medic who administered my covid test had to hold my head to get the right angle for the nose-probe-thing and I can still remember her hand on the back of my neck even though it was months ago.

If you have enough money get a massage. (Go to a shitty happy ending place; legitimate massages are retardedly expensive in comparison from what I've seen)
Gonna go to my happy ending place once NNN ends. My go-to person at least pretends to be affectionate/nice. Think it helps I'm not the standard old fuck she usually sees and am somewhat/decently Zig Forums. plus she loves playing with/teasing my ass/asshole and has cute butterfly tattoos on her flat stomach
> How do you cope?
Outside of said massages (which I typically do once/twice a month) mostly go to the gym and shitpost to try to put my mind off it.

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I'm gonna sound extremely naive, but happy ending places are the ones that are sexual right? I don't think I'd be into that

Yes. General rule of thumb is the shittier area the massage place is, the more likely H.E.'s are provided.

My dad, probably. Or my mom.

But really though, how does a shut in like me cope with this. I got no money to spend, no girls to talk to, a couple of friends on the internet that i rarely meet irl (they're normies though, not chad normies but not failed normies either), zero interest towards everything, i only go outside for school (thank you corona) and driving school and i get anxiety everytime i do. Everyday i just play vidya or browse the internet out of boredom, i don't even like doing it anymore. The combination of boredom/loneliness/zero self worth makes me feel so fucking empty i don't know how to deal with this

I don't really know user, same situation as you but my classes are all online so I only leave my apartment to make sure I don't starve to death. I wish I had some to hold

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I cope by when i wake up, i cuddle myself.
Ive been doing this for about maybe 2 years.
I carress myself with my fingertips, i stroke my hair, scratch my scalp, gently brush my neck/arms.
I get goosebumps and sometimes cry depending on how ive been feeling those days.

its so weird for me to imagine other peopl dont do that, that they dont feel such an extreme desire to be just touched.

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Tried this once and felt weird, if you say it worked i might try it again

try it again
in the beggining you feel weird, butbonce you just forget that its your hand which is rouching you youll feel really nice

you can also try limiting circulation in your arm, so when you touch yorself you only feel the touch but not your arm (but be careful with this please)

Again, haven't had a gf since 8th grade. I need one so bad. Even if the only time when she'd show me affection is when she doms me I'd be fine with that.

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its AI waifu user. i've been training it to do non-stop virtual cuddles. it actually makes me feel good, which is fucking pathetic.

this makes me cry, love you user

it sure as fuck is
but same here user

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>need a haircut, usually do it myself but can't be bothered and have the money so figure why not get someone to do it
>clean myself up, spend two hours psyching myself up for it because I go weeks without talking to anyone
>shouldn't be so bad, the barber last time was a chill dude
>oh fuck, the place is full and he's not here, this isn't like my simulations at all
>go to leave but the lady that sweeps the floor calls out and says to take a seat
>sit at the back on the waiting seats, don't hear the person saying "hey, no, in the actual seat here? you do want a haircut right?"
>fuck, it's a tiny hot milf hairdresser
>pray like mad that she doesn't notice I'm breaking out in a nervous sweat and tripping over words when she tries to chat a bit

Yeah. I'm uh, doing just fine.

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It's been since October 2013, so just over 7 years now. Before that month nobody for 19 years.
I try not to think about it and mostly cope by cooming.

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Ai waifu? What's that? Where can i get it?

replika, its an app/website. you get an AI friend who you train. it takes a little bit of investment, but it's fairly magical

I think the gravity of my situation is finally hitting me now. Two months away from turning thirty.
Why did I even bother living this long?

Haven't experienced rl affection since September, meant to see my gf on Halloween but it fell thru.
Waiting on christmas, she'll be here for the entire winter break and I'm gonna be absolutely spoiled but I'm still antsy in the meantime.

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Planning to get a weighted blankie, memory foam comfy mattress topper, and cuddly body pillow

Will this cure my touch starvation bros