unless we look like this, we will only ever be the 20th option, if any. it is better to ignore all men.
Let's face it
Let's face it it's already over if you are born asian life is nothing but pain and misery unlike wh*Tes check your fucking priviledge
Fembots are probably better off the way they look than looking like this.
I wish I even knew 19 women who looked like that. Most women gobble down as much fatty food as they can and then wonder why no one is attracted to them. You're literally turning your body into a billboard which says "I have no self-control", women with no self-control cheat. No studies need to be cited, it's a basic aspect of that shitty trait.
20th option is better than the 0th option, which is what most men here are
Think someone has not gone outside in a while. So many fat women with thin boyfriends.
Lesbians prob have higher standards
whats with all the ""fem""bot shitposting today?
youre only a frmbot because you only fuck chad
I like women for their personality OP.
Maybe you're just too materialistic yourself to understand that.
I haven't been fat for my entire life and men still don't date me over stacy.
Are you fat now?
How fat are you?
Did your boobs get bigger when you got fat?
post location then. You'll get 20 serious date offers.
They won't be chad though so you'll ignore them and then come back to complain again
>get ugly woman
>hopefully don't have to worry about another guy stealing her from you
I'm actually considering this after getting fucked over. Just give me old reliable already.
I'm not uggo, but I'll stay alone if I get one more wishy washy "in a complicated relationship" guy trying to get with me. I don't care if it's high standards to some people, but I want to be with a guy who is infatuated with me and respects and fully loves me; not someone who couldn't get their dream insta model and wants to settle.
her hair is ugly i wish she had black hair and stopped doing that shit with her hair
That's respectable femanon, I'd be pretty sad if I thought my partner was only there because I'm just one step above being lonely.
I'm not going to be in love with you or anyone else during a first date. It takes me a year to genuinely care but then I'm good for life after that. Unfortunately women usually get bored of me after a few years. I wish I could develop crushes like normal people.
Thanks for understanding. Robots seem very different, but there are also lots of men out there who don't truly care about their wife/gf, and just wanted a maid-hooker to give him kids.
This is why I won't settle and will only accept a cutie pie as my gf
I don't get crushes often, but when I do, they're really strong sadly I'd feel depressed if I knew my bf never had that kind of a feeling for me, even it's just him being anormal.
>the more I know a woman the more I like her
>the more one knows about me the less "mysterious" and fun I seem to them
do you know anyone that wants a boring bf?
I'd stay with someone like that forever if they could guess the right meals
Maybe you get used to them and change the way you act with them? Just saying women dislike the "honeymoon phase" idea because they want to be treated like you love them and hold them special all the time, not just at the start.
Another possibility is you really don't have that much of an interesting life; but that's easy to fix with more life experience, being more open. constantly changing up your life, being curious, etc. (Or you're too humble and don't make yourself seem as interesting as you are).
I'm not saying you do any of these things, but they're possibilities.
all probably true but I have the honeymoon phase backwards
The overall problem today is lack of maturity in society. Men are immature and addicted to porn so they have ridiculous standards, plus commitment problems.
Since men have been prioritizing sex over choosing a partner, women have been competing sexually instead of having how wifey they are be a factor. Advocate against porn and birth control, if you can eliminate those society will go back to normal.
>start dating nerdy introverted guy
>talk about all kinds of deep things together
>he says he likes more natural looking girls and thinks slutty girls are disgusting
>he lets me borrow his laptop one day and hasnt deleted his history
>its full of tiktok stacies and twitch thots with huge tits doing slutty dances
This is why men are a joke.
>muh back to normal argument
I agree with the first point, but funny how you people never know which year or decade was the last "normal". The 60's? 1900's? Hunter-gatherer societies? You don't really know what you're talking about. Without porn there will be internet addiction, escapism with video games, social media, and ever so-highly developed capitalism which dehumanizes everyone. Etc.
if he was fapping to them then he would've cleaned up the evidence
it also doesn't necessarily contradict what he said because he might not be interested in dating them
yep. never be with a man with madonna-whore complex, 90% of young guys seem to have it these days. porn ruined them.
Jesus Christ I just want an Asian gf. All I'll ever need desu.
I don't think think ridiculous standards are the problem
More like the standards of extroverted men, the ones you talk to most and the ones asking you on dates