All that really matters is your happiness

All that really matters is your happiness

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
>leve Zig Forums for a couple of years
>do no fap for months with no problems
>work in family business
>improve confidence
>some girls talk to me
>cope with my strong long hair
>suddenly start losing it all
>cant cope anymore
>finally lost the only good thing in my shitty body
I give up

friendly reminder :)
a life lived solely for the pursuit of happiness is irresponsible and childish.

No, by happiness I don't mean a bipolar maniac who's unbalanced or something I meant it as a more unifying abstract concept that everyone really believes anyway, and you know if you're too depressed that's pretty bad too I'm sure Hitler Peterson would agree.

>all that really matters is your happiness.
selfish childish notion.
grow the fuck up.

also in a confusing life it can be a good transcending thought, not even that you're out for yourself or anything just that your happiness is what is ultimately important, the reason christians avoid hell is because it would makes them unhappy to put it simply and a lot can apply to that.

It is sort of deceptive to simply say happiness = childish, and then proceed to say there's a better happiness than this strawman happiness that all of these retards push

>your happiness is what is ultimately important
I don't see it that way.
I like making other people happy, helping them achieve things etc etc. Their happiness makes me happy and it make me feel fulfilled.
>It is sort of deceptive to simply say happiness = childish
no your pursuit of fleeting happiness is what I meant by childish. Like a kid who can see beyond what shinny new toy he is going to play with tomorrow.
>and then proceed to say there's a better happiness than this strawman happiness that all of these retards push
what strawman happiness that all these retards push?

I'm not arguing into the ayn rand type of egoism that's closer to what peterson does, you're mischaracterizing the whole thing and now we're in discord.

>you're mischaracterizing the whole thing and now we're in discord.
I'm mischaracterizing the whole thing because you are being vague as fuck and not to the point you dumb faggot.

So you see it as vague but then say "oh he's obviously talking about this specific childish happiness that's for retards", you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that user, maybe chill out.

I guess perhaps normeis were so hell bent on making everyone miserable even this simple notion is seen as heresy to the conservatard cult.

>oh he's obviously talking about this specific childish happiness that's for retards"
I extrapolated that from the op, your only concise comment in this whole thread. You haven't been able to explain to me wtf you mean by happiness besides what I assumed you were trying to implying in your original post.

what is happiness to you define it.
is momentary happiness all you care about?
long term happiness?
wtf is it you are after?

I'm going to say based on your arguments you don't actually believe in making people happy because you think happiness is dumb, so when you say you're making people happy it's just a metaphor for whatever the hell else you do, like some kind of monster.

Kanye West sucks

why would you assume I meant short term pleasure?

I mean obviously if I meant pleasure there's the word pleasure I can just say pleasure, but even if I say happiness the anti pleasure police get mad.


bud, purse whatever happiness you want.
just don't derive it from making others unhappy and accept the consequences of wherever those pursuits lead you to.


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maybe if you yourself thought a little more about happiness you wouldn't be this mindless antagonizing force of depression who's obviously seeking pleasure in that way and full of hypocrisy, but it just reinforces the point, that you don't want me to be happy but my happiness is ultimately all that matters, and it's probably just a matrix realization about how society controls desires to make people productive for "measures of success" like jbp would say

you're an npc.

>maybe if you yourself thought a little more about happiness you wouldn't be this mindless antagonizing force of depression who's obviously seeking pleasure in that way and full of hypocrisy, but it just reinforces the point

I'm a man with with dreams goals and aspirations. Which require dedication, hard work and sacrifice.
> that you don't want me to be happy
happiness is not my ultimate goal.
>but my happiness is ultimately all that matters
>and it's probably just a matrix realization
wtf does this even mean lmao

>happiness is not my ultimate goal.
then why would you pursue that goal if it wouldn't make you happy? what's the point? obviously you're either being deceptive or have some sort of ideology

fren again:

purse whatever happiness you want.
just don't derive it from making others unhappy and accept the consequences of wherever those pursuits lead you to.

this conversation has become meaningless.

is the npc glitching now?

you can say you're pursuing truth or power, but both of those destroy people, and perhaps neither are as real as happiness, so perhaps it is the genius of pleasure seeking in the end that pleasure is real but truth, happiness and power are contestable to the npc.

>is the npc glitching now?
you lost me when you refused to address these questions to get at to what you actually meant by your original comment.
you made a claim, you made a thread and I wanted to understand your thought process. But instead you weaseled out and started to try to psychoanalyze me lmao, we can get to that I don't mind but lets first do you first, after all it is your thread.

You're weaseling the whole time though and think childish name calling is an argument, you don't know what happiness is but you want some idea of happiness to attack and you're such an npc you can't even have an intelligent conversation with me or honest one because you've been mischaracterizing even the concept of happiness from the start, and now want me to define it for you and now you're poker face trying to have me feed you like a child while pretending to be superior. You got some issues buddy but so do all of the other people that are like you.

Why would you think I meant short term pleasure, if I had meant short term pleasure I would have said it, I don't have some wild definition of happiness and there's no reason to argue with me about it since you agree but don't want to admit it for some reason, and why do you need to preface it like I'm a criminal for saying happiness is what matters? You're an npc with some kind of ideology that's what it seems like to me, your goals are based on some belief system and goals are based on social trends if I had to guess, that you're persuing a goal that doesn't make you happy and why? You don't' have an explanation, but somehow because you're an npc you've been tricked into thinking you're better than the people who persue happiness and why is that?

anyway, what i can garnish from this "meaningless conversation" is that people abandon happiness to feel superior than others and to them that is happiness. Having measures greater than another, but it just leads to more unhappiness since the whole thing is based on narcissistic abuse, darkness lives to simply propagate itself and you have many a user who say the "sole biological function" meme, happiness is perhaps a term like enlightenment to me, it's more abstract than can be packaged and sold.

The worst inborn human error is the notion you exist to be happy.

Agreed. I was made to feel bad about myself by the NPC niggers for living with mom and not wageslaving but then I realised that we all end up wormfood in the end so who fucking cares what people think.

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no, the worst one is that all life is seeks power over others.

What I think it is for npcs is that they've worshipped the most tyrannical concepts they can, through religion or philosophy, and so in your case that tyrannical force is death, but the genius of people is that they harness death for various things as well, for power but also liberation.

>and now want me to define it for you and now you're poker face trying to have me feed you like a child while pretending to be superior. You got some issues buddy but so do all of the other people that are like you
you made a claim back it up
all there is to it.
>Why would you think I meant short term pleasure,
because your original comment made you sound selfish and I equated the two together, short term pleasure with selfishness.
> I don't have some wild definition of happiness
then there is no point even having a conversation with you anymore.
that was the whole point of this thread least for me, to get you to expand on what you meant by your original comment.
but you are weaseling out again.

>you made a claim back it up
>all there is to it.
Anything you can persue in life if it's not for your happiness is foolish, that's something anyone can agree on, you even said what makes you happy is to make others happy which i highly doubt.
>Why would you think I meant short term pleasure,
because your original comment made you sound selfish and I equated the two together, short term pleasure with selfishness.
Nope, didn't mean to be selfish but I don't mean to be used as well, I meant it meditatively and that whatever it is that's worth living for is the pursuit of happiness even if it's heroism
> I don't have some wild definition of happiness
then there is no point even having a conversation with you anymore.
that was the whole point of this thread least for me, to get you to expand on what you meant by your original comment.
but you are weaseling out again.
No, before you even pretend you were rational you immediately said it was short term pleasure and then said you're not persuing happiness

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.