Or are women starting to like feminine twinks all of sudden?
Not to mention the sudden likening to pegging and gfd.
Is tumblr to blame here?
Or are women starting to like feminine twinks all of sudden?
Not to mention the sudden likening to pegging and gfd.
Is tumblr to blame here?
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The feminine twinks belong to men like me, and I will BTFO any roastie who dares encroach on my territory. They do not know how to love a twink like I do. BEGONE THOT!
I keep saying that 2021 will be the year of the twinks and lanklets but no one ever listens. If you aren't a 6'0+ cutie it's all fucking over for you.
I sure as hell hope that's the case
it's a ruse and a meme
i hope not, i don't like competition
Women literally never cared about men's bodies, if the chad faces are all on scrawny feminine guys then so be it
I guess the Jew was right.
Just look at this tweet, guys.
Over 100k women have a likening to pegging. It is only a matter of time that they will also like their men to be feminine and make them crossdress on bed.
>all of sudden
youve been fucking blind for 8 years you moron
>it is only a matter of time
too late for me, i always wanted to peg a guy
>tfw no boymaid bf
Perhaps there are many women in this world and taste in partners varies from woman to woman? Just food for thought
Ive always wanted a gf who will peg me then give me a ton of affection afterwards and assure me that it wasnt gay.
Where did it all began, though? One Direction or w/e boyband was popular at the time?
Care to share why do you like them so much, Natsukianon?
Surprisingly, you seem to begin to have competition, desu.
That too, but why so many?!
Last time this happened was in the early 2000s, but everyone grew out of it. But today, that seems unlikely as these women are over 20.
Pic unrelated?
Female grugposting
Why do women joke about pegging so much?
I get wanting to put me in a maid dress but leave my ass alone, you don't even get anything out of pegging a man
It's a meme, it's something you don't see irl just only mentally insane women on Twitter. If she says she's into skinny and effeminate guys then she's just gonna use you as a purse and fuck an actual masculine guy behind your back
It's just you. Women like men. Only teenage girls like twinks. They certainly don't like "pegging" or gfd either.They do it because their bf asks them to.
uhhhhh just from my perspective, not really, no, it's the same, just more people talking about it openly. As for pegging the ultra majority of girls are definitely NOT into it, girls don't even usually like being in dominant sexual positions.
Here's been my experience..
I've always been pretty feminine and have had a very attractive face. I had a lot of female attention in highschool, after highschool it died down like crazy, I thought it was because girls were "growing out of it", but in reality I just went reclusive and had way less exposure to girls. Younger girls always like pretty boys. And girls liking it more are just them becoming coomers, plus guys kind of determine what women like too, and more guys have been open about being into gay shit and liking traps.
It honestly is really fucking gay. You literally might as well be gay if you like it.
>a ton of affection afterwards
of course, that's cute
>assure me that it wasnt gay
i'd rather tease him and call him gay
to me being cute is way more attractive than being sexy. femininity is simply more appealing, why not make your bf wear cute, girly clothes? i've never been attracted to muscles and sixpacks and manly displays of power. i'd much rather take a lanklet. btw bless you for Ventiposting
Whats gay about a man and a woman having sex?
>Whats gay about a man and person with a fake penis ass fucking you?
I corrected this for you.
>Whats gay about a man and a woman with a fake penis ass fucking you?
I corrected this for you.
in my opinion it's not gay, but you have people (on here as well) who are going to tell you that any submissive act performed by a man is gay and i think getting pegged is the most sub thing. i just like teasing, doesn't mean that i actually think that way
you can only tell him its gay if he cums
twinks are not aggressive incel and rapist
I guess teasing can be fun. I would probably be to dumb to get and think you are genuinely insulting me though
>pegging is gay
>but touching your dick everyday isn't
mkay. It's gay because it's literally simulated gay sex. If you're so "submissive" that you're into pegging, it doesn't strike me like that type of person would be too far along from posting in cocklust threads.
Not going to get to in detail about it but aggressive doms like you make me paranoid and considering how many social interactions I had with them, it seems like it's for good reason.
There are girls that are really "into" butts(pun intended) but you don't seem like that type.
Im more attracted to the woman who has the dick not the dick itself. The though of manly women doesnt turn me on either
So then would you be into getting topped by an attractive trap?
Nope, only a double x chromosome with big titties.
I think traps who aren't softboys and gay, and who have little abs, pecs and a firm butt are what women have always wanted (pic related), instead of the homoerotic muscular macho man that us men have always imposed women to like since the beginning of time.
It is only after sex positivity that women were open to what they like.
Oh, and also broad shoulders still and collarbones as well, especially collarbones.
>It is only after sex positivity that women were open to what they like.
Women try to be positive to every group that's labeled as being under threat of harm. It doesn't mean they're actually into it. There's a lot of girls who support bi guys but a lot of those same girls will be repulsed by the idea of having sex with a guy that's had sex with another guy. And it's important to keep thinks in perspective.
Women are gaining power in 1st world nations. We are going the way of the bonobo. Conquered by China or Russia before 2060 AD.
Fujos have been around since forever you dumb newfag.