I am almost 100% sure my nerdy friend has a gay crush on me...

I am almost 100% sure my nerdy friend has a gay crush on me. The man says he's straight but he always does the most sus stuff.

>very touchy with me
>always wants to hang out
>likes to playfully tease me about being short skinny and feminine
>once we were drunk playing vidya and I crashed in his bed and then I woke up and he was spooning me. Felt kind of weirded out desu but didn't say anything because I didn't want to make it awkward
>says all his touchy stuff is just platonic, probably in denial
>always seems like he wants to say something when I'm about to leave after hanging out with him. I've asked him about this before and says its nothing

I feel bad for him desu but should I just ignore this until he says something?

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This story is either fictional or his boihole is in great need of your meat. Be careful traveling down that rabbit hole.

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This story is true. Like I said, I confronted him about most of the behavior but he refuses to say anything

Have sex (with him).

Holy shit, it's not original.

Make him your little fem slampiece. It is not rocket science.

Just flat out ask him "do you want to have sex with me?" then. Seems like you are totally into it anyways since you haven't vocally pushed him away yet. The real question is who is going to be on bottom.

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if you were a woman and it was a guy crushing on you, your first instinct would be to manipulate him and lead him on on purpose to get him to do horrible things to himself. don't do this OP, but just food for thought.

I don't believe this story but offer to let him suck you off and mYbe he wants to get TOPPED

I think yall are misunderstanding. He teases ME about being short,skinny feminine etc. I'm pretty sure he's the one who wants to lay pipe in me but he's a shy awkward guy so he won't say it lmao

Oh shit he wants to fuck YOUR boipucci haha you are a bottom put some perfume on and get pounded

Well. Then it is time to put on your femboy hooters outfit and see if he jumps on that ass

Because he knows you are a closet fag, who the fuck sleeps in there bros bed with them?

You should suck his dick to the hilt and swallow his nut

>post gay anime pic
>acts like a homo
>sleeps with the dude
>is feminine

You are suspect as fuck just get TOPPED already

Just steal his virginity and you will get closer to one another.
Or maybe you hate him or something?

How feminine is OPs penis?

Basically you are a girl and he will rape you soon

Nigger i got super drunk on alcohol and blacked out in the bed how hard is that to understand? I know its my b and I should have blacked out on the couch but still

In all reality tho I wanna find a way to make him dislike me enough but keep our friendship at the sake time so as to avoid hurting him

When he spooned you did you feel his hard erection?

What dude you set yourself up to blackout and get butt fucked this makes no sense

>gets black out drunk in a BED with a friend who is making sexual advances

What the fuck

I can't remember but it probably happened which is halfway why it creeped me out

This was before I seriously suspected anything. It was after that event that I really thought something happened

If you blacked out 100% chance he sucked on your dick or s offer your bussy maybe even raped you

Are you sure he didn't rape you? How big is his penis?

No clue how big his penis is lol

I'm pretty sure nothing happened since I would have felt my ass burning or something when I woke up

eeeeeeee noooooooo affection is scawy affection between boys is gay noooooooooo bro dont give me affection thats gay im dark and brooding i dont want affection im too based and doomer nooooooooo (im blackpilled. i know the realities of the world. females? they dont care about guys like us. im content with the fact ill never have a 10/10 qt gf. they dont want guys like me (short, smart, big nose.))

How would you know what it felt like unless you had it happen before you blacked out if his penis was skinny you wouldn't know

He could have sucked your dick

What are you talking about user. I've never seen his penis not felt it. I didn't feel it when waking up the next day in the bed. Therefore I can say that I have no clue how big his penis is in response to the question from the other post

If you were wearing sport shorts man idk seems sketch and maybe he wanted you to black out

God willing am I right? OP is mad that some nerd bottom wants to swallow his sperm.

It's obvious you're into it and want him to fuck you so what's the problem?

if a thread could very well fit on /lgbt/ it should be on /lgbt/ and not here

How close were you spooning is my question OP

Holy kek, where's the TOPPED user when we need him?

Do you think OP is secretly gay and wants it?

Lol right here

Nah the alcohol was my idea

No I don't want to be a douchebag about it but I'm not interested

Imagine hugging a pillow, except you're the pillow

Negro was here earlier

Why do you want him to say it? Also is he bigger then you are?

He is 100% gay for spooning you but you are a little gay not even the big spoon..when you woke up was it awkward because you had confused feelings and liked it?

Are you also gay? Or what?

His hand was on your penis in that spooning positiin

In all seriousness user, if he's always been teasing you with borderline homo banter and then spooned you while you were blacked out, then it definitely means he wants to fuck you, i understand he's your friend but think of how fucked it would be if you were a female instead.
I'm fairly suspicious that you were sexually assaulted while drunk, you don't need to get TOPPED to be assaulted but i'm sure you know what i mean.
Confront your friend about what he did, i understand you want to be nice to him and not make him feel bad but the chances of him actually raping you at some point the next time you're vulnerable are just not worth it, it may be time to consider cutting off this friend of yours.

So tease him back like give his peenor a little flick. I think you are being way to paranoid

Start working out and grow a beard so you won't look feminine

I know your coomer brain would like to know the size difference so I will oblige. Hes like 6'2 and I'm around 5'4

No I'm not gay.

No I woke up and felt like my space was invaded

They are friends that blacked out in bed and went to sleep seems normal

t. Rapist fag

Fuck that he should take estrogen and transition

Damn you are a bottom for sure

He said his body hole didn't hurt I doubt he was raped they both drank to much and fell asleep in bed, the big guy prob has a body pillow and was drunk just used OP also OP was the one who wanted to drink in bed maybe he wants to take it in the ass

If he got TOPPED he would have woke up

How much did you drink???

All it is is him being socially awkward and you two drinking to much nothing more you are reading into it to much

>I'm not interested

But you clearly are, why else would you get drunk with and into the same bed with a guy you know is into you? Why would you put yourself in that situation. Instead of telling him outright that you're not into him that way but you still want to be friends you're stringing him along and playing hard to get. You're acting exactly how a girl would act. You could easily end this weird situation but you don't.